Assistant Security Commissioner
Assistant Security Commissioner
Provided that the provisions of rules 83 to 86 will not apply to a senior person
officers and other registered members of the Association are appointed as delegates once
contract-appointed officials who will continue to manage their own
terms and conditions of the messenger or, as the case may be, in terms of
their agreement.

The organization, supervision and administration of the Society are graduated
The Director-General, who will be assisted by those senior officials in his or her duties
headquarters as may be appointed for a purpose.
Senior officers and members of the Army are registered as
mentioned in column 2 of the Schedule I will also be known as
specified in column 3 of that program.
Officials appointed under rule 3 will perform those functions and oversee
the operation of other branches as provided for in these rules or possibilities
assigned to the Director-General from time to time.
All officers appointed under rule 3 may have a number of others under them
senior officers and registered members of the Association as may be appointed from it
from time to time, and shall exercise that power over them as prescribed below
these rules can also be applied by its partners of the same level as well
appointment of bezonal tracks.
The organization will have a specially trained unit called Railway Protection
Special Forces, will be developed as an Army with a military pattern
Assistant Security Commissioner

The number of battalions as their strength and shape will always be
as may be determined by the Director-General.
Each army will function as a team and will have a commander in chief
not to replace the Commander-in-Chief who will be known as the Instructor
The officer.
The Chief Executive Officer will be assisted by that number of other senior members
officers and registered numbers of the Association as may be appointed from time to time
Registered Numbers for Special Train Protection Forces
The force will form a separate group for the purpose of strengthening the position.
The Battalions will have trained wireless crews like Armourers. This post
you will be an ex-cadre. Post number will be as determined from time to time.
This post will be governed by Guidelines issued in this regard by
DG / RPF from time to time.

Central Crime Bureau containing such a large number of top police officers as well
register members of the association as may be determined by the Director-General
will be kept at his headquarters.
The Central Crime Bureau will have a Central Detective Wing, Central
Wing records will also perform such functions, maintain such records, and consolidate
and submit such reports and returns as may be directed by the Director-General.
To better prevent and detect crime, a breing-cum-training center
because ‘police dogs’ will be cared for under the responsibility of that police officer as much as possible
appointed by the Director-General.
The center will breed puppies and their training as ‘police dogs’
and shall perform such other functions as the Director may determine
There will be a Medium Arms Store under the immediate order as well
to regulate such senior official as may be designated by the Director-General
purchase and supply of arms, ammunition and ammunition stores.

Assistant Security Commissioner
There will be that number of weapons testing teams as it can be established
Director-General to conduct periodic inspections of weapons held by
Power in all its parts.
There will be a Railway Protection Force Academy under the case of
The Principal, who is not subject to the post of Deputy Inspector-General, for the provision
initial training, performance, specialization and other professional development and technical training
courses for members of the Society.
The said Academy will have such a number of instructors trained in various fields
disciplines that the Director-General may appoint from time to time.
The Director-General may announce the Principal of any school
the Chief Executive Officer of the Association (training) and so on
The officer shall generally act on behalf of the Director-General over all
the Society’s training institutions, developing a training curriculum and syllabus,
edit training materials and maintain close contact with sisters
training institutes of other disciplines.
Each zonal railway will have a training center in the Association under trial
of the chief executive officer for initial provision, admission, employment and so on
refresher courses and promotions and attention to training needs for subscribers
members of the local Society may or may not be assigned specially
For the purposes of the Act, the Armed Forces unit will be deployed in each area
a railway connecting railway stations and other railway stations provided by that
zonal rail.

Assistant Security Commissioner
The Head of Department of Security on each railway line will be the Principal *
The Commissioner General of Defense and the entire Armed Forces have submitted that
the railway (including the railway lines on that railway line) should be
under his command, direction and administration.
Power on each railway line will also be distributed over phases once
railway stations.
Each unit or train establishment will be led by the Unit
The Security Commissioner, who will be assisted by those numbers of others
senior officers and registered members of the Association as may be appointed from it
time and time again.
For operational purposes, the division may be divided into individual clauses
under the responsibility of the chief executive officer.
The component or sub-component will contain one or more vertical posts and a mobile phone
companies listed in the manner specified in sub-rules (2) and (3) of the Act
Each post office or company will be under the official responsibility of not less than
the position of Inspector who may be assisted by that number of registered members
of the Army as may be determined from time to time by the Principal * Principal
Commissioner for Security.
Standby posts or mobile company may have one or more posts either
the affiliated team, each led by a non-level a
Sub-Inspector and the same number of other registered members
Organization as may be determined by Principal * Chief Commissioner for Security.
The Fire Station will be headed by an officer who is not under the rank of Sub-Inspector General and will have that number of other registered members.
Force as it may be appointed from time to time to fight the fire and the fire
to prevent

The Static Wing will be organized with a post pattern that includes that
the number of registered members of the Association as may be necessary for better verification
protection and security of railway property and the fight against crime against it.
Mobile Wing, set by that company pattern as may be determined
Principal * Head of Security The commissioner concerned, will act
functions other than those that need to be performed by the standing unit below
subsection (2), especially those with intermediate effects.
The Crime Unit will act as a special unit for collection and compilation
information about criminals robbing railway property, detection
crime, questions about serious cases with wide consequences, arrests
criminals and their persecution. Principal * Chief Commissioner for Security
may attach certain registered members of the Association to the Service
Security Commissariat and Dog Squad and administrators in each division.
Managing those employees will be shared through operations within the unit as well
the Security Commission as may be directed by the Principal * Head of Security
Principal * High Commissioner for Security may appoint registered members
An organization serving in the Special Unit of his Security Commission in
phases of intelligence collection that affect the safety and performance of
trains. All branch members will work directly under
directing Principal * Immediate High Commissioner for Security
to monitor and control the chief executive officer of the Special Wing in his area
Commissariat. Wisdom that requires immediate attention and action
of this unit will be transferred directly to Divisional Security
Commissioner of the unit assigned to that section.
The Shopping Unit will oversee and provide for the needs of the Association
uniform, accoutrements, weapons, ammunition, equipment and other store items.
This unit will also arrange for the disposal of unused documents as well
their condemnation. Principal * High Commissioner for Security may attach more
register members of the Society who serve in this Unit in each possible phase
operating under the direction of the Divisional Security Commissioner.

The Security Control Room will be set up at the Director’s headquarters
General, Principal * High Commissioner for Security and Division
Commissioner for Security.
It will operate day and night and be managed by those members of the Society
as it can be placed on it from time to time.