Union Public Service Commission
Union Public Service Commission
Today, the hiring of public servants is done by the Union Public Sevkice
Commission. The term government employees was first given to those employees of
The East India Company was concerned about its management
trade news in India. Employees of the East India Company were at that time
elected and recruited by its board of directors in England. For the purposes of
employment, basic information of eastern trading and trading accounts
it was considered a candidate for the election, but in all of that
appointments are made on a supporting basis. Since then there have been appointments
reserved only for the appointment of directors, this has led to more competition
processes in mobilizing resources.
It was early in 1933, when King Granville, at that time, was in control
A member of the House of Lords encouraged the practice of hiring certain individuals
who will run for office competitively instead of being nominated by directors. However
nothing was accomplished in this until 1853. However, in 1833, a subsection
was incorporated into the Charter Act issued by the Company declaring that from now on
eligibility would be an indication of the suitability of government services negligently
outline, religion or color.
The right of directors to make nominations for public office
elndia was allowed to continue until the end of April 1854. Committee under
The Chairman of Lord Macaulay was appointed in 1854 by Sir Charles
Wood, advising on measures to be adopted in order to implement the 1833 Act,
which at least in theory threw the Indian Civil Service appointments open
competition without discrimination. The Committee recommended that
student selection on the basis of competitive assessment, i
the need for a probationary period before they are finally appointed once
graduation of College in Haileybury.
The competitive testing program had its first test on Indian soil as well
it was gradually adopted in England. But the Indiaisation process of the
service continued at a slow berry speed until 1909, when Minto Morley made changes
introduced. But these changes did not satisfy the Indians

Union Public Service Commission
In 1923, the British Government followed its declared policy
linking the Indians with all the branches of government formed the Commission
under the Chairman of Lord Lee to inquire of the organization and the general
conditions of services and methods of European employment as well
the Indians. As it was only concerned with Superior Civil Services it was there
known as the Royal Commission on the Superior Civil Services in India.
The Commission was of the view that the establishment of public servants
The commission was needed to assist the government in carrying out its mandate
bonds. Take a look at its recommendations about
establishment of the Public Service Commission as ‘one of the key elements’
of its report ‘and as an integral part of the whole structure’
its proposals for the future of services.