ASP.NET is a web-based framework developed and marketed by Microsoft for
allow programmers to create dynamic websites. Allows you to use the full feature
programming language such as C # or VB.NET to build web applications easily.
This tutorial covers all the basic features of ASP.NET a beginner can take
they need to get started

This course is designed for beginners to help them understand basic ASP.NET
editing. After completing the course, you will find yourself in the middle
the level of expertise in the ASP.NET system from where you can take them
the following levels

Before proceeding with this study, you should have a basic understanding
.NET programming language. As we develop web-based applications
using the ASP.NET web application framework, it will be great if you have
understanding other web technologies such as HTML, CSS, AJAX, etc.
ASP.NET is a web development platform, providing a programming model, a
complete software infrastructure and various resources required for construction
robust web applications for PC and mobile devices.
ASP.NET operates over HTTP protocol, and uses HTTP commands as well
policies for setting up communication and collaboration between the browser and the server.
ASP.NET is part of the Microsoft .Net platform. ASP.NET applications are integrated
codes, written using expandable and reusable components or objects
.Net draft. These codes can apply to the entire category system in .Net
ASP.NET is used to generate interactive, data-driven web applications over
internet. Contains a large number of controls such as text boxes, buttons, and
labels for compiling, editing, and manipulating code to create HTML pages

ASP.NET web forms extend the web-based interactive model
applications. The browser submits the web form to the web server and server
returns a full blank page or HTML page in response.
All client side functions are transferred to the server for processing. I
the server processes output of client actions and triggers responses.
Now, HTTP is a seamless protocol. The ASP.NET framework helps save the file
information about the nature of the request, containing o

Page status client status, that is, the content of various input fields in
web form. Session status is a collection of information found on various pages
the user visited and worked with, that is, the state of the whole session. Clearing the idea,
Let’s take the example of a shopping cart:
The user adds items to the shopping cart. Items are selected from the page, say items
page, and the total number of items collected and the price displayed on a separate page, say i
cart page. Only HTTP can track all information from various sources
pages. ASP.NET session status and server side infrastructure following track
information collected worldwide per session.
ASP.NET operating time carries the status of the page to and from the server across the entire application page
while generating ASP.NET operating time codes, and includes server status
side parts in hidden fields.
This way, the server recognizes the overall state of the application and works on it
a two-stage integrated approach.
Before heading to the next session on Visual Studio.Net, let’s take a look at the variety
components of the .Net framework 3.5. The following table describes the components
of the .Net 3.5 framework and the work they do

ASP.NET provides a tense layer over HTTP where web applications use
built. Provides state-of-the-art businesses such as classrooms and components within
parigid-focused paradigm.
The main development tool for building ASP.NET applications and previous conclusions is Visual
Studio. In this study, we are working with Visual Studio 2008.
Visual Studio is an integrated development platform for writing, compiling, and
to correct an error. Provides a complete set of building improvement tools
ASP.NET web applications, web applications, desktop applications, and mobile

When you start a new website, ASP.NET provides the first folders and files
site, which includes two files of the original web form of the site.
The file named Default.aspx contains HTML and asp code that describes the form,
and a file named Default.aspx.cs (encoding for C #) or a file named Default.aspx.vb
(VB coding) contains the code in the language you selected and this code states
guilty of acts committed in the form.
The main window in the Visual Studio IDE is the Web Forms Designer window.
Other support windows are Toolbox, Solution Explorer, and Properties
window. You are using the designer to design a web form, to add code to the controls
form for the form to work according to your need, using the code editor

When a new web form is created, Visual Studio automatically generates a startup
Form HTML and display it in the web viewer’s web resource view. I
Solution Explorer is used to add any other files, folders or any existing object to
To add a normal folder, right-click on the project or subfolder
they will add a folder to Solution Explorer and select New Folder
To add an ASP.NET folder, right-click on a project in Solution Explorer
and select a folder from the list
To add an existing item to the site, right-click on the project or sub-folder
you will add an item to Solution Explorer and select it
dialog box

The standard ASP.NET application contains many elements: web content files (.aspx),
source files (.cs files), assemblies (.dll and exe files), data source files (files.mdb),
indexes, icons, user controls and a mixture of files and folders. All this
The files that make up the website are contained in Solution.
When a new website is created, VB2008 automatically creates a solution again
shows you in the solution tester.
Solutions can contain one or more projects. The project contains content files, source
files, and other files such as data sources and image files. Generally, the content of a
the project is compiled into an organization as a usable file (.exe) or a dynamic link
library (.dll) file

The ASP.NET health cycle identifies:
ASP.NET processes pages to generate powerful output
The application and its pages are validated and processed
ASP.NET integrates pages in a flexible way
The ASP.NET life cycle can be divided into two groups:
Application Life Cycle
Page Life Cycle
The life cycle of the app has the following categories:
- User requests access to the application application, page. Browser
sends this request to a web server. - The connected pipe receives the initial request and the following events occur:
i. The ApplicationManager class object has been created.
ii. The HostingEnvironment class item is designed to provide
information about services.
iii. Advanced features in the app are integrated. - Responses are created. App items such as HttpContext,
HttpRequest and HttpResponse are created and implemented. - An example of an HttpApplication object is created and assigned to i
application. - The application is being processed by the HttpApplication class. Different events
recommended by the class to consider the application

When the page is requested, it is uploaded to server memory, processed, and exported
in the browser. Then reduced to memory. In all these steps, the means
and existing events, which may be issued according to the need of
application. In other words, you can write your own code to extract the default code.
Page Category creates a hierarchical tree for all controls on the page. Everything
the sections on the page, without instructions, are part of this control tree. You can see the control tree by adding trace = “true” to the page’s direction. We will close the page
guidelines and compliance under ‘guidelines’ and’ event management
Understanding page rotation helps to write codes for doing something
they occur at any stage of the page life cycle. It also helps to write custom controls
and launch them in a timely manner, filling in their formats with viewing status data again
apply the code of conduct
When ASP.NET receives a page request, it decides to process and compile this file
page, or there will be a cached version of the page; accordingly the answer is
At this stage, request items and responses are set. If the application is old
ask or send back, IsPostBack page location is set to true. UICculture
page property is also set
In this section, the controls on the page are assigned a different ID by setting UniqueID
materials and themes are used. With the new application, postback data is being loaded again
control structures are restored to view-state values
At this stage, control structures are set using the viewing mode and state control values
The authentication control system is also called for its effective operation,
The IsValid feature of the page is set to true
If the request is a postback (old application), a related event host is requested.
In this section, the page view status and all controls are saved. Page calls for
The delivery method for each control and output output is labeled at
OutputStream section of page response area
The provided page is sent to the client with the page layouts, as a response once
Request, uploaded and all cleaning done
At each stage of the life cycle of the page, the page suggests specific events, which could be
code. An event manager is basically a function or sub-program, tied to an event,
using declaring attributes such as Onclick or handle
Preinit is the first event in the page life cycle. Checking IsPostBack property again
determines if the page is postback. Sets theme and main pages,
creates flexible controls, and detects and sets the values of the profile properties. This event can
can be managed by overloading the OnPreInit path or creating a Page_Preinit handle