2. Pondicherry Police Service
The POLICE SERVICE of the Union Territory of Puducherry is under the general command
the control of the State Inspector-General of Police. India, Department of Home Affairs
Affairs, New Delhi, with full and direct supervision of the Department of Police
exercise that power and perform such duties, as provided for in the Police AcInspector General of Police, Puducherry assisted by Deputy Inspector General of Police.
Police, Assistant Chief Inspector of Police and four senior Superintendent of
Police (IPS Officers) are also deployed and deployed on the premises by order of
Government of India, Department of Home Affairs, New Delhi

This area consists of 4 regions namely Puducherry, Karaikal (Surrounded by Tamil.
Nadu) and Mahe and Yanam (packs of Kerala and Andrapradesh respectively),
has been announced in two Police General districts. Police Management in all of these
Two districts are under two Superintendent of Police (IPS) or in the absence of IPS
officer, PPS officer instead of Chief Superintendent of Police.
Two districts with four regions were divided into six subdivisions led by a
Superintendent of Police (PPS) or sometimes an IPS officer on the Junior scale and each subsection
it is also divided into individual Police circles consisting of three or four circles with the exception of Mahe and Yanam.
Sub-SP SP is appointed by the Government. of Puducherry in consultation
and Inspector General of Police. The Police Force is under the control and direction
to control the Circuit Police Inspector.
Puducherry County / District operates in three phases called Pondicherry
North, Pondicherry South & Pondicherry Rural divided into two according to
location, human capacity in police stations and capacity and type of
issues / cases to be addressed and political suitability according to the stages of the meeting /

Most of the above police stations existed in the old French government and later
reorganized in July 1967 on the basis of the report of the Shetty Commission dated 07-05-1965. To
to keep pace with urban development and industrialization, some old job vacancies existed
converted into full-fledged Kirumampakkam Police Station, Kalapet, Lawspet,
Mettupalayam and Katerikuppam. Each Police Station will be provided as follows.
Outgoing police officers will also be treated equally.
Postponed Punishment: – Punishment or reward or a
black mark, reprimand or suspicion may be suspended
where the officer has a good previous record. It can be held inside
stop period from 3 to 6 months at the end of
that is, the order of punishment will be revoked if the perpetrators
The behavior is found to be good while at work during the period
postponed. If the behavior of the offender is found to be
unsatisfactory at any time during the postponement, i
punishment can be guaranteed once and for all. Such a black mark,
suspicion or confirmed suspicion will take effect from
the date of the related case.
A suspension order made or deemed to have been made under this
the law may at any time be amended or revoked by an authorized or made jurisdiction
presumably to make an order or by any other authority to which that authority belongs
Acquisition penalty in payment of all or part of the pecuniary
losses caused by Government negligence or breach of order
placed above any other penalty that may be imposed
about the same negligence or breach of instructions.
In all cases where it is proposed to impose a service member,
any penalties referred to in subsections (a), (b), (c), (d) and (f) of rules 2,
you will be given ample opportunity to demonstrate the reason for the action
proposed to be taken about him.

In all cases where it is proposed to impose a service member,
any penalties referred to in subsections (a), (g), (i) and (j) of rule 2,
proposed reasons to be taken on the facts that led to his
conviction in a criminal court, reduced to a specific type of litigation
must be contacted by the accused person, as well as a statement of
allegations against each other and any other circumstances
it is proposed that consideration be given to the transfer of orders in the case. He will do it
he or she must at the appropriate time submit a written statement of his or her defense
and state whether he or she wishes to be interviewed or felt personally.
An oral investigation will be conducted if the question is sought by the accused person
or directed by the relevant authority. In that question, the oral evidence will be
heard the unconfirmed allegations and the accused
he or she shall have the right to question the witness, and to give evidence in person
to call those witnesses as he pleases, unless he is a police officer
conducting an investigation may, for a specific and sufficient reason to record
to write, refused to call a witness. After the investigation has been completed, i
the accused person shall have the right to include, if he or she so wishes, any other written document
self-defense statement. If no question was made verbally and if he wished to be so
heard of a man, he’ll sound like that. The trial will contain enough content
record of evidence and statement of findings and reasons.
After the investigation referred to in subsection (i) has been completed and thereafter
the authority to issue a fine specified in that clause
has come to an interim conclusion regarding the fine to be paid, i
the accused person will be provided with a copy of the interrogation report
authority and called to show cause, at the right time not
usually more than one month, against a certain proposed fine
done. Any representations made in this regard by the accused must be appropriate
it should be considered before final approval is passed.

Provided that appeal is withheld for failure to do so
compliance with the provisions of subsection (1) of rule 9 may be reproduced by any means
a period within one month from the date on which the appellant was notified
withholding of the appeal and if it is resubmitted in a consistent manner
those principles will not be withheld.
Any complaint not reserved under these rules will be referred to you
appeal authority by the appeal authority
by expressing an opinion.Complaints lodged under rule 10 and grounds for reservation
see; will be extended for half a year by the acting authorities to
appeal authority.
The appeal authority may summon the appeal received under this heading
rules held by a subordinate authority and may be passed
commands so as it sees fit.
No complaint shall be construed as withheld by a competent person
Powers by law to impose fines under rule 4
postponed or amended in cases where no appeal is filed will be an appeal
authority referred to in rule 5 and any higher authority.
Nothing in these rules shall apply to deprive any person of any right
a complaint he would have made if these laws had not been enacted, in relation to it
any order issued before it comes into operation. Pending complaint at that time
when, or after the election, these rules come into force, it will be regarded as i
appeal decision under these rules, and rules 6 and 7 will act as if the appeal exists
against an order that can be appealed under these rules.(1). Absence without the consent of any member of the body governed by this Act
21 days will be considered the end of the conviction charge, thereafter
the name of the officer will always be removed from the list of police officers.
(2). Application for reinstatement of a dismissed officer
as a rebel he will not be kept unless he comes to the Inspector General of
Police within two months from the date of the start of the absence
without a break. The Inspector General of Police will not reinstate a rebel. (a)
until the rebel himself has gone about his own business which he should not do later
the date determined by the presiding officer and to present his case
a description of his absence without permission; and (b) unless the Inspector-General
Police are satisfied after a thorough investigation into the case
it should be reconsidered. At the end of two months, if there is no application
a refund is accepted if the recipient’s whereabouts are unknown,
the police officer in charge of the case will write down the reasons for your presence
he is satisfied that it is not possible to give a deserving one
to show the reason for his dismissal and confirm his dismissal. In another
case, charge must be made and the procedure set out in rule 3 is complied with
before confirming eviction or restitution of the loser or ex
punishment.Release of examiner during his or her examination shall not
the amount of removal or dismissal within the meaning of the disciplinary rules. But,
the character is not a minor member of the ministry involved and with respect
in disciplinary matters it will be subject to the general rules of discipline in
in the same way as other members of such a sergice. Test tester
may be terminated at the end or at any time before the expiry of the prescribed period
test time. Although the completion of the test is not a minimum fine
these rules, can be ordered in a particular case. When a particular case is opened
half of the candidates call for disciplinary action, his fitness to continue
in the test should be considered directly and the findings recorded down before any
of the penalties imposed under these rules are imposed on him. Imbuka
must be notified of the proposed action
therefore he also allowed sufficient opportunity to do any
representation he may wish to make against such an act.

- In the case of merged groups, a separate selected list will be prepared
respect for each State Police Service.
185 (2) 19The Committee shall consider for inclusion in the prescribed list, cases e
members of the State Police Service in the order of officers in the service a
a number equal to three times the number referred to in subregulation (1):
Provided that such limitation may not apply to the State in the case of a full amount
the number of eligible officers is less than three times the maximum size of
Select Lists and in such a case the Committee will consider all relevant officials:
It depends on the calculation of the number to be included in the file
In this case, the number of officers referred to in subregulation (3) may not be included:
Except that the Committee will not consider the matter of this member
The State Police Service except, on the first day of January of the 20th year [optional
list edited] has power in the State Police Service and has completed not less
there are eight years of continuous service (whether legal or authoritative) in lieu of
The Deputy Superintendent of Police or any other position or vacancy declared is equal to this
by the National Government.
21It also depends on whether in respect of any officers sent to emergencies or
Shortlisted Police officers have been appointed to the State Police Service, for eight years
of continuous service as required under the previous regulation shall be calculated from
the date of their appointment to that service, depends on the nature of that
officers will be eligible for consideration if they have completed less than four years
of real ongoing service, on the first day of January of the 22nd year [o
to prepare the selected list], on behalf of the Deputy Superintendent of Police or anyone else
posts or posts declared equivalent to that by the State Government.
Definition: – The powers of the State Government under the third principle of this
The by-law will apply to members of the State Police Service
of the State formed, by the Government of that province.