AAO, Medical Officer, Lecturer, Associate Professor & Other
AAO, Medical Officer, Lecturer, Associate Professor & Other
Under Account Staff [sub-rule (ii) of subsection (3)], which includes A.A.O.
Accountants and Junior Accountants; recruitment for Junior Accountants
will be done through direct employment and the hiring of others will be done through promotions.
Direct hire of Junior Accounts will be made on a written basis
examination as per the R.P.S.C. pattern, year after year whenever needed, the University must
promote employment in the work of Junior Accountants and appoint graduates
a list of successful students in the order of merit. University staff performing i
the minimum required qualifications can also compete and appear in the test. One
Percentage positions are reserved for University staff who are eligible for written examinations.
Appointment of other posts namely. Accountant and Assistant Accounts officer will be appointed
by promotions among the specified in Schedule VIII (B) of this Chapter
All appointments in class IV spaces for any appointments may be provided
the budget will be made by the appointing authorities at the discretion of the District
a list of adults and secondly from Inter Distt. list of elders after receiving their
permit and subsequently exit the list of selected persons / persons found in
affiliate trade. During the appointment of a particular post
for category IV, it will be confirmed that the nominee is
not ready for work.

Schedule book schedules / schedules Tribes and other background actors
will comply with various Government directives
phases during direct appointments and promotions.
Appointments must be strictly in accordance with the prescribed plan
separately for the recognition and promotion of the State Government.
Subject to the provisions of these rules, the designating officer must
to determine Ist April, the actual number of posts from time to time
financial year.
Where the work is to be completed by direct appointment or promotion
Fixed vacancies will be filled that way. Where the post should be completed in more than one way as prescribed
laws and / or systems in accordance with these laws, their appointment
The spaces determined under subsection (a) above in each case shall be
it was done after keeping the already fixed promotions
completed. If any part of the vacancy remains, after the appointment of
job vacancies in a continuous manner in the order of the cycle
prior to the promotional assignment, the cycle will continue year after year.
The designating officer will also determine the vacancy for the previous year,
vacancies equal to one year that had to be filled by promotion, if
these vacancies were not determined at the beginning of the year that these were
required to fill.
Except for anything contained in these provisions of the Rules
regarding the eligibility of the Service hire in this regard
Nationality, age limit and fees or other permits for a potential person
they emigrated to India for the purpose of permanent residence
residency in India will be governed by such potential orders or instructions
issued by the State Government from time to time and the same will be the case
regulates mutatis mutandis in accordance with the instructions issued on
under the Government of India.
The person to be hired directly must be in good mental and physical health as well
without any mental or physical disability that may interfere with proper functioning
to perform his or her duties as a member of the service and if designated a certificate of
this result will be sent from non-CM & medical level managers

Professor & Other
If vacancies arise, the Dean / Director concerned must
the same approach to the Registrar.
The registrar will then proceed to invite applications
ads. Where applications are received, if any, as stated in the clause
above, the application will be considered by the committee and approved
Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
Shortlist: When the number of requests received is answered by
The ad is large and will not fit or be able to
In order for the University to negotiate with all candidates, the University may impose restrictions
basis for naming candidates with higher education qualifications as well
experience in the relevant field and or by taking a test (written test)
test) as it seems appropriate. A meeting of the Nomination Committee shall be convened by the Registrar.
At least ten days’ notice is given to nominees to appear on
interview. The Nomination Committee will consult with the candidate and act
recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor for approval. The entire Selection Committee will be bound by the qualifications
in the appropriate order supplemented by these rules. The Nomination Committee will prepare a list of nominees for it
order eligibility and will process other reservations in the same manner
and up to 50% of vacancies instead of their Choice
The committee was formed and will forward the Big and Reserved list
and its recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor.

Professor & Other
Promotions in each category will only be done on the basis of size
cum fitness.
The person holding the office referred to in Rule 16, shall be eligible
promotion depends on having his own qualifications and experience
on the first day of the month of April of the year as required under the Act
In the system the person is listed in column 4 or higher
a column about the post to be made for its promotion as possible
be on the right track of work you will be eligible for promotion
specified against them in column 2 where, at the rate shown in
Column 3 depends on your minimum qualifications and experience
on the first day of the month of April of the year as mentioned in column 5
or in the appropriate “Minimum Fit” column and information on that
promotion as it may be. In the event that a qualified person is not available
by making a promotion to an imaginary position, and then the process of that
Specific appointments will be accepted. No one will be considered for promotion unless he has
he was highly appointed and confirmed in a low position in the ministry.
After the first promotion in the next promotion service for the top post
in the ministry, a person will qualify, if he has been appointed to that person
posts to be promoted after being selected accordingly
one of the hiring methods under these rules: as long as it starts
promotion if the number of over-elected people also
guaranteed in the lower space, equal to the number of spaces absent
present at the time are people appointed to very low positions

A committee made up of the power to appoint as Chairperson or builder
nominee and two members nominated by the Vice-Chancellor must
consider cases of multiple eligible adults as well
are not eligible for promotion to the relevant office under these rules
and will prepare a list containing the names of people found eligible
base cum merit base and / or base fit, as applicable
be, in terms of the promotions set out in these rules, equal to
posts. A list prepared on the basis of cum merit size will be
they are arranged in the order in which they appear in the ranks
promotions should be made.
The committee will also prepare a list based on this
senior cum merit in terms of promotions set out in the rules,
containing the names of people equal to the number of the selected person
in the list provided below as a temporary or permanent filling
potential vacancies next. Such a prepared list will be
they are arranged in the order in which they appear in the ranks
will be selected. Such a list will be reviewed and reviewed by
The Departmental Development Committee (DPC) meets at the following
year and that list will remain valid for a period of 9 months from
date of approval of the Vice-Chancellor or until further notice
the committee (DPC) meets, depending on what is ahead.
Appointments will be made by the nominating officer
the list is finally approved under subsequent sub-regulation
listed, until such list ends or
updated or updated as it may be.

Professor & Other
If in any year following the promulgation of these rules, vacancies
about any previous year that needed to be completed
the promotion of the Departmental Development Committee will look into cases
to all such people who would be eligible this year
space is opened regardless of the annual meeting
held a meeting of the department that upgrades the department again
such promotions will be governed by the terms and conditions
promotions as it was in effect that year that vacancy
related to the service and / or information of an incumbent person who has done so
he has been promoted to a higher position at any time during his promotion
he did not actually do the works that he would have done
promoted, will be counted.
In the event of his promotion and appointment to the next promotion
regularly or on the basis of D.P.C. if a person ceases to be such an appointment
he will also be considered for appointment only later
two years.

Associate Professor & Other
All person appointed to the service by direct recruitment against a
substantive vacancy shall be appointed as probation trainee for a period
of two years, and those appointed to the service by promotion/special
selection against a substantive vacancy shall be placed on probation for a
period of one year. During the period of probation specified in sub rule (1) each probationer
may be required to pass such departmental examination and undergo such
training as the Board may specify from time to time. In cases of persons who die or are due to retire on attaining the
superannuation, the period of probation shall be reduced so as to end one
day earlier immediately preceding the date of his death or retirement from
the service. The condition of passing the Departmental Examination in the
rule regarding confirmation shall be deemed to have been waived in case
of death or retirement.
If it appears to the appointing authority, at any time, during or at the end of
the period of probation, that a member in the service has not made
sufficient use of his opportunity or that he has failed to give satisfaction,
the appointing authority may revert him to the post held substantively by
him immediately before proceeding his appointment provided he holds
lien on that post or in other cases may discharge or terminate him from
service, provided that appointing authority may, extend the period of
probation upto one years in case of persons appointed by direct
requirement and one year in case of persons appointed by promotion.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the above provision, if a
probationer is placed under suspension during the period of probation or
disciplinary proceedings are contemplated or started against him, the
period of probation may be extended till such period the appointing
authority thinks fit in the circumstances.

All persons appointed for this purpose by direct employment against a
A vacancy will be appointed as a probationary candidate for a period of time
for two years, and those appointed to the ministry for promotion / special
the nomination against the vacancy will be included in the examination a
one year period. During the test specified in the by-law each inspector
you may need to pass a departmental exam and do that
training as the Board may from time to time determine. In the case of people who die or have to retire to receive this
pension, probationary period will be reduced to one term
the day before the date of his death or retirement
service. Pass Status Department Examination e
The law regarding verification will be deemed to have been revoked if possible
of death or retirement.

If it appears to the appointing officer, at any time, during or at the end of
a probationary period, which the service member did not perform
take advantage of the opportunity or failure to provide satisfaction,
the appointing authority may reinstate him in the highest office
immediately before proceeding with his appointment as long as he is present
imprisonment in that post or in some cases may release or annihilate him
service, as long as the designating officer may, extend the time
testing for up to one year if there are direct appointments
requirement and one year if there are persons nominated for promotion.
Except for anything contained in the above provision, if a
the inspector is placed under suspension during the test or
disciplinary action is considered or initiated by him, i
the probationary period may be extended to that time of appointment
the authority thinks it is appropriate in the circumstances.