Unani Medical Officer
Unani Medical Officer
MPPSC Unani Medical Officer Jobs Bharti 2022 Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) for Unani Medical Officer Posts Unani Medical Officer Recruitment 2022 Notice has been issued. interested MPPSC Unani Medical Officer Recruitment 2022 Related to qualifications, age, efficiency and eligibility process, you can find all the information related to the MPPSC Unani Medical Officer department’s job description in this post. Eligible Jobs for Indian Citizenship at Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission 2022 Under the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission vacancies have been advertised where a person can apply until 01 March 2022.
MPPSC Unani Medical Officer Recruitment 2022 Candidates after a thorough study of vacancy details, application form, age limit efficiency, pay scale etc. MPPSC Unani Medical Officer Jobs 2022 from the official website of Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission mppsc.nic .in or via MPSC by clicking below the provided application form link You can apply online. This MPPSC Unani Medical Officer Jobs The PDF job-related job ad directed at the series below, before completing the application form, be sure to update the ad ad once so that you do not have any problems in the future.
Good news to share with job hunters looking for jobs for Punjab Govt. According to recent updates, officials of the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) have issued a new job announcement for the appointment of Unani Medical Officer. Under this PPSC Recruitment 2019, 33 Unani Medical Officer is available. So interested applicants can start their preparations with PPSC Unani MO Previous Papers to get good points. As we try to incorporate complete data like PPSC MO Syllabus and Exam Pattern which makes your preparation easier.

The latest questionnaires for ppsc.gov.in Previous Medical Officer are available for download free of charge. To simplify your search process we have wisely downloaded PPSC Previous Unread MO course to make it easier to properly prepare for the exam. We also present a few direct links to the Punjab PSC Unani MO Solved Papers for use
Past PPSC Unani MO Papers are very important for applicants who will be applying for PPSC Unani MO Jobs. As these Punjab PSC test papers Unani MO informs you about how the papers are designed and what are the main topics and marks allocated to the structure. Helps the target to train accordingly and helps to raise the bar. By solving this PPSC Unani MO Last Year’s Question Papers can inform the difficulty levels of the test and can improve their comprehension levels. Job seekers can visit the official Punjab PSC website for more information
Non-communicable diseases are defined as diseases or medical conditions that are known to affect individuals
for a long time, where no agents are known and not distributed
from one person to another. There are four main types of NCDs such as cardiovascular disease
(especially heart disease and stroke), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
diabetes and asthma) and type 2 diabetes.
It is estimated that NCDs cause the majority of deaths and disabilities in the world, numbering 38
millions die each year worldwide. Of these, 28 million deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.
The WHO estimates that the number of deaths from noncommunicable diseases will increase by 70% more
for the next 10 years.

In India, NCDs are a major health problem that causes many deaths and illnesses. According to
According to WHO estimates, NCDs accounted for 5.9 million deaths (60% of all deaths) in the country in 2012.
Chances of premature death (between 30 and 70 years) due to four main types
NCDs are 26%. The main risk factors for NCDs in India are tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet
and alcohol use. Rapid urbanization, globalization, environmental factors and a growing number of aging populations
other factors that fuel the occurrence of NCDs.
In addition to the efforts initiated by the regional governments to prevent and control NCDs, Government
India launches National Cancer Prevention and Control Program, Diabetes, Heart Disease
Disease and Disease (NPCDCS) by providing technical and financial assistance. NPCDCS was introduced on
2010 aims to prevent and control common NCDs with behavioral and lifestyle changes; provide in advance
diagnosis and management of standard NCDs; building capacity at different levels of health care to protect,
diagnosis and treatment of common NCDs; train staff within the public health system i.e. doctors,
paramedics and nursing staff to deal with the growing burden of NCDs; and the establishment and development of capacity
palliative care and rehabilitation.
The Indian government has recently taken a step back from exploiting the power of Indian traditional programs
medicines including Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH)
in the application of the NPCDCS and the integration of different and time-tested therapies and principles in
to achieve the objectives of the program.
Unani System of Medicine, being a comprehensive system to deal with all indicators of health and disease,
can play an important role in preventing and controlling NCDs and in promoting a healthy lifestyle in between
the masses.
Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), an independent research organization for
Ministry of AYUSH, assigned to Lakhimpur Kheri District of Uttar Pradesh to extend NPCDCS
conducted by the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government
of India. CCRUM aims to extend its resources and resources to the system through its Age
Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Lucknow at 17 Community Health Centers (CHCs), 54 Primary Health
Centers (PHCs), Regional Hospital and NPCDCS Cell at regional headquarters.
This training manual is designed to train staff resources that are involved in implementation
The program, to make them aware of their goals and to inform them of their role and responsibilities.

Unani Medical Officer
Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
introduces National Plan for the Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease
and Stroke (NPCDCS) to provide technical and financial assistance to prevent non-communicable diseases
diseases (NCDs). Jobs at District, District, CHC and sub-levels are organized below
The program will also be monitored by NCD Cells at various levels. NCD cells will be verified
implementation and supervision of program activities related to health promotion, early diagnosis,
treatment and transmission, as well as continuing to promote collaboration with laboratories for faster detection of NCDs.
Recently, Rheumatic Heart Disease was also added to the program
Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) are non-communicable, chronic and
go a little further. The four major groups of non-communicable diseases are heart disease (such as heart disease
attacks and strokes), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (such as obstructive pulmonary disease and
asthma) and diabetes. These diseases can usually be prevented by making simple lifestyle changes.

Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) kill 38 million people each year.
About three-quarters of NCD deaths – 28 million – occur in low- and middle-income countries.
Sixteen million NCD deaths occurred before the age of 70; 82% of these “premature” deaths occur
low- and middle-income countries.
Heart disease causes a massive NCD death which means 17.5 million people a year, followed by
cancer (8.2 million), respiratory diseases (4 million), and diabetes (1.5 million).
These four disease groups account for 82% of all NCD deaths.
The total prevalence of diabetes, high blood pressure, Ischemic Heart Diseases (IHD) and Stroke is 62.47, 159.46,
37.00 and 1.54 respectively for 1000 people in India.
NCDs can affect all age groups, but are usually associated with older groups and are all at risk of illness.
risk factors that cause non-communicable diseases, even if they come from unhealthy diets, allergies,
exposure to secondhand smoke or the effects of alcohol abuse.
These diseases are triggered by factors including aging, random urban sprawl, and globalization
of unhealthy lifestyles. For example, the globalization of unhealthy lifestyles like unhealthy foods may be seen
in people such as high blood pressure, high blood glucose, high blood lipids and obesity. These
they are called ‘dangerous central factors’ that can lead to cardiovascular disease.
Tobacco use – Tobacco causes the death of an estimated 6 million people a year (including consequences
exposure to active smoking) and is expected to increase to 8 million by 2030
Unani Medical Officer
Physical inactivity / sedentary lifestyle – Approximately 3.2 million
Deaths each year can be caused by physical deficiencies
function.Unhealthy food – 1.7 million deaths annually from
Heart problems have been caused by overeating
salt / sodium in 2010.Alcohol use – More than half of 3.3
millions die each year as a result of drinking from NCDs.
These factors lead to four metabolic / physiological keys
changes that increase the risk of NCDs: high blood pressure,
obesity / obesity, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia.
The standard medication regimen provides a solution to such problems, but long-term use of common drugs
it may produce side effects. The Unani System of Medicine has developed specific therapies for a variety of chronic diseases
and lifestyle disorders. The use of plants and plant products in the form of raw drugs and varieties
compact formulation against NCDs has become a major strength of the Unani System of Medicine

The Unani System of Medicine is one of the oldest medical programs aimed at preserving health,
disease management and the restoration of a healthy lifestyle. Provides prevention, promotion, treatment
and comprehensive restorative health care. The basic structure of this program is supported
on scientific principles including the Hippocratic theory of four Akhlat (Jokes) – Dam (Blood), Balgham
(Phlegm), Safra (Yellow Bile) and Sawda (Black Bile). A combination of different materials and their attributes
to some extent in a particular company, whether live or not, it calls its Mizaj (Temperament).
The human condition is described by the ruling jokes namely Damawi (Sanguine), Balghami (Phlegmatic),
Safrawi (Choleric) and Sawdawi (Melancholic), not associated with diet, drugs,
natural features. Unani Medicine also believes that Tabiat Mudabbira-e Badan (Medicatrix Naturae) is
superior strength, which controls all the natural functions of the body, provides resistance to resistance
diseases also aids in natural healing.
The Unani System of Medicine believes that everyone has their own unique personality according to their style
Constitution of humor, lifestyle and nature. Any deviation from its normal state results in
disease. Control of the disease depends on correcting the changed mood through a variety of factors
medicines, food and drugs. It uses certain specialized techniques and types of food, physical activity,
lifestyle and methods such as Hijamat (Cupping), Taliq (Leeching), Fasd (Venesection) to eliminate
jokes from the body (Tanqiya).
The Unani System of Medicine is completely natural. It requires a whole human constitution and a way of life
considering diagnosis and treatment description. Doctors prescribe medication and medication according to the conditions
in the patient’s condition and the disease status. Location of the Unani System of Medicine
management of chronic diseases and lifestyle. It provides a solid and safe solution to a variety of chronic diseases
diseases such as psychoneurotic disorders, hepatobiliary disorders, gastro-intestinal disorders, metabolic disorders.
Unani Medical Officer
In addition to treating disease conditions, the Unani System of Medicine places great emphasis on prevention
of diseases and to promote existing health through the principles of the six needs or key aspects of
health i.e. Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriya.
All the factors that affect health and disease, the so-called ones that affect all people endlessly
Zarooriya (Important), while others are called Ghayr Zarooriya (Important). It should be noted that
the following ‘Six Key Features’ are not only used to maintain health and prevent disease, but
and treatment of diseases.
Hawa (Wind)
The spirit is the most important factor in life. Assists in the production and storage of Rooh (Pneuma),
which is a source of energy. The Unani System of Medicine uses the spirit of prevention and treatment in particular
considering the seasonal variation in the air. For example, in summer, the air is hot,
so cold diets and moderate movement and exercise should be adopted to keep you healthy and unhealthy
on the contrary. Makool o Mashroob (Food & Beverages)
Food and drink are only the second in the air to maintain health and well-being by replacing the body with the body
and broken parts (Badal ma Yatahallal). By looking at the importance of food, Unani
The System of Medicine makes extensive use of food for both health promotion and treatment of diseases. A
a healthy man should especially consume food of a similar nature. However,
if he is threatened with pathological changes in his behavior, he should use the opposite diet
attitude. The Unani System of Medicine also provides comprehensive guidelines for water type as well
the right time to drink it. For example, to ensure proper digestion, hot people
air should drink water at meal time, but people with cold air should only use water
after the digestion has fully penetrated.
Harakat o Sukoon Badani (Movement and Relaxation)
The Unani System of Medicine offers great value for both proper movement and rest
maintaining health and treating disease. Movement is required to remove debris once
rest is needed to maintain nutrients until digestion is complete. The program offers a broader perspective
function of all organs. It distinguishes movement into two types: high frequency and short intensity
length of time, which increases the temperature; and low frequency and duration, increased duration

Harakat o Sukoon Nafsani (Mental Movement and Relaxation)
The Unani System of Medicine fully recognizes the role of mental regions in maintaining health once and for all
to treat diseases. Unani Medicine defines basically attitudes toward movement and relaxation
pneuma. Its movement increases the temperature while resting increases the temperature. Thus, excessive movement or rest
Pneuma causes hot and cold pathologies. These pathologies can be controlled by changing the condition
attitudes and by giving cold or hot drugs.
Nawm o Yaqza (Sleep and wake up)
Sleep is needed to maintain breathing and vitality and to provide aging and crying (Badal)
ma Yatahallal), while vigilance is required for volunteer work. Excessive sleepiness increases coldness