Director-General of Police
The State will be elected by the Government
Government between the three
senior officials of the Department
have been proven to be promoted to
the position of Union Public Service
Commission on the basis of their length
service, excellent record and scope
experience of leading a police force.
Also, once he has been appointed to a position
work, should have a short stay
at least two years regardless of his date
to take a pension. The DGP may,
however, he is relieved of his responsibilities
by the participating Regional Government
State Security Consultations
Commission for any action
taken against him under All India
Terms of Service (Discipline and Appeal) or
following his conviction in a court of law
in a criminal case or in this case
corruption, or otherwise
unable to pull out his own

Thereafter the Court noted that
Different nations have made their own Police Laws
and / or make further amendments to their Police Act. However, all these amendments did not
fully adhere to the rules set by this Prakash court
Singh (supra). This led to the submission of a written request (i.e., Writ
Complaint (Civil) No. 286 of 2013 challenging the legitimacy of
provisions of Police Laws enacted by the various Governments.

The main basis for the challenge in the Written Request (Public)
The number.286 of 2013 states that the rules do not apply either
instead of ignoring the directions of this Court in Prakash Singh
The current application (I.A. No.24616 of 2019) has
applied by applicants / applicants to suit
specification of the directions contained in the 3 day order
July, 2018, (approved in I.A. No.25307 of 2018 in the Written Petitions
No.310 of 1996) quoted below. Specifically, i
The guidelines in subsections (e) and (f) were disputed
what needs to be clarified by this Court

All States will submit their proposals
in anticipation of Union posts
Public Service Commission, well on time
at least three months before the date
to retire from office
Director-General of Police
Joint Public Service Commission
will adjust the panel according to instructions
of this Court in the Prakash judgment
Singh’s case (supra) is also close to
The State will immediately appoint one
of people from the panel edited by
Union Public Service Commission
None of the provinces will ever get pregnant
the idea of appointing any person to
the position of Director-General of Police in action
foundation because there is no sense of imitation
Director General of Police as stated by
decision in Prakash Singh case (supra)

An effort should be made by all
anxious to see who it is
he was chosen and appointed as
The Director-General of Police continues
despite his retirement date.
However, the extended time out
the pension date must be a
the right time. We say as we did
our information to others
governments have practiced this
appoint the Director-General of Police
last day of retirement as a
human outcome
he continues for two years after his date
pension money. Such a practice will not
keep in mind the spirit of

Our guideline No. (c) should be
processed by the Public Service Union
Commission to say that people
they deserve sympathy, until
and occurrence, among people
within the realm of thought
have received two years of explicit service. Eligibility
and the size should be given due

After reading and considering the decision for this
in court Prakash Singh (supra) we have an idea of what
emphasized at Prakash Singh (supra) minimum
two years for the incumbent once appointed as
Director-General of Police. The guide issued by this
The court did not consider the appointment of a Director
The Police General on the night before his retirement or practice
now approved by the Union Public Service Commission in
to act with compassion, that is, to be sympathetic
at least two years of operation.

None of the above, in our opinion
see, it may continue the proceedings of this Prakash Court
Singh (supra) or give impetus to what this Court was thinking
in issuing directions to Prakash Singh (supra), i.e.,
that the appointment of the Director-General of Police in the Province
it should be on the basis of merit and focus on what is being said
office for all kinds of influences and pressures, as well
the acting nominee must receive a minimum of two years’ term
years of service regardless of the date of receipt of the pension.

This Court did not consider
recommendation for appointment of office bearers
on the verge of retirement or appointment of four officers a
minimum residual period of two years. It was emphasized that
choose the best and ensure a minimum of two years ’
the role of that manager to be appointed and appointed.
The enacted Police Rules also do not consider any amendments
the term of office of the officer to be recommended
to be appointed as the Director-General of State Police. Ku
the upper conspectus is an object in issuing directions
Prakash Singh (supra), in our opinion, could be much better
is achieved when the remaining time is large i.e. remaining
the period of service up to the normal retirement age, is limited to a
a sound foundation, which, in our opinion, should be a
a period of six months

This will take care of any possible action on the part
of a State Government that can be viewed by any quarter
as an act of choice. Nomination recommendations
of the Director-General of Police the night before retirement
incumbent or of the Union Public Service Commission
to initiate a course that may have an impact
the negligence of efficient and competent officials will come to the fore
with the above guidance we saw fit again
which should be removed.

Therefore, we clarify the order of this Court dated
rd July, 2018 passed I.A. No.25307 of 2018 in the Petitions
No.310 of 1996 to state that recommendation
the appointment of the Director-General of Police by
Union Public Service Commission and panel adjustment
it should be on the basis of the qualifications of the competent officers
minimum residual period of six months i.e. officers who have
have at least six months of service before retirement.

By exercising the powers provided by subsection (1) of section 3 of All India
Services Act, 1951 (LXI of 1951), Central Government, after consultation
The governments of the States concerned, in this case, make the following rules, namely
“Government” in relation to a member of the Unit means
Governments that state that member is regarded in terms of their position and in relation to –
A Member of the Service Graduate Joint Cadre, Regional Constituency Government
subject to a member of the Service Act being active
The uniform that the member will wear
The service will be based on the provisions of rule 6, similar to that provided in the Constitution
Schedule these rules (hereafter referred to as ‘uniform’);
Provided that the person who was a member of the Service immediately before the date
the implementation of these rules will not require them to provide themselves with any article for
uniform, until a corresponding article of his property is used
The start is over or until he receives the next grant to be maintained
uniform, any previous

All members of the Church must, by appointment
therefore, you have the right to receive from the Government an initial grant of 3 ∗
fourteen thousand
rupees for each period of *
for three years thereafter, renewal grant 3
three thousand
rupees at the expense of his uniform.
Unless the Government. may withhold any such allowance from a member
Retirement service within two years from the date of payment:
Subject to the appointment of a police officer from the State Police Service
The Service and Government confirmed that large number of articles
including the officer’s uniform are common to those appointed by the members
For service under these rules, that officer must, when appointed to the Service, be
you are entitled to only receive an amount equal to the difference between the same grant
acceptable under this Act and the uniform allowance which he eventually assumed by him as an officer of
State Police Service and 4th term
seven years for the purpose of the next grant under this Act shall, in his case, count from the date of issue of the uniform.
he was last drawn by him as a police officer

Central Government at any time, in consultation with the State
The governments involved, change the amount of social grants due under this Act
Each Service Member will be entitled
to receive from the Government a 5 ondlo Maintenance Kit Grant ∗
three hundred rupees
the moon
Uniform Allowance Standards and Kit maintenance Allowance for
Service Members will receive a 25% increase every time there is a Grant
in the paid payment groups increase by 50%

When officers are on duty, this includes a peck
cap, jacket, hood and sandals, pants, outer boots11 (optional), spurs (optional)
khaki shirts, green tie, khaki socks, Sam Browne belt and sword, medals and ornaments.
These will be worn at all state ceremonies (e.g. public arrival and departure
President, or Governor, presenting Guards of honor or such occasions) at
festive parades whenever a full dress is ordered

Peak Cap. Jacket (gabardine or drill), hood and lanyard slacks
the same material as jackets, brown, ankle-boot / shoes, khaki shirts,
blue tie, khaki socks, Sam Browne belt and sword, medals and
High cap, shirt (khaki cell phones), slacks 11Kaki drill or cotton train or
khaki gabardine cotton, socks Khaki, shoes Sam Browne belt and
sword, spear, cloth and ribbons, medals and ornaments.
The type of Review Order to be worn at any time can be determined
by the Director-General and the Inspector-General of Police / Inspector
The General of Police, as it may be, is in charge of the State Police or
The Director-General / Auditor-General, as the case may be, may be in charge

Top hat, 11 jacket, trousers for the same item and jacket11
(gabardine or drill or khaki cotton gabardine), whistle and lanyard,
ankle boots / boots, khaki socks, khaki shirt, blue tie, fabric belt
the same things as Sam Browne’s jacket or belt, and ribbons
High cap, jungle shirts with fabric straps, brakes, socks and shoes / 11 ankle boots, whistle, canvas fabric and ribbons
Top hat, shirts with Sam Brown belt (with or without jersey) or Web
belt, pants, socks, ankle boots, boots, rope and ribbons.
Top hat, shirts (angola or mobile), web belt (with or without jersey),
slacks (gabardine or drill), Socks and shoes / ankle-boots / forest boots
The type of Workwear to wear can be determined by the Director
General and Inspector General of Police / Inspector General of Police, as
the case may be, to the State Police officer or a “director
The General / Inspector General, as it may be, is in charge of the Army. “
will be replaced