Homeopathy Medical Officer
Homeopathy Medical
“Authorized health care provider” means the chief medical officer
appointed by the Government to care for its officers at the station or
region 4
(where a Worker member is ill) and includes a physician
an officer, by rank, equal to or less than that principal
doctor 5
and connected to any hospital or dispensary at
at the station to which the health manager is sent:
Provided that in the absence of a medical officer appointed by
Government at your station or region where you are a member
The service is sick, the chief medical officer will be the officer
appointed by the State Government in which the station or region is located
Contributory Health Service Scheme‖ means any authorized plan for
free medical care and medical treatment for public servants
and their family members in return for such a monthly contribution in
all Civil Servants as they may be, from time to time
determined by the Government.
Homeopathy Medical Officer
‖Government‖ refers to the case of the member of the Labor Party in which he or she works
on Union matters, Central Government, and
the case of a Service member who deals with matters
State, Provincial Government:
Provided that the Service member is working on
State affairs are sick in one State the Government of another
The State shall be construed as a Government for the purposes of a subsection

Homeopathy Medical
―A public hospital includes a military hospital, or any railway hospital
be informed of this on behalf of the Central Government, the hospital in which it is located
by the local council or any other hospital with plans
made by the Government to govern its officials;
going to a hospital means going to a Government hospital or e
accommodation of a Service member or consultation room
maintained by a licensed medical assistant in consultation with him
and includes those pathological, bacteriological, radiological or other methods
testing for diagnostic purposes as found in any
Public hospital or laboratory 13 [] and are considered essential
with authorized medical help, as well
that would consult any other medical officer or specialist
function (Central Government or any Regional Government) as
an accredited medical assistant confirms that it is required at that level
and also the manner in which a medical officer or specialist may act, in
to consult an authorized physician, decide;
Service Member means a member of All-India Services as
defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951, (61 of 1951);
nurse means a qualified nurse with a certificate or diploma
recognized by the State Chief Medical Officer or a
registered nurse in the Province where there is a formal provision of
nursing registration;
patient means a member of staff who needs treatment
attendance and treatment
that medical intervention must, in the production of a certificate signed by
authorized medical assistant instead, returned to
member of the Public Service:
18 Provided that the Government will reject any claim if it is not satisfied
for its integrity in the facts and circumstances of each case, thereafter
to give the complainant an opportunity to be heard in the case, while
in doing so, the Government will contact him on the grounds, in a nutshell,
to refuse the application; and the complainant may lodge a complaint with the Central
Government within 45 days from the date
communication of the order rejecting this claim
Homeopathy Medical

Family members of the Church member will be entitled to
Government spending on medical care and treatment in government
at a hospital or residence or consulting room maintained by
an accredited medical assistant for co-ordination, and travel
permission on the scale and conditions allowed on the member
Work for himself under these rules.
Medical and medical care referred to in clause (1 will be included)
hospitalization and prenatal and postnatal treatment
the wife of a member of the Church.
Where the patient is sick is not the headquarters
authorized medical assistant: –
(a) The patient will be entitled to a return trip
from that headquarters; or
(b) if the patient is too ill to walk, an authorized health care provider must
have the right to receive travel expenses to and from the area
where the patient is:
Provided that the patient will not be entitled to travel expenses
a trip to visit a dentist or oculist.
5 (2) An application for travel expenses under subsection (1) shall be
accompanied by a written certificate from an authorized physician
an employee stating that medical attention was also required, if
the application is subject to subsection (b) of that by-law, that the patient was seriously ill
to travel
If the authorized medical assistant is of the opinion that the case is a
the patient is in a critical or special condition that needs treatment
to someone else without him, with permission
of the State Chief Medical Officer (to be
previously obtained unless the delay involved involves an accident
patient health
Homeopathy Medical

in the absence of such a hospital referred to in subsections (a) and (b)
hospital in the State as much as possible, from an accredited medical point of view
caregiver, provide necessary and appropriate treatment:
Subject to the whereabouts of any abnormal condition authorized treatment
The attendant is of the opinion that the treatment is necessary and appropriate
which is only available in a state-owned hospital (but within India), may,
with the permission of the State Chief Medical Officer
(to be received in advance unless the delay involved involves
risk to the patient’s health) refer the patient for treatment
at the hospital.
Where a member of the Service has authority under subsection (1), it is free
billing, hospital treatment, or any other amount paid by the account
such management must, in the production of a certificate written by
authorized medical assistant instead, returned to the member
Of Public Service:
It depends on where the specialized nursing is part of such treatment, the amount
reimbursement for such specialized nursing will be limited to the amount
which is more than 25% of the salary of a member of the Department
special nursing period

Homeopathy Medical
Any charge for services provided, but not included,
to a medical, or treatment, a eligible patient, free of charge,
to go for medical treatment or treatment under these rules, will be
determines the authorized medical assistant and pays the patient. When a question arises as to which service is included in the treatment
attending or receiving treatment, will be referred to your own Government
the decision on that matter will be final.
-No member of the Service will be transferred
outside work unless the outside employer commits to giving him money, to date
be, the rights not less than those which he would have had under these laws if he
had previously been employed in a public service:
Provided that this rule will not apply in the case of a transfer of a member of the organization
Service on request or when a member of the Service makes a specific request
by writing that the provisions of this law do not have to apply in his case.
Member of the Service assigned to work under the government
an organization with a different set of rules for the provision of medical facilities to it
employees, by their choice, may choose to be governed by the rules of that organization
during such missions.
A Service Member operating in the affected area will be deemed to be
being on the job continuously and any injuries received as a result
distractions will be considered welcome in the study
of that work, unless the facts of the case give a clear indication to
on the contrary. If a Service member experiences any injuries while on duty
in case of disturbance, you will be entitled to treatment
attending and the treatment specified in subsections (f) and (k) of law 2 is free
A Service Member who is on leave in the affected area is also entitled to this
permits specified in the sub-rule
Homeopathy Medical

Any content contained in these Terms shall not apply to a member of the Service in a timely manner
any time he is sent to the Central Government station, where
The Health Service Scheme, operates, and the program stated, in respect of
working time, will apply to that member for a specified period, as we are working on it
Class of Central Government Servants
Husband or wife of a Government employee, as it may be, if
employed in Service other than All India Service Provider
medical institutions themselves will have the right to choose treatment
institutions or All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954,
or of the Service in which he or she is employed.
In a situation where both husband and wife are All India Service Officers
and eligible dependents may be allowed to use medical aid
permits according to his status under the All India Service
(Medical Attendance), Rules, 1954. For this purpose, they should provide
to their administrative officers who are entitled to a joint declaration of identity
will prefer a claim for reimbursement for medical expenses incurred
attending medical treatment and treatment in relation to spouse / husband and
children. The above proclamation will be repeated and again a
each copy will be recorded in the file of each of them
appropriate offices. A copy of such a joint declaration must also be
referred to the relevant Accountant General. This announcement is a must
we remain active until such time as we are updated with an urgent request
written by both man and woman.
In the absence of such a joint declaration, medical agreements will be required
adopted by the wife and children in the form of
Homeopathy Medical

Although this Act as amended permits All Officials of the Indian Service
and their family members for non-State health care / treatment
all diseases the real purpose of amending the law is that the resources for this
Treatment should, as far as possible, be limited to special and dangerous situations
diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer and polio or in relation to the officer sent below
developed areas such as Manipur and Tripura where there are adequate and adequate resources
Treatment may not be available at a state-owned hospital and where treatment is a
a hospital in a separate province may be recommended. The State Government can bring
this fact is to recognize their medical authorities so that they can remember in time
recommend attending a medical / outpatient hospital outside the State.
The State Government, however, in its discretion, may authorize appropriate officials
cases to get treatment outside of their State or other regions where they are being treated
The authorities are of the opinion that there is an immediate danger to health and that of treatment
without the State it is really necessary.