RBI Assistant
applicants for the position of Assistant Manager in grade ‘A’ (RDBS / Rajbhasha) will be
based on their performance in the Large-Phase II Trial and Interviews, taken
together. In the event that candidates receive the same marks, their level will be determined by
I. Among students with the same total marks (Big test + interview
taken together), the candidate with the highest marks in the Main Examination will be
they are counted at the top.
II. In the case of having equal marks in the Main Examination, the candidate with the highest marks
title or in the same case, a candidate with high marks in
graduation will be ranked high. In the event of reunification, the top candidate
the years will be ranked high.
NOTE: In order to overcome the chances that applicants will seek the assistance of other applicants
during the online / primary test, the Bank will be evaluating the responses of the applicants
primary testing with other applicants appearing to determine uniformity of patterns of rights
and incorrect answers. On the basis of such an analysis, if it is suspected that the answers
shared and received points are not genuine / invalid, the Bank reserves the right to
cancel the election of the accused applicants. Applicants are therefore advised in their documentation
his desire not to engage in any of the wrong practices in the trials.
The cost of the qualification to qualify for the main exam and the interview may be multiple
1:25 and 1: 3, respectively. The rate can be adjusted accordingly at the bank’s discretion.
Candidates who are qualified and in a position sufficiently high as determined by NABARD, will be invited
from Main Examination and Interview. There will be a penalty for the wrong answers
marked candidate. For every marked error marked, 1 / 4th of the marks allocated to it
that question will be removed as a penalty in Phase I and Part II, both. Cutting in Phase-I
and Phase II can be used in two stages: (i) Points in individual tests, (ii) Complete Points
Since the posts are ethically selected, list candidates for each category
it will be prepared wisely.
B. Only people who receive cut marks are less or more Main
The test will be screened in the interview. Final selection and level
Abbreviations represent: SC – Organized Caste, ST – Organized Nation, OBC – Other Back Classes, EWSE Economic Sector Classification, GEN – General Unrestricted, PWD – People with Disabilities, VI – In Appearance
Disabled, HI – Deaf, OH – Orthopedic, EXS – Ex-Servicemen, EX-1 – Disabled / Dependent Workers
Only those persons will be treated as Ex-Serviceman, completing the updated definition as set out in Government
India, Department of Home Affairs, Notice of Department of Labor and Management Changes No.36034 / 5/85 / Estt
(SCT) dated 27 October 1986 as amended from time to time.
Diabled Ex-Serviceman: Ex-Serviceman, who while serving in the Union Army, was paralyzed from work
against the enemy or in disturbed areas, he will be treated as a Diabled Ex-Serviceman.
Serviceman Dependents Killed in Action: Employees killed in the following jobs will be deemed fit
killed by an act caused by the Military Service (a) war (b) activities such as war or border wars with Pakistan
(c) To fight armed enemies in the area of anti-insurgency ie.
Nagaland, Mizoram, etc. (d) Service of foreign peacekeeping missions (e) Placement or extraction of mines including the enemy.
mining and sweeping work within one month before and three months after completion (f)
Frost-bite during real-time operation or at a government-specified time (g) Dealing with a moving Para-Military
forces workers (h) IPKF workers killed during working hours in Sri Lanka.
Booking for People with Disabilities (PWD):
A. People with Disabilities:
(i) People with a Locomotor disability are those who are unable to perform various activities related to movement.
toxins and substances resulting from trauma to the musculoskeletal or nervous system or both including people with leprosy,
people suffering from cerebral palsy, dwarfism, muscular dystrophy and victims of acid attacks. Disability rate
should be at least 40% in these cases.
(ii) In order to be considered a deaf person, the candidate must meet any of the following conditions:
(a) Deaf person means a person with a 70DB hearing loss in the speech signals on both ears;
(b) Deafness means people with hearing loss of 60DB to 70DB in talking waves on both ears.
(iii) In order to be considered visually impaired, a candidate must meet any of the following conditions.
(a) Absence of complete vision.
Visually impaired students and candidates their writing speed is permanently affected for any reason
use their author at their own expense during the online test, subject to such limitations as (i) and (ii) below. In all such cases
when used by the author, the following rules will apply:
• The writer will need to arrange his or her author’s expenses.
• The author may appear in any field of study.
• Both the writer and the author will be required to provide the appropriate promise and telephone letter during the examination.
ensuring that the author meets all of the author’s eligibility requirements mentioned above. More if it happens later
it turns out that he did not complete any of the prescribed qualifications or suppressed material facts
the applicant will stand deleted, regardless of the test result
The same author cannot be used by more than one person. In addition the author edited by Khandwa should
not be a person to be tested. If a violation of the above is found in any stage of the process, select
both candidate and author will be canceled. Eligible candidates who wish to use the services of an author in
the test should show the same care in the online application form. Any following request
it may not be pleasant.
• Only people who have registered for the compensation period will be allowed such agreements from the time of compensation
candidates should be based on the system, it is unlikely that the testing agency will allow that time if
not registered for the same. Applicants who have not registered for compensation will not be eligible.
• The candidate should choose to use the duration of the writing / compensation only if he / she is eligible to use these
services / permit in accordance with the laws and guidelines of the Government of India under the RPWD Act, 2016 in this regard.
• The above guidelines may change according to GOI guidelines / definitions, if any, from time to time. Candidates
while showing
category / community and its spelling in the category / community certificate must be as specified in the lists
notify the central government from time to time (OBC section of the list of categories recognized by
The Indian government as OBC midfielders can be found at http://www.ncbc.nic.in, ST
The category list for each region is available on the site http://www.ncst.nic.in and the SC section
a list of categories for each region is available at http://www.socialjustice.nic.in). Certificate containing any
variations in the name of the category will not be accepted. In addition the OBC certificate should also clearly indicate that i
Candidate is not part of the creamy layer as defined by the Indian Government by applying for a one-off post
resources under Central Government.
ii. The OBC claim of the candidate will be determined in relation to the State (or part of the State) where
father in the beginning. A candidate who has moved from one state (or part of the State) to another
Therefore, he must produce an OBC certificate which should have been awarded to him based on that
his father’s OBC certificate from the Province where (his father) originally lived.
iii. No changes have been made to this candidate ‘s online request
I have applied to the RBI for the position of Assistant. Please register my name for training
English / Hindi # medium. I am attaching a certified copy of the Caste / National / Disability certificate.
I realize that I will have to make my own arrangements to stay and cover all my expenses. I
and be aware that training will not give me any right to a call
Testing or employment in the Bank.
The author is identified by the candidate at his own expense and according to his wishes. Candidate is blind / low
opinion and other people who will write their writing speed is permanently affected for any reason and you need a
author (author) as permitted under the laws of the Government of India governing Physical Employment
People not challenged.
- As a rule, a candidate who receives the author’s services is eligible for a compensation period of 20 minutes.
every hour of testing. - Due to the importance of the time factor and the competitive assessment, the candidate
promises to fully satisfy the Society’s Health Officer that there is a need to use the author as
his writing speed is affected by the disability mentioned in Paragraph ‘1’ above. - Given the fact that frequent appearances / tests are not allowed, candidate
promises that he / she has not appeared / compiled the test more than once and that the author has edited it
he is not a person to be tested. Also, the same author cannot be used by more than one person
candidate. If a violation of the above is found in any stage of the process, the selection is both selective and
the author will be deleted.