Indian Railways Traffic Service
Indian Railways Traffic Service
Railway stations, worldwide, are located in the main metropolitan areas, as the railway line was started on time
when urban sprawl was about to begin. The railway station continues to be a medium-sized business center
region in every city in the world.
Every description of the train business is made at the station, passengers start the journey or finish,
external parcels are booked and internal parcels are received and stored ready for delivery. By
channels attached to the warehouse, external and internal cargo are handled there.
In their historic turn, stations now have restaurants, lounges where they retire
rooms or hotel budget. A world-class channel may look or actually look like a shopping mall once
restaurants with information assistants, ticket counters and reservations.
The Station Master is in charge of the entire station and includes the Superintendent / Channel
Employee Task List
Tasks to be performed by different categories of employees regarding train travel
details below. These activities must be studied in accordance with the Terms of Service of the Channel,
General and Partial Legal Manual, Chapter II of the Operating Manual on “channel operation” and
Block Operating Manual as amended from time to time.
I. Responsibility of Channel Manager (manager) / Channel Manager
i. Station Master is responsible for the successful execution of duties by the various members
staff at his station. (General Rules 5.01)
ii. Ensuring that the overall operation of the Channel is carried out efficiently and effectively
and current laws, procedures and instructions.
iii. Provide fast and dignified services with maximum safety and security for passengers as well
iv. Availability, support and good behavior of channel carriers
v. You will be responsible for maintaining the channel.
vi. You will be responsible for maintaining security and workbooks including circulars,
leaflets, gazette etc. is timely and must be explained to the staff working under it
he too was recognized by them.
vii. You will be responsible for keeping the Accident register and the risk and maintenance charts
these are in the present tense.
viii. He will keep statistics about stocks and have them transferred to control over time.
ix. He will investigate all public complaints and submit quotes from the complaint
a description of the staff and his remarks to the Unit Office on time. If it happens
complaints relating to another department, information may be provided to the subordinate
The person in charge of the department immediately to take steps to avoid duplication.
x. He will attend all emergencies quickly, manage the area and assist in assisting
measures to ensure the immediate release of injured and trapped passengers. He will take
be aware of all available information and protect clues / evidence, which may be helpful
in asking. He or she will bind the control office from time to time to obtain current information
and request the necessary assistance namely, Help Train, Medical Vehicle etc. You will investigate
yard accidents, obtain statements from affected employees and submit his / her report with
conclusions and joint document at the office of the Unit.
xi. You will ensure that fire extinguishers at the station such as a fire extinguisher, fire
buckets etc. they are in good condition and ready to use.
xii. The Station Master must regularly check and record in the charger, the operation of
Points, Signals and Cycle Tracking to ensure that:
• Signals return to the ‘ON’ position when the appropriate slide / button / level is set
train movement back or target is complete.
• It is not possible to delete conflicting ‘OFF’ signals at once.
• Signals are not removed ‘closed’ until all points are properly set and check points
• Any other assessment method determined by the Authorized Officer.
Indian Railways Traffic Service work:-

Panel test: Normal / Unusual by Channel Manager.
• In channels provided with continuous song circuits or in solid state channels
linking of the test method will be determined jointly by signing once
The Functional Branch that will be defined in the Terms of Service of the channel is
followed by channel managers.
xiii. He or she must ensure that the lamps and cords of the hand signal are cleaned daily,
cut and greased properly.
xiv. He or she must ensure that the security equipment essential for his or her station is the same, complete
and, if there are any defects it should be repaired without delay.
xv. He will conduct nightly and unexpected tests to see if staff are alert and working
signals, points and signal visibility.
xvi. The Channel Manager in charge of the station will inspect his station daily for this purpose
ensure proper operation of
• All public utilities including, fans, lights, elevators, escalators,
• All equipment is efficient. The shortcomings should be immediate
prepared or recorded in the Petty Repairs Book
• Safe and efficient operation of trains
• Cabinets, Office of the Assistant Station Manager, yards, luggage sheds and standard floors
the gates under his hand.
• Booking Question, Public Address Program, Public Information Showcase,
booking offices, Ticketing, restaurants and sales, etc.
• Availability of drinking water.
xvii. You will see that railway register register, Channel diary, Checkbook, reference books
and another channel record is an asset stored and kept for a short period of time as such
described later in this chapter.
xviii. At major stations the Health Inspector is in charge of sanitation the Station Manager
perform daily tests and correct errors. You will check daily

waiting rooms, bathrooms, toilets, refreshments and dining areas, platforms,
tracks and other station buildings with a sewage view and verify that
programs in this regard are adequate and effective. Availability of safe drinking water
for passengers and staff it is the joint responsibility of JE / SE (services) and the health department
should check that the same is available.
xix. You will make sure that enough stock is available according to the need for the day. He will do it
keep in touch with the rail system so that, in the event of a connecting train running late,
The scratch can be removed, if necessary. He will also keep a check – it is reserved
stock available / allocated to his channel.
xx. You will have a personal interest in arranging for quick approval of reserved carts
soldiers, community, prisoners, financial institutions etc.
xxi. Whenever special trains are scheduled to run at his station, he will make sure to stock up on it
the same is secured and guaranteed to be placed in the correct line in time.
xxii. He will amend the bond if he is detained on a train outside or at the station as well
submit the full report to the DRM office.
xxiii. He or she will be responsible for ensuring that all employees who work under him or her are present
they are free during their NVT / Power / Security camp and special
skills programs. No, the outdated NVT / Competency will be allowed to run
his usual activities.
II. Deputy Station Manager (Outside)
Indian Railways Traffic Service work:-

i) The Deputy Station Manager will be responsible for the normal maintenance and efficiency
channel as underii) You will keep security books, law books, security record. He will stretch out his staff
about safety rules and regulations
iii) Will address community grievances and advise trade staff in a respectful manner
iv) Ensure timely placement and removal of intersecting / departing trains
keep records about this and also keep a watch on Shunting activities.
v) He will inspect the gate, panel, station, each time he travels.
vi) You will maintain close communication and communication with Panel ASM and Log ASM for
efficiency of trains and better planning of operation and will help if possible
of any unusual operation.
vii) He will respond to any incident or accident immediately and assist in timely relief measures
his work. He will collect all the information and inform the Administrative Office as required
assistance, namely, Help Train, Medical Vehicle etc. He will also inform the local community
authorities as necessary and to protect clues or evidence that could assist
to ask.
viii) In the case of abnormal operation, you will be responsible for manual labor (Hand
Cranking) Scores and trains.
ix) You will ensure that all training trains, which are scheduled to stop at the station, start within them
time allowed.
x) Whenever special trains are scheduled to run at his station, during his or her career, he or she must
ensure that the same stock is secured and placed in the correct line on time.
xi) You will closely monitor sanitation. You will inspect platforms, waiting halls,
waiting rooms and track and see that the same is well cleaned by sanitary staff.
xii) You will monitor the passenger services provided at the station and their maintenance.
xiii) You will review any other duties assigned to you by the Station Manager, from time to time.
xiv) In an emergency he will also perform work on the Panel / Log.
xv) All instructions received from management will be recorded in the Order Book. Top officials
should confirm this with a control order to avoid ambiguity. All of those commands must
be used, as long as these do not violate safety rules and procedures.
xvi) Will perform all SS duties in his absence.
III. Sign in to ASM / Block ASM
i) He will carry the blocking device himself while on duty and will not allow any
unauthorized person to manage or manage a block panel / blocking tool & block
ii) He will keep the keys to control the keys of the Channel Manager in his hands
at any time, he needs to get out of his office even for a short time.
iii) He will keep the TSR and other connected records / documents in good condition and verify
that all entries are completed and up to date.
iv) He will travel under control and provide immediate train speeds and will do so
instructions given to management as long as this does not violate safety rules and procedures.
v) You will notify ESM / MSM by text message, any block operation fail etc.
and always include this failure in the signal failure register.
vi) In the event of an accident, he or she must immediately notify the Station Control Station
Manager / Channel Manager / Dy. SM immediately. He will provide all available information
with him regarding nature, places, cause and assistance etc. in relation to
vii) You will discuss the reasons for the late arrival of moving trains and the late arrival of trains
trains to control.
viii) He will return to work after full rest and will not perform his duties under the Act
the influence of alcohol, drugs, or drugs.
ix) Keep his reference books up to date, posted with the latest repair slips and must
keep themselves fully engaged with existing laws. He will keep his books easily
available for testing when requested to do so.

x) He must not resign without the consent of his superiors. It will not
leave his job unless he is free and will not change his job outside
prior approval to his superiors.
xi) He will not consider himself released from work unless he has completed the transaction
trains give / get a clear line until the full arrival of those trains.
xii) He will always obey the official instructions of his superiors as long as they do not violate.
any existing rules that apply.
xiii) In the event of any unusual activity, he will also perform the tasks assigned to Panel ASM.
xiv) He will inform you of the train details and give the line clearly or received
the line is clear on the ASM panel.
IV. ASM panel
i) When he is on duty or when he is called to do so, in an emergency, he will be the one to deal with the case
to find and provide clear lines on trains or shunting movements according to SWR & GR.
ii) He will manage the control panel himself while on duty and will not allow any
an unauthorized person to manage the panel.
iii) He will keep the control keys of the SM control panel in his hands at any time, himself
he needs to get out of his office even for a short time.
iv) By the time he arrives at work, he will make sure that all the points and symbols are in good working order
and all registers, records, relating to the training corridor are completed in every manner
before taking the case.
v) He or she will personally confirm that the conditions for ‘removing’ acceptance signs are met
and line specification is verified according to each SWR before proper compression
signal output button.
vi) You will verify the indicators found on the panel that the signals are flashing ‘brightly’
and provides relevant clues.
vii) Must keep a complete and up-to-date record of Sig. Limitations. He will be so
responsible for delivering a warning order register every Monday and demonstration
and restrictions on the notice board as well.
viii) You will be responsible for ensuring the delivery of proper monitoring orders on all trains.
ix) Ensure that all shunting activities are carried out in accordance with existing regulations and GR
5.19 and your SRs.
x) You will notify ESM / MSM in writing or by text message, any failures
track / signals / points / keys or panels etc. and will always include this failure in the signal
failure register.
xi) You will be allowed to enter during the arrival / departure of trains or during the slow-moving time.
as often as possible at a high level.
xii) He will arrive at work after full rest and will not perform his duties under
the influence of drugs, or drugs.
xiii) Keep his reference books up to date, posted with the latest repair slips and will keep them
himself fully aware of the existing laws. He will keep his books, which are easily accessible
testing when asked to do so.
xiv) He must not resign without the consent of his superiors. It will not
leave his job unless he is free and will not change his job outside
prior approval to his superiors.
xv) He will not consider himself released from work unless he has completed the transaction
trains give / get a clear line until the full arrival of those trains.
xvi) He will always obey the official instructions of his superiors as long as they do not violate
any existing rules that apply.
xvii) You will ensure that the correct point indicators, signals, track, circuits, crank handle, level
cross gate etc., displayed in their appropriate locations.

Indian Railways Traffic Service
xviii) You will be responsible for delivering the required documents on trains entering / leaving the yard
under the ASM log instructions.
xix) You will issue a shunting order for shunting operations in accordance with applicable laws.
xx) Monitor the performance of shunting personnel.
xxi) You will ensure the running of the running cables in the event of a failure of their track circuits.
xxii) You will keep a log book about train and shunting movements.
xxiii) You will be responsible for providing full arrival of all trains to enter ASM supported by a
secret No.
xxiv) In normal operation mode you will be responsible for locking the lock pad once
train inspections in the absence of the Deputy Station Manager / external department.
V. Pointsman / Shuntman
i) You will comply with all official ASM directives in the workplace or in charge of the supervisor
shunting during operation shunting including coupling or disassembly
carriages. Repairing rubber watches, closing cart doors, showing hand signals
ii) You will indicate a danger signal to the transport officer in the event of a fall
improperly inserted during shunting surgery.
iii) You will drive trains in exceptional working conditions and at the direction of SM on duty.
iv) She will be wearing a clean and tidy uniform while on duty.
v) He will arrive at work after a full rest and will not perform any work below
the influence of alcohol, drugs, or drugs.
vi) He must not resign or change his job without first
the consent of his superiors.
vii) He or she may not resign unless otherwise released or authorized by his or her supervisors.
viii) Place the points correctly in the unconnected courtyard and place them in all movements
movement and will not interfere with points while cars are parked again, or
passing over them.
ix) You will be responsible for ensuring that dirty marks are kept clear after graduation
x) He will always start his career armed with flashlights at night again
flags during the day.
xi) You will ensure proper route setting before delivering the required documents to the township driver
either by removing the ‘HEARING’ appropriate shunt signal or by personal observation.
xii) In the event that the track fails it will assist SM to ensure line clearing.
xiii) You will have the task of turning the lights on in the evening and turning it off
morning time adjusted by the DRM office and to ensure that these are brightly lit at night.
xiv) You will be responsible for cleaning and lubricating the during and during the day
time under the direction of the Station Manager / Deputy Station Manager.
VI. Gateman
i) You will be responsible for the proper operation of the gate as per the SWRs upon approval
ii) You will ensure that no train is closed due to late gate closure.
iii) He will keep the inspection corridors clean and clear the road between the trains

Indian Railways Traffic Service
limits and watering area regularly.
iv) You clean the gate lamps and hand lamps every day. You will make sure that wicks
of the stoves are cut to lighten them and keep them burning constantly
from sunset to sunrise.
v) He keeps the area around his gate clean and well planted with trees;
plants etc.
vi) He will remain vigilant at work until he is reasonably comfortable. If he needs to get out of the gate in an
in emergencies he will close and lock the main congested gate on the road before he leaves
vii) You will ensure that the L-xing equipment is complete and in order for the application.
viii) Produce a public letter of complaint if required by the public to lodge a complaint
and to train managers for inspection.
ix) Ensure that overcrowding does not stop at the gate.
x) He will stand guard near the gate to stay on the path and be ready to repeat
any signal the security guard may intend to transmit to the locker driver or to alert or
danger signal in the event of something wrong with the train itself as it passes.
xi) He or she must be polite and courteous in his or her conduct in the community.
xii) You will report any gate damage to the ASM at work without delay.
xiii) He will close the gate when he sees the train or when instructed by ASM on panel work.
xiv) You will draw the attention of train pilots and security guards by shouting and gesturing
instead of displaying the danger signal when it separates from the tram.
xv) You will comply with all official SM instructions at work.
xvi) In the event of a disruption, accident or damage to the gates, you will protect
gateway / barrier in accordance with applicable instructions and regulations.