Scientific Officer
I. Mathematical Methods of Physics
Size analysis; Vector algebra and vector calculus; Linear algebra, matrices,
Cayley Hamilton theorem, eigenvalue problems; Line difference statistics; Special
works (Hermite, Bessel, Laguerre and Legendre); Fourier series, Fourier and
Laplace is changing; Elements of complex analysis; Laurent series-poles, remains and
essentials; Basic ideas about tensor; Introductory group theory,
SU (2), O (3); Computational strategy elements; roots of works, translation,
extrapolation, trapezoid integration and Simpson law, first order solution
a different equation using the Runge-kutta method; A way of complete difference; First
probability theory, random variables, binomial, Poisson and general distribution.

II. Classical Mechanics
Newton’s rules; Strength of phase space, stability analysis; Central power movements; two body collisions, laboratory dispersal and intermediate frames; Strong body
dynamics, inertial moment, tensor, non-inertial frames and artificial strength;
Flexible policy – D ‘Alembert principle, Hamilton principle, Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian formalisms and movement figures; Poisson brackets and canonical brackets
changes; Symmetry, flexibility and conservation rules, cyclic links,
Occasional movements, small oscillations and general patterns; Special relationship theory,
Lorentz Transformation, relativistic kinematics and equilibrium power.
III. Electromagnetic Theory
Scientific Officer
Electrostatics: Gauss law and its application; Laplace and Poisson Statistics,
border value problems; Magneto-statics; Biot-Savart Law, Ampere theory,
electromagnetic input; Maxwell stats in the free space and isotropic line
media; field boundary conditions in areas of interaction; Scalar strength and vector; Average
flexibility; Free electric field, dielectrics and conductors; Meditation
and refraction, polarization, Fresnel Law, interference, compliance and distortion;
Plasma dispersion relationships; Lorentz consistency of Maxwell figures;
Transmission lines and wave guides; Strength of charged particles in static as well
the same electromagnetic field, Radiation from the moving sides, dipoles and frequency

Two wavelength particles; Wave operating in integrated planning and dynamics;
Passengers and Heisenberg’s system of uncertainty; Matrix representation; Dirac’s
bra and ket notation; Schrodinger equation (time-dependent and independent);
Eigenvalue problems such as particle-in-box, harmonic oscillator, etc .; Tunnel
through a barrier, Movement in the middle area; Angular Pressure, Angular
algebraic pressure; Increased angular momenta; Hydrogen atom, spin-orbit
integration, good structure; Theory and requests for independent interference in time;
WKB variable method for measurement; Time-dependent disruption theory
Fermi’s Gold Law; Selection rules; Semi-classical radiation theory; First
scatter theory, phase change, part waves, birth speculation; It’s the same
particles, Pauli’s system of exclusion, spin mathematical interactions; Relativistic quantum
mechanics; Statistics by Klein Gordon and Diract
V. Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics
Rules of thermodynamics and its effects; The Power of Thermodynamics,
Maxwell relationship; Chemical strength, phase equilibrium; Phase space, micro and
major countries; Micro-canonical, canonical and large canonical, ensembles and
segregation functions; Free power and contact with thermodynamic values; First
and second phase changes; Old and quantum figures, Fermi ideal once
Bose Gas; Detailed balance system; Blackbody radiation with Planck’s
distribution law; Bose-Einstein condensation; Random movement and Brownian movement;
Introduction to unequal processes; Distribution figure.
VI. Electronics
Semiconductor device physics, including diodes, junctions, transistors, field effect
devices, homo and heterojunction devices, device structure, device, features,
frequency dependence and requests; Optoelectronic devices, including solar cells,
photodetectors and LEDs; Devices that use high frequency, including generators and detectors;
Performance amplifiers and their use; Digital strategies and applications
(Logic Gates, Adder / Substractor, multiplexer / Dmultiplexer, Encoder / Decoder, FlipFlop, register counters, comparators and similar circuits); A / D and D / Ab converters;
Microprocessor bases and microcontroller.

Scientific Officer
VII. Experimental Techniques and data analysis
Interpretation and analysis of data; Accuracy and accuracy, error analysis, spread of
errors, small square measurements, straight and indirect curve measurements, chi-square test,
Transducers (temperature, pressure / vacuum, magnetic field, vibration, optical and
particle mechanics), measurement and control; Signal correction and recovery,
impedance simulation, magnification (Op-amp, instrumentation amp, response),
Noise filtering and reduction, protection and setting; Fourier converts; lock
detector, box car connector, rotation techniques.
The use of testing and analysis techniques is above normal
laboratory testing of qualification level and qualifications.
VIII. Atomic and Molecular Physics

Quantum conditions of electrons in atoms; Electron spin; Stern-Gerlach examination;
Spectrum of Hydrogen, Helium and alkali atom; Energy-related adjustment
hydrogen levels; Hyperfine structure and isotopic alterations; the width of the spectral lines; LS
and merging JJ; Zeeman, Paschen Back and Stark effect; X-ray spectroscopy; Electron
spin resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, chemical transformation; It circles, vibrates,
electronic and Raman spectra of diatomic molecules; Frank-Condon policy as well
election rules; Automatic and promoted releases, the coefficient of Einstein A & B;
Lasers optical pumping, human conversion, equation rate; Types of resonators as well
compliance length.
Bravais lattices; Compatible lattice, diffraction and structural feature; Cooperation of
solid; Elements of elastic, pneumonia, direct lattice temperature; Free electron theory as well
special electronic heating; Response and relaxation conditions; Drude model for
electrical and thermal conductivity; Hall effect and thermoelectric power supply;
Diamagnetism, paramagnetism and ferromagnetism; Electron movement is periodic
possible; band theory of metals, insulators and semiconductors; Superconductivity,
type – I and type – II Superconductors, Josephson junctions; Errors and disocations;
Ordered sections for translation and story editing, liquid types
crystalline order; Making polymers; Quasicrystals.

Basic nuclear structures; shape size, charger distribution, rotation and balance; It is binding
strength, formula of semi-empirical mass; Liquid disposal model; Fission and fusion; Nature
nuclear power, a type of nucleon-nucleon-power; Charging-independent once
charge-symmetry of nuclear power; Isospin; Deuteron problem; Evidence of shell
structure, single-particle shell model, its validity and limit; Rotating spectra;
Basic concepts of alpha decay, beta and gamma and its rules of selection; Nuclear
reactions, reaction pathways, integrated nuclei and direct reactions; Separation
basic energy, basic particles (quarks, baryons, mesons, leptons); spin
and dosage assignments, isospin, abnormalities; Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula; C, P. and
Consistency with the use of symmetry arguments for particle reactions, unbalanced conservation in weak interactions; Relativistic kinematics.
Control Introduction, Controlled Objects
substances, Precursors Chemicals, Narcotic attacks and topical drugs
laboratory evidence and forensic testing. Compulsory
provisions of the NDPS Act, 1985. NDPS Drugs, Separation of
Drugs. Drug Abuse, Drug Dependence and Drugs
Tolerance. Designer Drugs, Drug Abuse Analysis by various
chemical and metal methods.
Introduction, testing, classification and explosive chemistry.
Different types of IEDs and their reconstruction. How to
explosions and their effects. Oxygen Balance, Explosive Energy,
Indication, Temperature and Explosion Temperature, Explosion Pressure,
The Mechanism of Ignition and the formation of the tropics. Hot
decay, physical and chemical properties of burns,
Deflagration and Detonation, Kinetics of Explosive Reactions,
Analysis of low and high explosives with different metals
Strategies, Quality Control, Professional Assessment, Interpretation and
Significance of Outcomes.

Crime exploration analysis – The role of Forensic Scientist
in Post blast investigation-Bomb location bombing and
Collection of post blast fossils-Examination and testing of
the location of the explosion and the reconstruction of the sequence of events – the famous case
explosive studies and court evidence. Explosive Clandestine
production. Analysis of Post blast residues by chemical methods,
microscopic method and various instrumental techniques including
chromatographic, spectroscopic and electrophoresis methods.
Introduction to Drugs, Controlled Substances Act, Forensic
Drug / Drug Testing (Cannabis), Phenethylamines
(Amphetamine, Methamphetamine), Hydroxyl derivative
(Ephedrine) Ketone Derivative (Cathinone), Methoxy Derivative
(Mescaline) Tertiary Amines (Cocaine and Opiates) Tryptamine
(Psilocin and Psilocybin) Anabolic Steroids, Miscellaneous
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Controlled substances (Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, GHB,
Ketamine and LSD). Sample Preparation, Extraction StrategiesMicrocrystal color testing and other materials
strategies involved in analysis.
Paraffin, Iso-olefin, Olefin Hydrocarbons, Naphthenes,
Cycloparaffins or Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Sulfur Compounds,
Nitrogen Compounds, Oxygen Compounds, Organo-Metallic
Carbons; H / C Hydrocarbons Rate;
Natural Properties of Petroleum Products: Density, Viscosity,
Surface Tension, Color, Fluorescence, Cloud Point, Spill Point,
Aniline Point, Smoke Center, Boiling Point, Viewing Properties, Flash
Point, Refractive Index and Calorific Value, Determination of
Cetane and Octane Number, Analysis Strategies: Quantity
and Appropriate Steps to Petroleum Analysis.

Introduction, Evolutionary division and analysis strategies as well
common methods. Separation of residues, ILR Analysis
(non-combustible liquid residues). Terms of identification 1) Identification
of fuel 2) distillates and other products that can be separated. Testing
of stitching sources: Introduction 1) Integrated physical examination
proof electrical components and electrical components 2) Temperature test
status, automatic stitching test, Conclusion.
Physical examination of lipids,
Chemical testing of lipids (amount of Acid, amount of Saponification,
Ester amount, Acetyl amount, amount of iodine), Hydrogenated fat test
and oil, Detection and Determination of rancidity, Analysis of
butter and butter oils, Analysis of crude and pure fats
fat. Dairy Product Analysis: Milk and its products.
Amino acids – the structure and structures of the active group. Protein
and peptides – Protein formation – Basic, Second and
High protein structure. Definition, biological significance,
separation and chemistry of Carbohydrates and Lipids.
Poison law. Introduction to poison, type of poison,
separation from toxic treatment methods. This mode
poisoning action, Diagnosis and management of toxic cases.
Factors affecting the toxic effect and medico-legal features in
toxic charges. Collection and storage of biological evidence
(viscera and / or body fluids) and some fatal evidence
and survival cases. Delivery of laboratory samples,
postmortem testing, specific analysis / methodology
toxicological testing of toxic samples. Isolation and
Detoxification by various ancient and modern methods
using instrumental playing techniques.

Pharmacopoeiasas IP, USP, EP. Methods of receiving drugs and drugs.
Pharmacodynamics. A factor affecting the effects of the drug. Post
redistribute the corpse. Forensic pharmacological studies,
absorption, distribution, pharmacokinetics and metabolism,
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mechanisms of drug metabolism, drug toxicity, drug withdrawal and
poison. Detection of toxins on the basis of their metabolic studies.
Development Research for IP, BP, USA, European Pharmacopeia and
Indian National Formulary
A study of different types of weights and measurements, including calculations
percentage of solutions, suspicions, spirit of evidence, isotonic solutions.
A study of the physical properties of polarity and dipole movement hydrogen
compounding and its use with protic and aprotic solvents.
Study of Surgical Resources, Powders and Granules, Monophasic Dosage Forms,
Biphasic Dosage Forms.
Common methods for preparing gestational and Gastro Intestinal gels
Agents, Dermatological preparations.
Physiological Research of Drug Molecules, Rheology.
Microbes classification study.
Research on Infertility, Disinfection, Genetic Engineering, Fertility
and the Micro Biological Assay.
Research on Bio Energetics, Enzymes and Co-enzymes, Nucleotides and
Nucleic Acids.
Identification of natural compounds of the following categories
by systematic analysis of the quality of organic- phenols amides, carbohydrates,
amines, carboxylic acids, aldehydes and ketones, esters, and
Principles of Drug Design.
A brief overview of the Drug & Drug industry.
Research on Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Laws of 1945, Learning about the principles of redox titration, the theory of non-aqueous titration,
terms of precipitation titration and complexometric titration.
The study of fluid flow, heat transfer, size reduction, mixing, crystalline. Gense Study! Routine Pharmacology,
biotransformation and excretion, mechanism of action, drug toxicity,
pre-clinical examination and treatment.
Pharmacology of drugs that work in the independent nervous system, cardio
vascular system and central nervous system, blood and blood composition