Deputy Commissioner Special SecretaryDeputy Commissioner Special SecretaryDeputy Commissioner Special Secretary
Deputy Commissioner
General regional administration is vested in the Deputy Commissioner, for administrative purposes, under the Divisional Commissioner, Hisar. He is currently the Deputy Commissioner, District Magistrate and Collector. As the Deputy Commissioner, he is the head of the district with many responsibilities related to development, panchayats, local themes, public administration, etc. As a Regional Magistrate, he is responsible for law and order and leads the police and the prosecution. As a Collector, he is the chief revenue officer and is responsible for the collection of land revenues, and is also the chief revenue officer for the region. He serves as the district electoral officer and Registrar with the registration function. He oversees all other government agencies in his district. In short, he is the head of the regional administration, the intermediary between the various departments and the intermediary between the public and the government to this day as he conducts policies, regulates the rules and regulations set by the government from time to time. .
The essential functions of the Deputy Commissioner can be broadly divided into the co-ordination of development and social welfare activities such as the Deputy Commissioner, the revenue officer / District Court as the District Collector, and the legal and administrative functions as the Regional Magistrate. Therefore, he serves as the Deputy Commissioner, District Collector and District Magistrate from time to time. His role in each field is described, briefly, as follows:

Deputy Commissioner
He is a regional officer with many responsibilities in the field of public administration, development, panchayat, home affairs, etc. Because of the great importance of his office, the Deputy Commissioner is considered to be the one to measure the efficiency of the administration. The Deputy Commissioner has an Superintendent of Office under him, who will oversee the work of the secretarial staff. He oversees the operation of the various branches in his office. Each branch is owned by an assistant and is known by him. For example, a branch of the Establishment Assistant (EA) is known as the EA Branch, which is under the Miscellaneous Assistant is known as the MA Branch, etc. etc. The facilitator should perform two types of tasks – direct and dispositive ie. he must supervise the work of the officers under his jurisdiction, and he will dismiss many cases, either directly or indirectly, from the ranks of his superiors. The Assistant has one or more Clerks under him. The number of branches in the office of the Deputy Commissioner varies from region to region depending on the needs in each case, but the most important branches available in almost every district are, Establishment Branch, Nazarat Branch, Sadr Kanungo Branch, Development Branch, Mixed. Branch, Licensing Department, Complaints and Inquiries Branch, Local Treasury, Regional Revenue Account, Flood Relief Department, Revenue Records, Records and Releases Branch, Sadr Copying Agency, Registration Branch, Peshi Branch, etc.

Deputy Commissioner
The Deputy Commissioner is the chief revenue officer in the region. In matters of revenue, he is accountable to the Government through the Commissioner for the Unit and the Commissioner for Finance, Revenue. He is responsible for the collection of land revenue, other types of government taxes, levies and all refunds such as land revenue debt. You are responsible for ensuring accurate and up-to-date records of land rights. He is also the appointing officer of Patwaris and Kanungos as well as the ministerial staff serving in the tahsil offices, and in the offices of the Civil Servants and the Deputy Commissioner except in the case of the Superintendent of the Commission and a large portion of the revenue. workers in the region. As a Regional Collector, he is the highest revenue law official in the region.

Deputy Commissioner
The Deputy Commissioner is responsible for maintaining law and order in the region. He is the head of crime administration and directs all the Presiding Magistrates in the region and controls and directs the actions of the police. He has jurisdiction over prisons and closures in the region. In addition to his aforementioned duties as Deputy Commissioner, District Collector, and District Magistrate, he plays an important role as Deputy Superintendent, under the Compensation and Renewal Act, 1954. In this capacity his duties are: reviewing by-laws. Tahsildas and the Chief Executive Officer, Rural, regarding land redistribution and housing in rural areas; a review against the directives of the District Rental Officer, regarding the allocation of houses and shops in urban areas and the dismissal of cases obtained from the Assistant Custodian (Judges) in respect of the exported property. The position of Deputy Commissioner as head of district administration has become one of increasing employment. As the chief executive of public administration, all departments in the region, otherwise having its own officers, turn to him for guidance and coordination. He plays an important role in the management of municipal committees, market committees, panchayat, panchayat samiti, community development blocks and zila parishad, which came about through the decentralization and expansion of Panchayati Raj. He also oversees the development of rural development programs. In addition, he is responsible, as the District Electoral Officer, for the peaceful and orderly administration of all elections held in the region from time to time. In order to have Lok Sabha district / district elections for his district, he works as a Translator. Provides practical assistance during the census. Controls and controls the distribution of rare essentials, etc. He maintains contact with the military authorities in his area and is a powerful Land Security Forces for military purposes. In any public matter that does not directly belong to a government department, the State or the State, he or she, as the director-general, must consider the matter in the public interest and bring it to the proper conclusion by means of a particular government department. In short, nothing significant happened in the region to which he was not associated, directly or indirectly

Deputy Commissioner
The additional Deputy Commissioner is the chief executive officer of the DRDA The post of Deputy Chief Commissioner is created to assist the Deputy Commissioner in his day-to-day work. The Deputy Deputy Commissioner receives the same powers as the Deputy Commissioner under the rules.
The Sub-District Officer (Civil) is the Chief Executive Officer of the Division. In fact, he is the Deputy Sub-Commissioner for his Subsection. He has enough power to coordinate the work in the paragraph. He directly controls the Tehsildas and their crew. You can communicate directly with government and other departments on general matters. His key responsibilities, such as those of the Deputy Commissioner, include revenue, administrative and judicial functions. In matters of income, he is an Assistant Collector Ist grade but the Collector’s power is transferred to him under certain actions. The powers and responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer in charge of revenue, magistrates, senior and development matters in his area, are the same as those of the Deputy Commissioner. His revenue duties include monitoring and evaluating all matters from auditing to global revenue collection; co-ordination of the work of all officials in this clause, especially in the departments of Revenue, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Public Health in this clause. His duties as a magistrate are: liaison and liaison with the police in the section; look at the relationships between communities and different categories; special security measures and emergency measures, especially those linked to ceremonies; and recommendations to the District Magistrate, where he or she does not have the power to issue weapons licenses. He has sufficient powers under the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Punjab Police Laws, and other laws to effectively regulate the state of law and order in his area. In his capacity as administrator, he can call any criminal records and registers, to the police station and he can call the Police Station Police Station Officer to come and report the matter to him. He or she may be bound by anti-social elements in order to conduct themselves peacefully for a period of time. Promotes close community liaison and close relationships with local councils and market committees. He also plays an important role in rural development programs. You need to co-operate with the assistance of other Government officials in the sector to further the effective management and implementation of development programs. On important policy issues, however, he is required to refer matters through the Deputy Commissioner. In the Vidhan Sabha election, he is usually appointed as the District / Regional Transformer in his area. In the Lok Sabha constituency elections, he is usually appointed as the Assistant Chief Executive Officer.

Tehsildar and Naib Tehsildar, are key executives in revenue management and exercise the power of the Grade 2 Collector Assistant. While deciding on divorce cases; Tehsildar assumes the power of Grade 1 Collector Assistant. Their main task is to raise money, Tehsildar and Naib Tehsildar should visit more in their areas. A record of income and crop statistics are also kept by them. Tahsildas and Naib-Tahsildars are responsible for the collection of land and other payments made to the State. To stay in touch with low-income workers, to monitor seasonal and crop conditions, to listen to the plight of farmers and to distribute taccavi loans, Tahsildar and Naib-Tahsildars frequently visit their subordinate areas. They determine emergency matters immediately, such as adjusting the contents of the accounts, to provide relief for people affected by natural disasters, etc. When they return from a trip, they prepare reports and recommend exemptions from the Government or seal land revenues and submit updated records. They also sit in court to resolve housing disputes, employer rent arrears, entries in account books, etc. without doing any other kind of work.