Industry Inspector, Deputy Inspector, Tax Assistant Clerk
Industry Inspector
The Deputy Secretaries will deal with cases related to assigned topics
then submit to the Secretary any unsolicited cases. They can file charges
instructions directed to the Minister in terms of the general order of the Secretary.
The Deputy Secretaries also oversee the categories
both in terms of business outsourcing and in terms of ethics.

Industry Inspector
Subordinate Secretaries oversee the categories placed on them,
both in terms of business outsourcing and in terms of ethics. He can sign again
transfer orders on behalf of the Governor of Tamil Nadu which includes financial implications
after obtaining the approval of a competent authority.
The Section Officer is in charge of a portion of the Department. You will be helped by
Assistant Section Managers who work under his direction and control. Training for
The Assistant Section Officers under him are one of his main responsibilities. He will manage
and edit section-related work. You will process the files sent by
Assistant Section Managers. You will lead Assistant Section Officers in all aspects
of work and see that they do not waste time and paper on unnecessary writing either
books. He’ll have a sharp watch when he gets tappals and dumps
the same. He himself did the work of dealing with difficult or important papers
whenever necessary. You will be responsible for posting all communications for
the section and the Section Officer should take independent steps in issuing reminders,
to obtain or provide accurate information of an undivided nature. You will confirm
proper maintenance of registers, office orders etc. to keep them up-to-date. He will do it
ensure the neatness and cleanliness of the Section.
The main responsibilities of the Assistant Section Officer in the section are to make notes,
write drafts, keep Personal Registers and assist the Section Officer. He will do it
keep Periodic Registers, reference books, stock files etc. to keep them there
day. You will act on the instructions and instructions of the Section Officer
performs his or her official duties. You will throw away the tappals you found without them
delay. She will keep her seat clean and tidy

Industry Inspector
Assistants are expected to attend a similar phase of comparisons,
dispatch, identification and docking of closed paper docs. They will also save
Timed registers and set reminders.
He should keep the officer free from common concerns and mailings
letters, paperwork, appointments, meeting planning and collection
information. He should be proficient in human relationships. The policeman must rely on his own
Personal Task Assistant to have more time to engage in
focus work. A Personal Assistant should gain trust
his officer in charge of confidential and confidential documents. He has to get used to it
and people who contact his officer and communicate as he says
official instructions. You will perform the communication function between the officer and the
less so that it works well in the office.
You will keep a recording room, a recording room and all closed records. He will do it
perform photocopying work. You will keep a record and stationery
the room is very clean and tidy.

Industry Inspector
You will delete the files in categories and take them to the executives and vice versa. He will do it
certain duties assigned to management from time to time.
The Office Process section deals with related establishment issues
employees of the Department of Taxation and Trade Registration to the Secretary as
in accordance with the rules set by the key departments, the Personnel and Administrative
Department of Transformation and Public Service Department of Tamil Nadu.
Applications from departmental staff such as salary, provident fund, medical aid
compensation, etc. are considered by the section of the Bills which also preserves i
Employee job registers.
Department of Taxation and Trade Registration, as part of
The Office of the Secretary of State, following the procedures set out in the Office of the Secretary
Manual and business rules of the Government of Tamil Nadu and the instructions of the Secretariat.
Apart from this, the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Financial Code, Tamil Nadu State and
Sub-Services Rules and Code of Conduct for Public Servants of Tamil Nadu,
1973 and all applicable Laws and Regulations are also complied with where applicable.
Decisions are made based on the appropriateness of the issues, the most important factors
and availability of funds etc. in accordance with the procedures / procedures
procedures / conditions defined / rules mentioned above. The testing process is started
by the Assistant Section Officers and passed to the Divisional Officer, Below
Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries / Additional Secretaries to Government.
If necessary, other departments are also consulted. If there are issues involved
finances, the Department of Finance is regularly contacted. Any Business Rules
require the distribution of files to the Minister or the Prime Minister or the Governor, the instructions are
located around.
The purpose of this manual is to inform the general public about this
Organizational organization of the department, functions and duties of its officers and staff,
records and documents available from the Department.
This manual is intended for the general public and users of the services of
the department also provides information on the Department and its organizations
under its administrative control

Deputy Inspector
The government of Tamil Nadu is leading the way in the States of India e
the implementation of measures for the well-being of its citizens reflected in higher health,
educational and nutritional indicators among its people. In addition, a sustainable society
Infrastructure investment has ensured growth in all three sectors of the economy, namely,
Agriculture, Industry and Services. The Department of Commercial Taxation plays an important role
to integrate the resources of these developmental and social programs of the State
The government, by donating more than two-thirds of the State Tax Tax itself. I
The department is working to increase tax base and prevent any tax evasion
without causing any harassment to the sellers.
319 The inspection circles for this unit cover the main links of
A department with registered dealers. Based on visual significance
tax power, number of vendors, complexity of business operations, etc., these
Review sessions are chaired by the Deputy Commissioner / Assistant Commissioner /
Commercial Tax Officer. Inspecting Officers are also under control
overseeing Deputy Regional Commissioners (40 officials) at District / Local level once
Joint Commissioners (10 officials) at Unit level. Apart from this Test
Circles, of major taxpayers (top 100 taxpayers) in Chennai district, four deputies
Commissioners working under the direction of the Joint Commission and the issuance
inspections and other legal functions.

Deputy Inspector
The relevant audit role in the revenue department will not be available
overemphasized and important in ensuring compliance with common rules once and for all
procedures. For this purpose, one internal research organization with one assistant
The Commissioner and one Commercial Tax Officer work for each Sales
Region / Tax Area. Quarterly audit according to the audit plan determined by
Joint Local Commission Commissions are taken over by these internal audit teams. In addition,
the audit is conducted independently by the Accountant General
from time to time.
Deputy Commissioner of Appeal / Joint Commissioner is the first
Authority of appeal. There are 20 Deputy Commissioners of Appeals and 2 Appeals
Participating Commissioners in Government. Departmental Representative in the
The Assistant Commissioner represents the Department’s case before the Complaint
Deputy Commissioners and Joint Commissioners (Complaints). Contrary to the instructions of
Court of Appeal First, the second appeal is to the Sales Court of Appeal.
Central Bench in Chennai and three additional benches in Chennai, Madurai and
Coimbatore. State Representative in the unit of the Joint and Additional Commission
The State Representative in the Deputy Commissioner’s Office represents cases e
Door in front of Main Bench and Extra Benches, respectively.
There are eight stages of coercion and one interrogation cell of Inter-State Investigation
State, each headed by a Joint Commission. Each Joint Commissioner is assisted
at least one Deputy Commissioner or one Assistant Commissioner to oversee
forced labor. Typically, enforcement work involves transport inspections
vehicles and business site inspection / inspection for tax evasion, if any.
To monitor traffic between freight vehicles, 28 border checkpoints are four
was established on the border with Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and
Puducherry operating day and night alternately. In addition, 8 test sites
established at Air Cargo Complex (Chennai Airport), Harbor Wharf
(Chennai), Concor Terminal (Chennai), Royapuram Goods Yard, Central Parcel Office
(Chennai), Egmore Goods Yard, Salt Cotaurs (Chennai) and Tuticorin Port. In this case,
Checkpoint at Air Cargo Complex at Chennai airport launched recently
the idea of repression and secrecy
There. As announced by the Honorable Minister of Taxation and Trade Registration,

while submitting the need for grants to the Department of Commerce
In 2011-2012, the necessary directives were issued to upgrade 27 testing centers.
[Puzhal inclusion was not included when considering Integrated Checkpost sanctions
by the Department of Home Affairs (transport) and 8 testing centers at no additional cost
R28.95 million plus recurring annual expenditure of Rs.4.41 crore. Test poles are upright
areas where motor movement between provinces is tested. To be careful
logistics within the State, 55 Roving Squads have been established overseas
The State is also provided with modern gadgets such as Mobile Phones for viewing
the profile and status of the merchants. Moreover, there are
parties available under each Deputy Commissioner (Compulsory) to do the unexpected
business site inspection to obtain tax evasion. Same party officials
and conduct annual audits on business premises after prior reporting
An International Investigative Cell led by the Joint Commissioner
in particular it liaises with foreign officials to manage tax evasion between the provinces and to exchange data with them for further processing and tax evasion.
to escape.

Tax Assistant Clerk
Analysis methods play a useful role in the construction and implementation of any
tax management policy. The Department is able to generate a large amount
information that needs to be analyzed to create a specific tax administration
better implementation strategies and policies. In this case, a Statistics as well
A research cell led by the Joint Director of Mathematics operates in this office
Trade Tax Commissioner. Ensuring proper collection of data from location
in offices, one Junior Research Officer attached to each category and Statistics
The examiner is attached to each CT region.
Departmental staff need to keep abreast of any changes
in tax processes and tax structure. In line with this, the introduction of the VAT system, which is possible
The introduction of Property Rates (GST), if possible, has increased
the use of Information Technology in Departmental processes, etc.
important to regularly train and update staff knowledge. Care
The training needs of the Department, the Commercial Taxes Staff Training Institute,
led by a Director in the Comprehensive Commission (CT) unit operating in Chennai.
The institute offers “In-Service Training” and “Rehabilitation Training” for all.
officials from the Ministerial Services unit to the Government for Various Services and
Related laws administered by the Department of Commerce. Training is
and provided in Vellore, Salem, Coimbatore, Tiruchirapalli, Madurai and Tirunelveli
Enforcement and Local Unit Officials.