Merchant Shipping
PRELIMINARY : Short title introduction and application of Merchant Shipping:
(1) Keep as provided otherwise in sub regulation (2) the provisions of these by-laws must come into operation six months after the date of publication of these rules in the Official Gazette.
(3) The provisions of sub regulation , and 7 of rule 12 must come into operation on a date other than the date of commencement of the provision referred to in sub regulation as the Government, by notice in the Official Gazette, can be designated, and different dates may be set for different offers.
They shall apply to-Merchant Shipping Any candidate who is a citizen of India;
(b) a candidate who is a citizen of a non-Indian country in respect of the proclamation by notice in the Official Gazette made by the Central Government under section 86 of the Act, which means that any competency certificate issued under applicable law in that country specified in this notice; and
(c) any other person permitted to be tested under these rules by special order of the Central Government.
Grades of examination for certificates of competency: (1) An examination by these rules must be held for certification of eligibility for the following grades, : –
(a) (1) The captain of an international vessel;(ii) The First Companion of an Outbound Vessel,
(iii) Second ship partner;
(iv) More Manager
(b) (1) Local Commercial Vessel Specialist; (ii) Domestic Commercial Vessel Partner.
(c) Marine Correctional Services Authority. Every candidate will be issued with a certificate of suitability for that category, subject to the provisions of these rules in the manner prescribed in the Commercial Real Estate Act (Certificate of Excellence), 1961.

ELIGIBILITY :Merchant Shipping Second Mate of foreign going ship : (1) The examination of the certificate of competency of a second-largest cruise ship will be conducted in five sections, : –
(1) Part ‘A’ – inscribed
(ii) Part ‘B’ – inscribed
(iii) Part ‘C’ – inscribed
(iv) Part ‘D’ – agreements
(v) Part ‘E’ – Symbols.
(2) Every person to be tested in Part ‘A’ (written): -(a) not be less than 17 years of age; b) graduates of an offshore training course, or, instead receive a qualifying service approved for six months from the Port Office of an external vessel, and
(c) meet the Chief Inspector to get a certificate equal to a 10 + 2 high school diploma in Physics and Mathematics, or to pass a certificate of competency as a police watchman under law 8.
(3) No person must be eligible for voting from sections B, C and D and E unless he or she has passed the examination in Part ‘A’ referred to in sub regulation (2) and has attained the age of twenty years:
If a registered person, if not eligible, may appear for examination at the age of nineteen and a half years when the certificate will not be issued on hi, if he or she passes, until he or she completes twenty years.
(4) Subject to the rules of rules 21 to 36 (in-elusive) every candidate must have three years of valid employment with the Department of the Deck on which the foreign vessel will travel: –
(a) a smallest of three months’ service must be made in the eighteen months preceding probation; and
(b) at least six months’ service will be rendered in activities relating to the maintenance of the navigation bridge under the supervision of a certified official.
(5)Merchant Shipping Every candidate must have the following more Certificate, : –
(a) Radar Observer certificate issued under rule 12.
(b) Certificate of survival in the arts. Provided under rule 12.
(c) First Aid Certificate issued under rule 12.
(d) If the candidate is an Indian citizen, he or she satisfies the Chief Inspector that he or she has knowledge of Hindi:
If a qualified person may be permitted to appear before obtaining any of the above certificates in which case the Certificate of Excellence may not be issued until all the Certificates mentioned above have been obtained.(1) All Section ‘B’
(ii) All Part (C) except paper or Navigation Terms once
(iii) Complete ‘D’
5. First Companion of a Shipwreck .— (1) (a) Examination of a Certificate of Operation As the First Companion of a Shipwreck must be held in four parts : –
(i) Part ‘A’ – inscribed
(ii) Part ‘B’ – inscribed
(iv) Part ‘C’ – agreements
(v) Part ‘E’ – Symbols.
(b) Merchant Shipping Anyone holding a Certificate of Excellence as a Second Ship Partner will be permitted to conduct a test in Part ‘A’ (written) without showing any evidence of maritime support.
(2) Every person applying for a Category B, C and D Examination Certificate as the First Companion of an international vessel must not be less than 21 years of age.
(3) Subject to the provisions of rules 25 to 29 (inclusive) and rule 31 every candidate, upon receipt of Certificate of Detention as the Second Partner of an international vessel for at least one year’s Watch Keeping ship service includes a service of three months to 18 months prior to the month of testing.
(4) Every candidate shall have the following additional certificates:
(a) Fire fighting Technical Certificate issued under rule 12, and;
(b) Merchant Shipping First Aid Certificate issued under rule 12:
Provided that the applicant may be permitted to undergo testing before obtaining any of the above certificates in which case the Certificate of Excellence may not be issued until both the above-mentioned Certificates have been obtained.

Master of Foreign Going Ship of Merchant Shipping : (1)Merchant Shipping Examination of a Certificate of Excellence as a Ship Master must be held in three Parts : –
(i) Part ‘A’ – inscribed
(ii) Part ‘B’ – inscribed
(iii) Part ‘C’ – inscribed
(2) All persons who are to be registered for a certificate of suitability as a Foreign Vessel Officer must not be less than twenty-three years of age.
(3) Subject to the provisions of rules 25 to 29 (inclusive) and rule 31 every candidate must have the following: –
(a) at least a two-year service to keep the clock as a holder of a certificate of competence as the second partner of a foreign ship; and
(b) at least one year of keeping the clock as a holder of a certificate of service as the first foreign ship partner including at least three months’ service in the first 18 months before inspection
(4) Every person who has been awarded a certificate of learning as a Marine is a domestic trading vessel while in possession of a certificate of competency as a Captain of a domestic trading vessel issued under these rules.
(5) Every candidate must have more certificates, : –
(a) Radar Simulator Course Certificate issued under rule 12;
(b) Medicare Vessel Certificate issued under rule 12;
(c) Certificate of Expertise as a Telecommunications Manager (inland) issued under Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Certificate of Commercial Occupational Operations and License to Use Telecommunications Regulations), 1954;
(d) Fire fighting Certificate issued under rule 12;
(e) Certificate of Survival Work Issued under rule 12; and
(f) If the candidate is an Indian citizen, the relevant Hindi information:
If an applicant may be permitted to appear before obtaining any of the above certificates where a competency certificate cannot be issued until the above-mentioned certificates are obtained.
Extra Master.—(1) An examination of a certificate of competence as an Extra Master must be a written examination conducted in the following three categories, : –
(i) Part-A
(ii) Part B
(iii) Part-C
(2) Merchant Shipping Every person who applies for a certificate to serve as an Extra Master must have a Certificate of Excellence as an Outstanding Ship Manager.
(3) Every candidate must attend a seminar at Lal Bahadur Shastri Nautical and Engineering College, Bombay or another accredited institution for a period of less than nine months.
(4) A person who is a graduate of a recognized University of Physics and Mathematics and any other person who is considered to be a Senior Examiner who has achieved the same qualification will be exempted from Part A of the examination.
(5) Parts A, B and C of competency certificate testing as Extra Master may try together or and passing in any one Part will always apply.

Navigational Watch-keeping Officer: – (1) The examination of the Certificate of Competency as a Navigational Watch-keeping officer must be conducted in five sections namely: –
(i) Part A – written
(ii) Part B – written
(iii) Part C – written
(iv) Part D – agreements
(v) Part E – signals
(2) (a) Every person who will register for the examination of Part ‘A’ of the certificate of competency as a watchmaker must not be less than seventeen years of age.
(b) Each nominee will have completed an accredited pre-marine course or will instead have at least six months’ training in the merchant shipping department.
(3) No person must stand for election from Sections B, C, D and E unless he or she has passed the examination in Part ‘A’ referred to in sub regulation (2) and has attained the age of 19 years:
(4) Any person holding a Certificate of Excellence as a Partner (H.T.) must be exempted from Part “C” of the examination.
(5) Subject to the rules of rules 21 to 36 (inclusive) every candidate must have three years’ worth of service at a merchant ship desk department or:
(a) at least three months’ service will be rendered no later than 18 months before assessment; and
(b) at least six months’ service will be performed on activities related to the patrol navigation bridge under the supervision of a certificate officer.
(6) Every candidate must have the following more certificates, : –
(a) Radar Observer certificate issued under rule 12.
(b) Certificate of Art Survival Technology issued under rule 12.
(c) First Aid Certificate issued under rule 12.
(d) If the candidate is an Indian citizen, the relevant Hindi information:
If the applicant may be permitted to appear before obtaining any of the above certificates in which case the Certificate of Performance will not be issued until all the above-mentioned Certificates have been obtained.

Mate of Home Trade Ship.-Examination of the certificate of operation as a Mate of a domestic trading vessel will be held in four parts, namely: –
(i) Part A – Written
(ii) Part B – Written
(iii) Part C – Lips
(iv) Part D – Symptoms
(2) Every person who applies for a Certificate of Independence as a Partner in a Shipwreck may not be less than 21 years of age.
(3) Subject to the rules of rules 21 to 36 (inclusive) every candidate must have the function of keeping the clock for a period of not less than one year while holding a certificate of service as a Navigation Officer or second spouse of an external vessel which includes at least 3 Month in-service service of the 18 months prior to testing.
(4) Every candidate must have the following certificates, namely: –
(a) Radar Observatory certificate issued under rule 12;
(b) Certificate in Survival Arts issued under rule 12;
(c) Fire Certification Training Certificate issued under rule 12;
(d) First Aid Certificate issued under rule 12; and
(e) If the candidate is an Indian citizen who works in the knowledge of Hindi:
If a registrant who is eligible for accreditation may be permitted to appear before obtaining any of the above certificates where a competency certificate cannot be issued until all the above-mentioned certificates have been obtained.
Master of a home trade ship of Merchant Shipping: The examination of the Certificate of Competency as a Home Trade Manager will be held in two parts, namely: –
(i) Part A – Written
(ii) Part B – Lips
(2) Every person registering a certificate of competency as a Captain of a domestic trading vessel must not be less than twenty-three years of age.
(3) Subject to the provisions of rules 25 to 29 (inclusive) and rule 31 every candidate must be–
(a) for at least two years working as the custodian of the certificate of competency of a second-class foreign ship or navigator; and
(b) at least one year for the maintenance of watches as the holder of the certificate of competency of the first foreign shipping certificate holder for a domestic trading vessel; including at least three months’ maintenance service in the eighteen months preceding testing;
(4) Every candidate must have the following certificates, : –
(a) Radar Simulator Course Certificate issued under rule 12;
(b) Medicare Vessel Owner Certificate issued under rule 12; and
(c) Certificate of Professionalism as an Inland Maritime Television Manager issued under Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Certificate of Occupational Telecommunication Technology and License in Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1954;
(d) Certificate in Survival Arts issued under rule 12;
(e) Fire fighting Training Certificate issued under rule 12; and
(f) The nominee is a citizen of India, practical knowledge of Hindi:
If the registrant may not be permitted to appear before obtaining any of the above certificates in which case the Certificate of Excellence may not be issued until the above-mentioned Certificates have been obtained.
APPLICATIONS– Merchant Shipping Application forms -Any person who will be eligible for the requirements of rules 1 to 10 (inclusive), can apply for a competency certificate, in Form A.
(2) All entries on the application form must be completed . Details relating to the maritime service, watchmaking service and the level kept by the nominee in performing that service as described in the appropriate columns of the application form will be consistent with the written evidence provided in support of that. Any discrepancy in such details with regard to the provisions of the agreement must make the application invalid, unless such variance or maritime employment gap is defined by the baptismal candidate to the satisfaction of the inspector.
(3) An application will be made to the Department of Marine Affairs at Mercantile in the early terminal and at any time not later than ten days before the date of the first inspection.
(4) All such application must specify the Part or Parts of the test that the applicant wishes to appear in any particular month.
Documents to accompany application.-1) All applications will be accompanied by a certificate of citizenship, birth certificate, proof of compliance with the requirements of the rules, a certificate of continuity of issuance, a certificate of employment or employment, if applicable, more certificates complying with legal requirements 12 and proof of success in the relevant examination.
If in the case of an Indian citizen, a birth certificate or identity card will also be accepted as a National Certificate.
(2) For the purposes of sub regulation (1), a candidate who is a citizen of a non-Indian country must produce official documents proving his or her citizenship.
(3) Where, on the basis of the evidence presented under sub regulation (1) and (2) a candidate is deemed not to have joined the vessel after signing the Agreement, or is found guilty of misconduct, he or she may be required to produce satisfactory proof of maritime conduct for more maritime activities.
Testimonials -1) Every person who is registered for the examination for a competency certificate of any grade must issue a certificate contemplated in sub regulation (2) signed and certified. The certificate will certify the character, including the immodesty, the ability and experience of the baptismal candidate as assessed by the king on the basis of the performance of the prospective full-time sailor, or as it may be, to watch the service. In the case of clock keeping the certificate will be in Form B which further explains the type of work and the degree to which the certificate expires.
(2) Proof of any such service–
(a) in the case of an Indian ship, or on a vessel registered in a non-Indian country in respect of a declaration made under section 86 of the Act, signed by the Master;
(b) in the case of a ship registered in any other country it must be signed by the king and certified by:
(i) the official of the country or the attorney general of the country in which the vessel is registered; or
(ii) the official of that country who is usually charged the same duties.
Enquiries in respect of sea service -1) Merchant Shipping where any person wishes to apply for his or her water application or, as the case may be, a watchmaking service, tested under these rules, may apply in accordance with rule 14 to the Chief Marine of the Council of any district for such examination.
(2) Where any participant is satisfied with the assessment of his or her maritime services or, as the case may be, a watchmaker under regulation (1) may apply to the Chief Master of Masters and Mates through the Mercantile Maritime Department or any regional review authority stating the reasons why not satisfied. All such applications are subject to the prescribed application under rule 14 and documents, evidence, etc.
(3) Other questions. – All further inquiries relating to any aspect of the assessment will be directed to the Chief Merchant of the Department of Maritime Affairs of any region defining the point at which it is clarified. such questions will be accompanied by the required documentation.