Indian Civil Accounts Service
Indian Civil Accounts Service
Indian Civil Accounts Service:- The Civil Accounts Organization plays an important role in service delivery
of Indian Government’s financial management services.
The organization provides payment services, supports taxation
a collection system, which makes the whole government accounting,
financial reporting functions and conducts internal audits
departments of the Federal Government of the Organization. Director-General of
Accounts (CGA) in the Ministry of Finance is the head of the organization as well
you are responsible for managing this program.
The organization has been instrumental in benefiting
information technology for the delivery of these services
adaptation to ever-changing technologies
environment and increasing ICT influx into the country. I
the goal is to provide reliable and transparent information
in the use and reporting of public finances in an integrated manner
the government’s comprehensive financial information system. Accordingly
with a focus on customer service, integrated
applications that aim to achieve efficiency everywhere
streams of public financial management system.

The Chief Account Manager finds his authority in the Article
150 of the Constitution. This is the official authority as it is included
In Business Allocation it specifies functions as well
CGA obligations that include the following:
Determining the general policies, programs and status of Government
accounts related to the Union and States
Edit and review procedures, rules and manuals
receipt of receipts and payments.
Overseeing the maintenance of adequate accounting standards
at Civil Ministries.
Prepare monthly and annual accounts and periods
cost review, revenue, borrowing and deficits.
Monitoring and aligning the Union Government’s financial balance
with the Reserve Bank of India and oversee the banks
government transaction plans.
Coordinate and facilitate the implementation of financial management
program in Civil Ministries
Develop and implement policies and programs for
an increase in human resources in line with change
organizational needs
The Indian Civil Accounts Organization is headed by a Controller General
of Accounting (CGA) Department of Costs, Department of
Finance. CGA as a central accounting and reporting center
because the Government of India is assisted by Indian officials
Civil Accounts Service with expertise in various fields
of public finance management. This account service, i.e.
part of the main public works right now, is punishable
the power of 226 officers supported by about 9,000
staff trained in government accounting
According to the department’s accounting plans
government, operational accounting, reporting
and the internal audit function of public services and officials
of this organization. These are units headed by the Principal
Chief Accounting Officer (Pr.CCA), Chief Executive Officer of
Accounts (CCA) or Controller of Accounts (CA) respectively
services. Under the full guidance of the CGA, they are helpful
Secretary of the Department in charge of accounting at
service. Pr. The CCA / CCA / CAs do their jobs too
obligations by the Central Account Office (Pr. AO) at
Departmental Head Office and Pay & Accounts Offices (PAOs) e
the level of stadium formation. There are currently 358 PAOs available in 87
channels nationwide

Indian Civil Accounts Service
Accounting principles, forms and standards
On behalf of the President of India, the CGA sets the goals
of government accounting, explains how it should be
accounts must be maintained and processed
to record and consolidate Union and State accounts
Governments for the purpose of promoting standards
and transparency in government accounts.
Receipts and Payments
The Indian Civil Accounts Organization manages receipts as well
payment jobs over 90% of the Government of India
budget for the national network of 28,000 branches of
twenty-nine organized commercial banks act as agents
of the Reserve Bank of India, a banker in the Union
The organization performs counting and reporting functions
on all tax and non-tax receipts of the Union Government.
Established and implemented policies accordingly
ensure timeliness and accuracy in sending and reporting
government receipts, from its initial deposit to its final debt
in a government account. As part of the world’s internet
a tax information network, the organization promotes electronics
reporting and collection of direct and indirect taxes. I
the system relies on the entry of a single source data for tax purposes
a collecting bank branch, a national taxpayer repository
and electronic transfers to government accounts. I
organizational accounting units, customized
IT applications, use this information for accounting, reporting
and reconciliation objectives.
In addition, the organization is responsible for payment services
in public services. Exchequer control is done using
Floor level Payment Offices and Accounts (PAO) for various services
who ensure compliance with budget allocations made by
parliament. Payment, accounting and civil reporting services
departments empowered by the organization by
Computerized Accounting System (COMPACT). This is the app
covers the entire PAO business process including receipts,
provident fund and pension processing. Provides finance
integrity in the system and has the required quality and security
certificate. COMPACT used successfully in
more than 400 Pay and Accounts (PAO) offices of Civil and other nonCivil Ministries of the Government of India. Moreover, too
used by some subordinate governments.
The organization is responsible for payment and accounting
for the payment of pensions to Government employees of all public bodies
Former Ministers and Presidents / Deputy Presidents, retired
High Court Judges / High Court Judges, Members of Parliament, All
Indian Service Officials and Freedom Fighters.
The Central Pension Fund (CPAO) was established.
with a view to improving service delivery to pensioners
by simplifying and suspending pensions
payment process. Medium budget and accounting
a public pension unit that provides one visible point in between
government, banks and pensioners. Pension payments as
process and approve pay and accounting units throughout
Services are run through this large office to continue
transfer to the relevant bank branch for payment

Indian Civil Accounts Service
pensioners. CPAO currently operates 900,000 pensioners across the country
the country through a payment network of 40,000 bank branches.
CPAO strives to simplify pension payments, guarantee
pensionable debt, arrears of pension / debit arrears
relief and response to the grievances of these pensioners.
CPAO has been able to use the latest information technology
development of the banking environment to establish pensions
an accurate, efficient and transparent payment system. I
monitoring, tracking and evaluation of pension cases
e-enabled and the CPAO handles this
G2C and G2G links. The e-Revision initiative recently
introduced to public services in urgent times
pension credit review and is expected to provide assistance
500,000 pensioners.
The CPAO remains committed to seamless integration of
flow of business process for pension payments to increase pensioners
easy and satisfying.
Accounting and financial reporting
The CGA as head of the organization is responsible for working once and for all
overseeing intergovernmental accounting and reporting
system. The CGA office has made a fortune
a reporting system that is important for the development of transparency as well
accountability for public service management and
in accordance with the legal obligations in the financial reporting
and effective disclosure.
The CGA compiles the Union’s monthly and annual accounts
Government on the basis of accounts submitted by Ministers once
Doors. Annual accounts are compiled on time
basis within two months of the close of the financial year
management objectives. The audited annual accounts include
Allocation Accounts and Financial Accounts are adjusted
and published by the CGA and presented to Parliament
within nine months of the close of the financial year. in addition
preparing rational analysis of annual accounts
in the form of the document “Accounts Just by View” for more information
The CGA also prepares a monthly review of the Coalition Government
receipts and expenses that evaluate significant financial performance
indications for presentation to the Minister of Finance. These updates
they have been widely publicized with their content and content.
Financial reports prepared by the CGA are available to the public
through the CGA website according to the IMF’s
Special Data Distribution Standards and used by
private and public to monitor public finances
situation. Similar reports are prepared for each service in
Pr.CCAs / CCAs / CAs and posted on their website
services. In addition they also customize financially customizable
service reports according to their strategic needs
internal debt, debts and grants to local governments.
The organization has developed an integrated web plan
for the purposes of accounting and reporting received
national and international recognition. E-Lekha is the Core
Indian Government Financial Information System available
has been active since 2005. Built next to COMPACT
application applicable to PAOs for public services and other
stand-alone programs for Ministries of Defense, Posts, Railways
and Communications and other offline visual connections. I
The plan provides for daily, monthly and annual integration
accounting procedures for reporting real-time value added as well
financial monitoring in Union Government.

Indian Civil Accounts Service
Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System
The Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System (CPSMS) is one of them
the recent efforts of this organization and the CGA are responsible
of its design and function. CPSMS is considered
as a complete mid-cost cost tracking system
devises strategies that, without improving publicity as well
accountability, will have far-reaching effects on society
financial management in the country. The program aims to
to establish an integrated long-term financial information system
1000 plan plans managed by various departments of
great government. It involves gathering thousands
of sub-national, local operating agencies, individual
beneficiaries and bank branches that have never existed before
compatible with centralized monitoring system.
The organization has been able to use its core strength again
web-enabled app development information
one-point registration of active agencies, monitoring
of the flow of funds from central government to operations
agencies, reconciliation and accounting data and production of
Customized reports from program managers on resources and applications
financial. The launch process has been completed in
level of Union government and the application can report
in provincial and local government levies
individual program schemes in real time. And reports.
The scope of the CPSMS is expanding, with technological feasibility
research has been done to understand the flow of funds
at the root level and cost reporting be
presented in selected programs. CPSMS and Core Banking
The visual interface of the system is also designed for the exchange of
the data is also continuously distributed to banking agencies in order
allow to track system fees in real time.
The organization has a financial responsibility
efficiency and effectiveness of various programs, schemes
and the duties of public ministers in Internal Audit
Units in appropriate services.
The Center for Excellence for Internal Audit in the CGA office has
emerged as a resource center and advised internal audit units
of Ministers on various risk and operational aspects
based research. It has therefore established a risk-based control
draft as a guide for internal audit. Its power
the construction program focuses on the distribution of audit tools as well
organizational strategies.
The CGA office also has a Quality Assurance Unit
responsible for improving and updating the service
delivery rates for service accounting units. I
The unit is also overseeing the implementation of ‘Sevottam’,
Indian government agency for high quality management
the delivery of citizen-centered services, within the organization.
The organization has a well-trained, experienced and dedicated staff
employees who have set high working standards for their jobs
field. Their technology goes through all the different aspects of
public finance management has been widely approved by the public
Officials of the organization have different sectors of society
experience working for central government, national governments,
private organizations and state-owned enterprises. In addition the
the organization has been supporting officials in the workplace
and the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and United
International organizations. Most of our staff have worked on these
international organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe and the North
in America. These officials were involved in the budget process,
financial management, treasury operations, internal audits and
the establishment of post-conflict information management systems
and developing countries.
The CGA holds a large number of Indian Civil Accounts Service officials
(ICAS) and all accountants working in the civil service
services and is responsible for human resource management
organizational. This includes their hiring, transfers,
enhancement and capacity building. CGA through its common sense
specialized expansion and testing programs
The program was actively involved in professional development
of its working capacity
The organization is committed to developing well-trained people,
efficient and diverse employees that are effective
meets its changing needs and priorities. Center for
Government Accounts and Finance Accounts (INGAF) as a training unit
The CGA focuses on the training of modern technology experts
empowered government accounting and financial systems as well
provides a window into the world of the best ways to read. Yours
the various curricula focus on capacity building
in many areas related to public policy and finance
management – producing change and empowering

Indian Civil Accounts Service
programs in specific areas of vocational skills for middle and senior
managers access to more than 7,000 participants
every year. Its programs are academically sound, designed to
encourage change and encourage active peer education. The root
INGAF curriculum focuses on various areas of society
policy, financial management, government accounting, cash and
financial management, financial transformation and budget, pensions
and pension changes, internal audit, procurement, project
management, administrative processes, leadership and change
management – using efficient multimedia and advanced IT
The institute also conducts training to improve performance
skills of employees of central and regional government departments,
activities of state-owned enterprises and banks expand their access to
remote areas such as the North East, Lakshadweep and Andaman
& Nicobar Islands
The large INGAF campus is located in the heart of the national capital
Delhi, looks good and bright, and offers a lot of inspiration
an environment with its own high learning environments. Ku
in addition to its regional centers in Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai
INGAF also opened another facility in Aizawl, Mizoram to meet
public finance management and information technology
related needs of the entire northeastern region
The Indian Civil Accounts Organization has played an important role
in promoting regional and international cooperation in emerging
matters relating to financial management in the public sector.
Association of Government Accounts Organization of Asia
(AGAOA) was established in 2004. India is one of the founders
members of AGAOA and Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives,
Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. As a regional organization
of accounting firms, AGAOA

Indian Civil Accounts Service
professional understanding and technical cooperation between
Member institutions for sharing ideas and information
ensuring transparency, accountability and good governance.
AGAOA annual meeting and its information sharing programs
to provide an ideal platform to meet these goals. I
The organization also has a community policy journal presented
Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2010. INGAF acts as secretary of
AGAOA has also been appointed as one of the regional resources &
Training Center for its member countries. It is a launch
IDF Grant agency accredited by AGAOA for development
of internal control framework, internal audit and other related matters
power development.
The CGA is also closely linked to the International Consortium
to the Financial Management Government (ICGFM) and has been
part of its Board of Directors.
In addition the CGA, through INGAF, is making plans as part of
of the Indian government’s international commitment
development partnerships and capacity building in development
and SAARC neighboring countries. This is a power upgrade
programs are organized as part of Indian Technical as well
Economic Cooperation (ITEC) and the Special Government
Assistance for Africa (SCAAP) for the Department of Foreign Affairs and
two other / international programs. International INGAF,
multicultural environment and global views in the gamut
on matters relating to public financial management, internal audit,
leadership and management change have attracted participation
in more than 100 member countries.
INGAF international initiatives reach Asian countries,
Africa, Eastern Europe (including the former USSR), Central and Latin
American, Caribbean and Pacific regions.
His organization also used it based on IT
calculation solutions and reporting requirements of the Union
Government. It also develops custom applications such as
according to the specific operational requirements of essential services.
Notable are:
• COMPACT: integrated transaction processing application
the entire business process for payment and accounting units.
• E-Lekha: general government finances
real-time reporting system
• CPSMS: a centralized financial information system
edit schemes
• IMAS (Integrated Mission Accounting Software) for agents
and functions under the Department of Foreign Affairs
• Revenue Accounting Management Software (RAMS) for
accounting and reporting on specific tax collection.
• Electronic Accounting System in Central Excise and Service
Taxes (EASY) and Electronic Accounting Solution for
E-Receipts (EASeR) for accounting and indirect reporting
• Pension Authorization Return Scheme (PARAS)
mid-term post-retirement social security considerations
payments to public servants
• Internal Debt Management Software (IDMS) and application
to employ Loans, Investment and Investment Funds (LGI) for
Department of Finance.
His organization also used it based on IT
calculation solutions and reporting requirements of the Union
Government. It also develops custom applications such as
according to the specific operational requirements of essential services.
Notable are:
• COMPACT: integrated transaction processing application
the entire business process for payment and accounting units.
• E-Lekha: general government finances
real-time reporting system
• CPSMS: a centralized financial information system
edit schemes
• IMAS (Integrated Mission Accounting Software) for agents
and functions under the Department of Foreign Affairs
• Revenue Accounting Management Software (RAMS) for
accounting and reporting on specific tax collection.
• Electronic Accounting System in Central Excise and Service
Taxes (EASY) and Electronic Accounting Solution for
E-Receipts (EASeR) for accounting and indirect reporting
• Pension Authorization Return Scheme (PARAS)
mid-term post-retirement social security considerations
payments to public servants
• Internal Debt Management Software (IDMS) and application
to employ Loans, Investment and Investment Funds (LGI) for
Department of Finance.
Indian Civil Accounts Service