Director Joint Secretary
In modern times, the office occupies a very important position in the industry,
commercial, communication centers. clubs, government offices and even in the matter
people like government. doctors, lawyers and Members of Parliament. His own
tasks and activities include bookkeeping, record keeping and
accounts. recording of minutes and reports and acting as the Council’s liaison officer
and the lessor’s representative

Director Joint Secretary
The type and functions of the secretary vary from institution to institution
attached. Mostly, you work behind the scenes but there is no way to slow it down
the importance of his office. The secretary, today, is an undeniable part of any
organization, be it commercial, social, or political. In some cases you enjoy the law
state zs, for example, company secretary, or Secretary of State
The Department is, in some cases, hired to assist the employer
perform some common tasks that leave him free to focus on the most important things
news. But, in all cases, the secretary is the most loyal person of
irstitution or employer.

Director Joint Secretary
The nature of the role of the secretary can only be explained by reference to his position ir ~
rciii ~: ion to his employer and duties to him
in terms of his employment, the secretary may hold a more responsible position
the organization he works for, or his role may be that of a secret assistant crlr onc
he just did the usual missionary work. Basically, it is natural too!
the importance of his work determining the role of secretary. Depcnds on opening
factors such as the type of organization, its size, the willingness of the employer to do so
delegate responsibility, as well as his own ability and ability to perform
do an honest job. The role of the secretary can also be written by.thc
rights, obligations and obligations under the law, as is the case with a company.

Director Joint Secretary
In his place the secretary is required to do the compilation work
and managing a day of office office work. This includes.processing. to guard,
co-ordinating and overseeing general and general pastoral work, e.g.
books, record keeping, assistants, etc. ? ‘secretarial work will be provided
and an integrated plan includes calling meetings by notice, to do
arrangements are needed to hold meetings, to keep records
procedures for tile assembly, etc. To be the head of administration in the office, a
The clerk is required to take care of all matters relating to office staff, including
hiring and selection, job allocation, performance monitoring, and
~~~ aitinii ~ g instruction in the office.

Director Joint Secretary
The secretary serves as a liaison between business executives and external organizations including
clients, customers, and the community. It also serves as a link between high quality
managers and administrative staff. In this skill, the secretary somehow protects
his employer since .the need to deal directly with employees and outsiders in
and issues of daily practice, and relevant topics in general. When necessary, he
serves as the mouthpiece of ~ nanagemento communication dccisior ~ s about employees
or members of the public. The scrcctary can also play the role of Putllic
The Relationship Officer (PRO) of the organization, tells the public about this
anxiety activities and coping with col- ~ cspondencc in that relationship. Really
the secretary is often found to be very capable of performing this role as it is
to communicate effectively with the goals, plans and programs of the organization
jobs. Included, the secretary who serves as the communications officer, makes it busy
managers and supervisors that focus on their core functions in
the long-term interest of the organization

Director Joint Secretary
One of the most important roles a secretary can be called rlpon is to do that
we-ai advaser to management. This may be due to demand, for busy managers as well
managers are not always able to collect all the relevant information
the nature of the decision, especially decisions in matters of policy. The secretary can complete
this space as long as they keep themselves informed of the latest developments in various fields
and linked to sources. Knowledge and ability
~ in-depth knowledge of the day-to-day operations of the organization, secretary
In the near future to provide advice to management in the form of suggestions for
to make appropriate policy decisions. The secretary’s advisory role can be a part
his official position, or it may be a privilege acquired through his integrity
and efficiency. The secretary rnay is said to have reached the right position if
manage ~ rieilt invites suggestions or seeks his or her trustworthy advice
his confidence plummeted. Of course, the specific type of role counseling a
secretary depends on the nature and size of the organization. I mean,
secretaries of trade associations, professional associations, cultural organizations, company
secretaries and secretaries of government departments are required to take this into account
the role of mentoring at various levels

Director Joint Secretary
The duties of the Secretary may vary greatly depending on the terms and conditions
by his or her employment and employer responsibilities, and his or her status in the organization.
The distinction can be made more broadly between the functions of the ‘General Secretary’ and
‘General Secretary’. The ‘Road’ secretary is usually the main subject of
office, to manage the day-to-day running of the office. His responsibilities mainly include planning as well
to regulate office functions, i.e. to provide secretarial services to the organization,
in an effective and economical way. About office related activities
general resources such as books, record keeping, etc., about everything
departments the functions of the secretary are the same as those of the chief executive. These activities
including: selection, training, placement and remuneration of office bearers;
provide the required forms, stationery, equipment and equipment needed for the office
function; and to provide a comfortable working environment for office workers to be effective
to fulfill their obligations. In addition to the usual services above, there are others
office work performed in various departments of operations by
departmental staff. With regard to these office functions, the tender secretary provides advice
Heads of department and his / her duties are that of the chief of staff.
The functions of ‘secretary general’ are broad. ‘Secretary-General’
is entrusted with a wide range of administrative and administrative functions and is authorized to administer
power accordingly. His duties may include: organization and mafiagemerrt of the
regional department responsible for all human resources matters; making books
and other departments a $ and outsiders; organization and cbntrol accounting
Environment and .The Scope of Seculararial Activity
FnabmenWs d! KcretarLI Tasks; representing management in negotiating contracts, -? resolving legal disputes,
etc .; maintaining customer, customer, and community engagement, 2%.;! ell as
government departments. trade union, retailers and suppliers

What qualifications a clerk must have in order to perform his duties properly a
an important question one might ask in order to assess his suitability as a secretary
position, or hiring a secretary. As he has to perform various functions, a
the secretary must have certain basic qualifications, intellectual property and
personal features, without special knowledge to suit the needs of any
some kind of organization; which will enable him to perform his duties
successfully. Some of the most important qualifications and features that become a secretary
what he should have discussed briefly below
English language proficiency: Verbal and written communication through
books are an important part of the secretary’s work. So
English language proficiency is essential for the secretary to translate
communications received and drafts, reports, accuracy, etc.
With a degree in higher education, it is possible to get good
command over the English language. But you may also need to be the secretary of
have knowledge .and training in specialized English use in business
letters, decision-making and meeting minutes, press releases,
Knoll I ~ tlgc of or; rzr. kirtigrrugtT: In Intlia, Hindi knowledge and sorne of N ~~ UIV dbof ~ (C ~ LI wort
regiorlal la: ~ guagcs may be a drink] remotely the secretary looking for a job in any
crirganisadan national level; Similarly, a secretary is employed by the organization
having international oper; gmns or hr ~ i? ch offices in several foreign countries, of course
foreign languages
General knorrjledge: Curiosity and the habit of learning helps one to benefit
general information. A well-educated and mentally alert person niakes a
a valuablc secretary like lie nlay can do better jobs in a more complex environment
a situation that requires all-.round general information. In addition. with general noise
information, the secretary is in a better position to provide general information
the inability of managers that they may need from time to time. PZc can ais6-) provide
better advice
Pracr’cnl Information for Office Manager: From general secretary work
irlclutles organization and office operations management, should have
practiciil knowledge of office methods and eqrripmer ~ ts, of modern methods of
completing and indexing, the use of personal computers, and the operation of office communication systems. He must also have knowledge of how to do this
Category and staff training, salary adjustments, and pension provision and
provident fund benefits, social services, etc.