Sr. Secretariat Assistant (Central Govt. Offices/ Ministries other than CSCS cadres)
Sr. Secretariat Assistant
Examination of the SSC CGL is ongoing and candidates are applying for this prestigious examination to obtain the required job under the Government of India. There are a variety of vacancies offered to students that can be obtained once they have passed the Integrated Graduate Level Examination conducted by the SSC. However, they are requested to provide preferences for previously advertised vacancies and to rely on that and eligibility, candidates are provided with vacancies. In order to choose the most suitable job, you need to understand the job profile of all the posts and the features of their jobs.
In this article, we will learn more about the role of the Senior Secretariat Assistant, also known as the Secretariat of the Higher Secretariat in various government departments.

The post of assistant secretary general was formerly known as the secretary general of the various government departments. The position falls within Group C of the regular central service and the position holds a charge of Rs 2400 and the corresponding pay band is Rs 5200-20200. The total salary for this position in the city of Class X, according to Indian government, is estimated at Rs 26000 but after the review, this is expected to be around Rs 36000 in the same area. In some areas, the HRA portion varies and that is why, the total salary varies as well. However, the full minimum wage after the implementation of the 7th Payment Commission recommendation, is expected to be around Rs 32000 in the town of Z.
Job Profile of Senior Secretarial Assistant
As the name suggests, this post is for the clergy and all the assignments you will be given are in the form of pastoral care only. You should keep files in the relevant departments and you should respond to emails received from your department. At the same time, you may be assigned to record RTI responses and submit them to your supervisor for approval. Data entry tasks may be assigned to you. One thing is certain, you are less likely to face whatever is happening in your department. You can get to the office at 10 and leave it at 5 sharp without a problem.

Sr. Secretariat Assistant
This is considered to be one of the worst positions in terms of promotion as you will never be able to reach the top if you enter this profession on this route. Once you are confirmed in the job, the next promotion will be for the assistant in the department to which you were sent and which will take a minimum of 5 years from the date of your joining. But, again, it all depends on the number of vacancies and senior officials present in that departmental district. Usually, it takes a decade to promote the next level with this post. Once you become an assistant, it takes another 5 to 7 years to move up to the senior level of the department concerned and this is a position published in the Government Gazette. Most of the assistants retire at this stage as vacancies are rare and there are always older people in all districts. Therefore, the chances of even one promotion are very high for them
Assistant Secretary-General is not the most prominent position in all positions where he is employed. This post is not much preferred because it makes you live in a big city for the first few years and your income is not so great to live a decent life in a big city. On the other hand, young and aspiring aspirants will not hold on to this category because of its standing policy. You are stuck on this post once you receive it. Therefore, people often offer this as one of their last options. However, the workload is probably not in this function and at the same time, you are not responsible for anything in your department, therefore, there is no accountability at all. The rest is up to you where your priorities lie in life.

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is a respected recruitment agency that conducts many tests, and such an examination is the SSC Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL). It is found as one of the main tests controlled by graduates in India. Conducts CGL Examinations in a number of government departments, departments, and organizations to fill Grade B and C vacancies.
The test was performed in 4 stages called Tiers. The last two are offline tests, while the first two are online. Complete registration and communication process takes place online through the official SSC CGL website. Applicants must qualify for each level of SSC CGL 2021 to proceed to the next one before being selected.
The SSC CGL 2021 exam will be a great opportunity for students aspiring to the area under respected government institutions. A large number of positions are filled annually in government departments by the SSC.
While government work allows a person to develop a stable job, it is also full of obligations. For applicants, SSC has issued SSC CGL 2021, which would be a great opportunity for them to seek a successful decision for their health.
Safe recruitment with continuous improvement from time to time is an important list of proposed vacancies in SSC CGL 2021.
As per the Department of Human Resources Development dated 10-06-2015
published in the Indian Gazette all degrees / diplomas / certificates issued
through the Open and Distance Learning mode of University education
established by an Act of Parliament or the State Legislature, institutions that are deemed appropriate
Universities under Section 3 of the Grants Commission Act, 1956 and
The National Key Institutions declared under an Act of Parliament stand
automatically recognized for the purpose of renting spaces and facilities below
Central Government as long as they are authorized by Distance
Office of Education, University Grants Commission. Fittingly, apart from those titles
they are recognized at the right time when the candidates receive them
Qualifications, will not be accepted for the purpose of Education
All candidates who have been called for confirmation of documents will be required
produce the relevant Certificates as mark sheets for all three years
Graduation / Temporary Certificate / Graduation Certificate initially as proof of
obtained a minimum of qualifications for a specified period or earlier
date, otherwise the nomination of candidates for baptism will be canceled by
Commission. Candidates cannot prove, by documentary evidence,
that the result of the appropriate test was announced before or before the determination
date and announced approval, will also be considered to meet
educational qualifications
Sr. Secretariat Assistant

In the event that the candidates have the same qualifications of education, such
candidates will also present the relevant Equity Certificate to the authorities
affected during document verification. However, the final decision
about the nomination will be taken by the User Departments /
Appointment of relevant Authorities.
Candidates who are not exempt from payment of fees must ensure that their funds are available
filed with SSC. If the money can be received by the SSC, the state of
The application form is shown as ‘incomplete’ and this information is printed on
on top of printing online application form. In addition, the payment status can be
be confirmed on the ‘Payment Status’ link provided on the candidate’s login screen.
Such applications that remain incomplete due to non-payment of fees will be
SHORT-DENIED and no application for consideration of such applications
and the payment after the period specified in the Examination Notice will be
it is pleasing.
After the closing date for online applications, the Commission will do so
to provide a period of 5 days for the selected people to edit / change online
application parameters, in which candidates will be allowed to resubmit
applications after making the necessary adjustments / changes simultaneously
online registration / application data according to their need.
The person to be registered will be allowed to edit and resubmit the repairs / repairs
application twice between ‘Application Form Adjustment Window’ i.e.
if he / she makes a mistake in his / her reviewed application again, he / she will be allowed to resubmit another modified / modified application after performing the required.

adjustment / modification. There will be no adjustment to the application form
allowed under any circumstances.
Only those persons will be allowed to make amendments to the application
form, completed online applications and payment of required fees,
received by the Commission within the prescribed period
It will include questions for
both verbal and non-verbal type. This section may include questions
with metaphors, similarities and differences, local perceptions, location
directing, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, perception
memory, prejudice, awareness, relationship concepts, statistics
imagination and symbolic division, a series of arithmetic numbers, which do not speak
series, coding and coding, conclusion of a statement, consensus thinking
etc. Topics are, Semantic Match, Symbol / Number Match,
Image Match, Semantic Editing, Symbol / Number
Division, Symbolic Arrangement, Semantic Series, Number Series,
Figural Series, Troubleshooting, Word Building, Coding and Coding,
Numerical Performance, Symbolic Performance, Trends, Space,
Space View, Venn Drawings, Graphic Imaging, Hollow /
pattern- wrap and folds, wrap pattern and finish,
Reference, Address Matching, Date & City Matching,
middle codes / folding numbers, coding / small and large numbers,
recording and division, Embedded statistics, critical thinking,
Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence.
The questions in this section are intended to explore
general awareness of candidates about the environment as well
application to the public. Questions will also be designed to test information
with current events and such issues of daily observation as well
experience in their field of science as can be expected of any educated person
person. The test will also include questions related to India as well
neighboring countries especially related to History, Culture, Geography,
Economic Situation, General Policy and Scientific Research.