Auditor (Offices under CGDA)
What do I have to do as an Auditor?
As an auditor, the nature of the work is almost the same no matter where the department is sent to. As an auditor at the CGDA, one has to look after security accounts, approving staff debts etc. And as an auditor at the Controller General of Accounts, he will be sent to the provincial government offices regularly and should check the costs incurred by a particular office. Also as an auditor under the CAG Office, a person may be assigned to various departments such as Railways, commercial audit, civil audit, science audit, Revenue audit etc. However, the basis of the work remains the same, that is, to monitor costs. of the department concerned.

Postings as an Auditor
This is all India work but shipping is basically in the provincial capitals either in New Delhi or in Tier II cities too. But there are regular transfers and if a person has an interest in promotion, the transfer becomes regular. However, girls are usually sent to their residences, if there is space. .
Auditor: Is it worth it?
This Group C post is therefore, non-home delivery is not attractive in the early years of service, however, over time, it is a very good job if one can pass the SAS test early, especially because, that provides a much faster way to get promotions within any work. SSC CGLE. This is an office job and it has fixed times as well. Anyone interested in having a government job with enough time to study for other jobs, the Auditor-General can choose you.

The position of Auditor General is under the jurisdiction of the Accounting Department of Indian Audit, headed by the Director and Auditor-General of India, which is the constitutional office. Each year, the Staff Selection Committee (SSC) organizes appropriate examinations annually to identify candidates for the respective positions. That is why you will need to make sure that your preparation for the competitive exam is up to standard. It will also help you to know the job profiles of SSC CGL Auditor (C&AG), Auditor (CGDA) and Auditor (CGA). Read on to find out more.
Let us have a clear understanding of the salary structure of the SSC CGL Auditor. The annual salary offered to the nominees varies from place to place. The complete breakdown of salaries of SSC CGL Auditor (C&AG), CGDA and CAG Salary is listed in the table below.

Auditor (Offices under CGDA)
If you get a job as an Auditor in the Department of the Director and Auditor-General, you will be assigned to the capital or one of the major cities of that province. The job profile is as follows-
You will need to do a lot of pastoral work such as keeping important official files, documents, and papers. It will be your primary responsibility to protect all important documents so that they can be readily available when needed.
You will be responsible for auditing many government offices and departments. However, you can only do this with the guidance of your elders and post-training training.
If necessary, you will need to assist your senior officials in various tasks and duties, if necessary.
If you have been appointed as an Auditor in the Controller General of Defense Accounts, you may be suspended from any state. The job profile is as follows-
Since the department’s auditors usually stand at the military account offices across the country, your main task will be to review important legal documents and clear most important debts.
You may be suspended from any of the categories of PAO (Pay and Account Office), factory order etc. and your work will be more or less the same everywhere. Additionally, the working life balance is very good and pleasant as the work pressure is very low.
You will have the opportunity to work in the CGA’s internal audit department. In addition, you will be responsible for canceling pensions, transferring and repairing significant debts, clearing GPF cases and maintaining multiple service accounts. This is because the CGA is an existing accounting firm in the Government of India.
The SSC CGL Auditor’s work ethic is highly profitable and brings with it regular additional promotions and basic salary. C & AG Auditors can achieve the senior position of Deputy Accountant General (DAG) in 25-30 years in the department. Here is a sequence of positions for the SSC CGL Auditor –
After 36 months, employees will be promoted to the position of Auditor-General at a rate of INR 4,200 / –
After two years and a degree in the Subordinate Audit / Account Service (SAS) examinations held at the department, the candidates for the position of Auditor-General (AAO)
For the next 12-16 years, employees may be the Audit Officer (AO) paid by INR 5,400 / –
Each rank offered brings an additional amount determined under the Government. rules and regulations.
The highest level is Deputy Accountant General (DAG) with a basic salary of INR 92,300 per month and a minimum salary of INR 7,600 / -.
The positions of Auditor General (C&AG), Auditor General (CGA) and Auditor General (CGDA) are the three most important positions in the Government of India. If you can get points in all of them, you will be financially stable for the rest of your life. Therefore, keep an eye out for any SSC CGL notice.
Office Book Part I, relating to the Organization and Security Services
The Department of Finance, last released in 1979. Repair slips were issued
from time to time, but no other program has been released so far. This has been updated as well
new system. This Manual is an attempt to provide information about the Defense Organization
Department of Finance and integration of goals, activities and one area
general instructions on the procedures to be followed in various Protections
Account Offices. All officials and Members of Institutions must perform
they themselves are fully discussing the contents of the Manual. Especially for them
consider the objectives of the Department of Defense Finance and
Chief Administrators / Security Account Managers / Pr.IFAs. / IFAs. The door
activities should be focused on achieving these goals as well
the performance of the individual and the organization is measured against them. Officials and the establishment of the Department of Defense Finance should be directed
with this Manual in their daily work. The provisions of this Manual should not be
quoted in correspondence with other offices outside the Department. Every effort has been made to make this booklet as complete as possible. However,
any other reviews that need to be mentioned in the book can be told
Jt.CGDA (Administration) The Administration Section of the CGDA office will be responsible for maintaining this
Manually and latest updates based on periodic orders / guidelines

Auditor (Offices under CGDA)
Following the creation of departmental accounts in the Department of Defense,
The Secretary of Defense is the Chief Accounting Officer for everything that is done by
The Department of Defense (Community Standards) and this work is done by him
with the help of the Financial Adviser (Security Unit) who will do it
to act on behalf of the Executive Authority. Payment once
The accounting functions in respect of the Department of Defense are entrusted with i
Director General of Defense Account acting as Principal Accounting
The officer also has a Pay Accounts office under him in Delhi. This is a Pay Accounts Office,
The Department of Defense operates under the supervision of principals
Security Account Manager, New Delhi.

The result of the merger of the Canteen Stores Department (India) with
Consolidated Fund of India, Secretary of Defense is Chief Accounting Authority
all C.S.D. and this obligation is fulfilled by him through re-use
with the help of a regular Financial Adviser (Security Unit)
on behalf of the Executive Authority. C.S.D market capitalization. are given to
Department of Public Security Standards. The C.G.D.A. acts as Principal
The Accounting Officer of the Canteen Store Department is also responsible for this
financial provision, receipt of monthly Statements of receipts and expenses, consolidation
monthly accounts, internal audits including trading account audits. You have a
C.D.A., Canteen Stores Department, Mumbai working under him.
Service Organization, known as A.F. Central Accounts Office, New Delhi, article
submitting an audit of the Department of Finance funds.
Note 2. Payment accounts for officers of the Armed Forces are kept by the Service
The organization, known as the Naval Pay Office, in Mumbai, under review by
Department of Security Accounts.
Auditor (Offices under CGDA)
Payment and internal audit of all cases related to Armed Forces, Defense
Citizens and Ordnance and the Clothing Industry, which includes property liabilities as well
Services Provided, Payment and Benefits, Various Fees, Pensions, Jobs, etc.
Accounting and adjustment of receipts and all related expenses
Defense and the provision of integrated statistics in the Management System and
Financial authorities for the purposes of budgeting and spending control.
Internal inspection of store-kept store accounts and composition (including
Depot Ordnance, Working Workshop and Storage Areas) of the Armed Forces, Armed Forces and Armed Forces.
Store and Ordnance and clothing production accounts
industries and Shipyard. Maintaining certain MES related accounts and construction accounts for
activities performed by Engineer Regiments and auditing

creation and other accounts related to Developer Services maintained by MES
authorities. Provision of funds, receipt of monthly statement of receipts and expenses, consolidation
monthly accounts, internal auditing including audit of trading accounts for
Bar Shop Department.
D.A.D. and is responsible for the payment of salaries and allowances in respect of
General Reserve Engineer Force Force and maintenance of their Fund Accounts
and Maintenance of Building Accounts for the activities performed by Border Roads
organization. A detailed study of the Accounts held by G.R.E.F. units as well
the formations made by the relevant Security Account Managers taking action
as subcontractors for Account Manager, Department of Transport and
Accountants Generals of Transport and State (in respect of in-house operations
of countries killed by the GREF).
To serve as an Integrated Financial Adviser to Competent Financial Authorities (CFAs)
at various levels in the exercise of the given financial powers.
The DAD organization is closely aligned with the three Services organization.
The unit of the department responsible for the Army is made up of
large with a pattern of Commands / Army Areas. The location of these principals
Control Offices / Directors near the Command Headquarters / Area
Headquarters so that they can provide resources quickly in units / structures
found in these areas. Under some of the Regulator’s offices, there are also Area Accounts
Offices will provide immediate services in the basement. In addition, there is Local Audit
Offices will audit the unit accounts and forms and one Unit Accountant
(AAO / AO) attached to each Garrison Engineer. Payment Account Offices [PAO (ORs)] are available
and under the authority of the nearest Regional Director / Executive Director. In all
there are 06 Regional PCsDA at Pune, Chandigarh, Jammu, Lucknow, Jaipur and Bengaluru
and 06 Regional Security Account Managers in Patna, Guwahati, Meerut, Jabalpur,
Chennai and Secunderabad. Additionally, one Senior Account Manager for Security Accounts on
Pune specifically mentions the salaries and allowances of Posted officials.

Auditor (Offices under CGDA)
The remaining Administrator Offices have a pattern to operate a particular Service or function externally
of PCDA, New Delhi which includes all Services, Inter-Services Organizations and
Department of Defense.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Accounts comprising the Navy is
eMumbai. In the case of the Air Force, there is a Chief Executive Officer for Defense Accounts,
in Dehradun covering all Commandments and territories and one Defense Director
New Delhi Accounts (AF) accounts include units available in Delhi including Air Headquarters.
The Defense Research & Development Organization has grown significantly even there
with many projects managed by the Defense Laboratory. Accordingly, there is a
Chief R&D Manager in New Delhi to handle all R&D related issues
Organization with Pune, Balasore & Associated Regional Security Manager
Dehradun. Two other R&D controls operate in Bengaluru and Hyderabad to
to provide services to Laboratories / Centers located in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala
and Andhara Pradesh States. There is a Principal Controller in charge of Border Roads
The organization in New Delhi is assisted by the Regional Coordinator for Security Accounts in
Chandigarh and Guwahati Security Accounts Manager. For Canteen stores
Department, the Controller is located in Mumbai.
Ordnance Factories has 39 industries under Ordnance
Factory Board but all accounting, internal audit and financial advice apply
these industries are overseen by the Chief Accounting Officer (Industry) in Kolkata.
Head Office Accounts Manager and ten directors (Fys) nearby
The major Ordnance and clothing industries are helping him. This complex account setup is advanced
a special section of the department responsible for Ordnance expense accounts as well
Clothing Industry.

The establishment of a security pension has grown significantly.
Therefore, the department’s responsibility to determine eligibility and performance
immediate pension payments increased. To handle this complex task, there is a
Chief Administrator of Security Accounts located in Allahabad to deal with penalties for
pensions in respect of Service personnel [excluding Air Force and Navy personnel
approved by JCDA (Air Force), Delhi Cantt. and PCDA (Navy), Mumbai respectively]
defense citizens and employees of the Department of Defense Finance. Assisted by a
Controller of Security Accounts at Head Office.
In addition, there is a Meerut Administrator responsible for payments
pension by 51 Defense Pension Offices (DPDOs) located in various locations
Countries. The 12 DPDOs also operate under the CDA (Chennai), which oversees
pension payments in four Southern states. General Provident Fund Accounts of
military personnel and personnel of the Department of Defense Finance
maintained by the Controller of Defense Accounts (Funds) Meerut. GPF Accounts for
other citizens of self-defense are maintained by the relevant Functional Controls as such
Financial and Accounting Managers (Fys), Chief Financial Officer (R&D),
PCDA (Navy) and PCDA (Border Roads).
In addition, there is a Training Division (CENTRAD) in the CGDA Office, Five Districts
Training Centers (RTCs) in Bangaluru, Pune, Kolkata, Lucknow and Meerut, one control
of Defense Accounting (Trg.) / National School of Financial Management (NADFM)
in Pune, Defense Pension Training Institute (DPTI) in Allahabad, two District courses
Institutions in Mumbai and Chennai, which provide general training needs
Department at the level of officials and staff.
The Chief Executive of New Delhi Security Accounts Accounts operates once and for all
Auditor (Offices under CGDA)

grants, applications for travel allowances and fund accounts of the Ministry of
Defense, Military and Armed Forces Headquarters and United Nations Service Organization
Delhi. Claims relating to related cases and a mixture of the above are stated
organizations are also operated by this Regulator. In addition, this controller also controls
all work related to the payment of external contracts including contracts entered into
Department of Defense Supply, payments for purchases made by Army Purchase
Organization and activity related to London Account Current. Office of the Director
The Defense Accounts (Integrated Security personnel) have been operational since 23-
08-2004. CDA (IDS) New Delhi is responsible for funding, research and
payment services in a three-service organization operating under HQrs. IDS and HQrs
SFC. CDA (IDS) New Delhi