RBI Grade-B Officer
RBI Grade-B Officer
Every year the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) conducts the RBI Grade B Officer Exam to select candidates for the position of Grade B official at various branches across the country. As the Reserve Bank of India offers an excellent lead rate and a profile of reputable careers, it attracts thousands of students every year to write these exams. With so few vacancies to be filled with the RBI Grade B Exam, it is very important to successfully prepare for this exam. The selection of Grade B RBI Officers will be based on a nationwide competitive competition in three phases namely Preliminary Examination and Critical Assessment followed by Interview.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will issue a formal announcement of the position of RBI Grade B Officer Exam to hire Grade B staff in early 2022. It will be a great opportunity for graduates who want a chance at the Reserve. Bank of India (RBI). The RBI Grade B 2022 test has a three-stage selection process. Students selected after the Phase I & Phase II examination are called to the final interview process. See last year’s RBI Grade B
The RBI Grade B 2022 online application will start in early 2022 with the release of RBI Grade B Notification 2022. Stay tuned to let us know when the RBI Grade B application process begins.
Amount of Rs. 850 / – is the application fee payable by students who are part of General and OBC for the RBI Grade B 2022 examination. The same amount is reduced to Rs. 100 / – for candidates who are part of SC / ST / PWD.
The RBI Grade B 2022 test is done in three phases:
Phase I-Examination
Phase II tests as well
Negotiation process
Candidates are required to cancel all three categories in order to obtain a certified job as a Grade B official at the Reserve Bank of India.
RBI Grade B Exam pattern for Prelims Exam
The first examination of the RBI Grade-B Officer 2022 covers one Paper of 200 marks. A total of 120 minutes will be provided for response. However, a different time period will be allocated for each test.
RBI Grade B Officer Interview Process
Candidates will be shortlisted for the interview, based on the combined marks obtained in Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III for the Phase II examination. The Interview Program will carry 50 marks.
The syllabus for the first RBI Grade B 2022 exam is similar to other Bank tests. The main categories of questions are:
Quantitative Aptitude
General Awareness and
English languageIn
Addition to the three categories mentioned above in the Mains Exam, there is an additional section of English (Writing Skills) which is also available for testing.
Candidates must follow the criteria provided to qualify for the RBI Grade B 2022 Examination:
RBI Grade B Nationality and Nationality
RBI Grade-B Officer

• You must be an Indian citizen
• Must be a Nepali student
• Must be a Bhutanese subject
• Must be a Tibetan Refugee who arrived in India before 1 January 1962 with the intention of permanently residing in India.
• An Indian national came from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam for permanent residence. in India.
RBI Grade B Age Limit: The RBI has defined the minimum age requirements for appearing in the RBI Officer (Grade ‘B’) test. Students must be between the ages of 21 and 30 (both including age) to apply for the RBI Grade B 2022 examination. Students must be born before 2 January 1991 and no later than 1 January 2000. For students with M. Phil. and a Ph.D. Graduation, the maximum age limit will be 32 years and 34 years respectively.
Important: a. Master’s degree in Economics / Econometrics / Quantitative Economics / Mathematics Economics / Integrated Economics Course / Finance, with a mark of at least 55% or equal grade for a combination of all semesters / years from a well-known Indian / Foreign University / Institute.
b. PGDM / MBA Finance with a mark of 55% minimum or equal grade in the consolidation of all semesters / years from a recognized Indian / Foreign University / Institute.
c. Master’s degrees in Economics in any sub-sector of economics i.e. agriculture / business / development / application, etc., with a mark of at least 55% or equal distance in compilation of all semesters / years from a recognized Indian or Foreign University. / Center
d. (i) Students with Master’s degrees with Research / Teaching experience at the University / Recognized Indian / Foreign / Institute Institute will be eligible to rest for a higher age limit in terms of the age of such knowledge up to three years. For information, the test period will not be calculated
All Officials selected for the RBI Grade B 2022 Exam will be awarded an annual salary of 12-14 Lac. Along with this CTC comes with many rewards and benefits. PayScale for RBI Grade B Officer for Rs. 35150-1750 (9) -50900-EB-1750 (2) -54400-2000 (4) -62400. This means you will have a basic salary of Rs. 35,150 / – where you will receive an increase of Rs. 1,750 / – up to nine years of service. After completing nine years, you will join the top band where the basic salary will be Rs. 50,900 / – and then over the next two years you will receive an increment of Rs. 1,750 / – and continuous increase of Rs. 2000 / – for the next 2 years thus ending with a basic salary of Rs. 62,400 / – and that is where you do not get any promotions. Apart from Basic Pay, many salaries will be offered such as Dearness Allowance, Rental Housing Grant, Family Grant, Telephone Grant, Transportation Grant etc.
The results of the RBI Grade B 2022 Exam will be released after the completion of each phase of the examination. The nominee is required to qualify for both the Phase I and Phase II examinations in order to be eligible to sit for the interview process. The merit list is adjusted by dropping the marks obtained by students after the completion of the interview process. The final choice is based on how well you do in your interview.
To get the highest score on the RBI Grade B 2022 Exam, it is absolutely necessary for each candidate to look at the latest test pattern and changes in the syllabus so that the preparation is done properly. Candidates have the option to join the Offline Coaching Program offered by Career Power to improve their skills. They can also solve Mock Test Papers to analyze themselves and intelligently prepare for this upcoming test
RBI Grade-B Officer