Divisional Security Commissioner
Divisional Security Commissioner
Tenderers should note that the actual KM run may be different and the Railway Administration will not
be responsible for any differences.

Tenderers should quote their numbers as well as the words neatly and clearly to
Schedule of rates linked to the Tender type. Deleted or overstated ratings will not be considered.
Quotation rates Tender will cover all taxes and other charges. Prices should be quoted at
Only Indian Rupees. In the event of a difference between the two i.e. numbers and words, the lower of the two should be
considered for all purposes related to this tender.
The successful bidder will be required to enter into an agreement containing the terms and conditions
The Railway Administration reserves the right to reject any tender in whole or in part
without giving any reason what ever happened. The lowest rate offered Tender will not be considered
accept if a given price is not appropriate to do a full job.
The tender may be sent by registered post but only if it is received after the due date and time as stated
the above will not be considered under any circumstances.
No passports, right ticket order and permit ticket order to be issued to
contractors for any of their work and will pay the full fare at the same time as well
in the workplace.

Divisional Security Commissioner
The contractor must perform the functions of the Schedule and be paid at rates
state against each item of the rates schedule attached hereto and the Railway
The administration will not be liable for any additional charges
except in the case set out in CHAPTER-‘A’ which may or may not have been done
Contractor while performing work.
PAYMENT: Payment of Monthly Debts will be made by Sr. DFM / SDAH. Contractor
he will be required to submit his bill through an authorized representative of Sr. DSC / SDAH with
the required certificate for each trip signed by the sender. After reviewing the bill in
Its office will be accepted and transferred to Local Accounts for
The successful bidder’s money may be kept as collateral for the first time
The deposit and the deposit guarantee balance are required to be deposited before the formal
The agreement signed by the bidder has been approved by Railways

Divisional Security Commissioner
The security deposit for each employee should be 5% of the contract amount.
The repayment rate should be at least 10% of the total billing amount
collateral deposit received.
Collateral deposit will only be earned on active contractual debt and no
another SD collection mode like SD in the form of tools such as BG, FD etc.
will be accepted in respect of the Security deposit.
Collateral deposit will be refunded to the contractor upon physical completion of
work as approved by the Powerful Authority as long as the work is completed
all respect and that all contractual obligations have been fulfilled by
contractors and that no debt from the contractor goes to Railways against
the contract involved.

Divisional Security Commissioner
In the event that the contractor runs out of money, or
end his business, or make arrangements with his credit or fail to keep any
contractual provisions, Train Management without any discrimination
other rights or remedies, they have the right to terminate the contract immediately and apply
from the contractor, any further losses or costs incurred by Train Management, in
the reason for the breach of contract or part thereof is by the contractor.
Such punishment will be in the view of the Railway Administration. In case you fail to follow
any conditions mentioned herein the damages completed will be charged to the Railway
Administration considered as appropriate by the Railway Administration in respect of
prices quoted by firms. Contract canceled, SD will be revoked again
performance guarantee will be done in cashew and balance work will be done
independently without risk and expense of the original contractor.

Divisional Security Commissioner