Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Islands, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service
india, with an area of 32,87,782 Sq.Kms and a
1.02 billion people, 28 regional union
and 71 union areas. Power as well
union and regional obligations are limited
Constitution of India. Section 246 of the Constitution
spreads the power of law within Parliament
and State Legislatures. References to three
list of subjects offered in Schedule Seven for
Š Table 1: List of Unions – covers related subjects
Parliament is the only legislative power.
Š Table 2: List of Provinces – covers related topics
the State legislature has the special power to make laws.
Š Table 3: Consolidation List – which covers the subjects in which it is found
both Parliament and State Legislatures
simultaneous power to make laws.
Article 246 of the Indian Constitution provides for police,
social order, courts, prisons, reform centers, borstal and
other institutions affiliated to the State list.
Understanding the criminal justice system is a precursor to that
understanding the police. It is important to discuss a few
important system features before defining
organization and operation of police in India.

Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar,
Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu &
Kashmir, Jharkand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra,
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan,
Sikkim, Tamilnadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and West Bengal.
Union Territories are territories, which are not part of the provincial government
and they are under the central government. These are the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu,
Delhi, Lakshadweep Islands and Pondichery
Criminal law contains important content content
in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and special as well
local laws enacted by central and provincial legislatures from
from time to time and the rule of procedure laid down specifically in
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Cr.P.C) and
Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
These three major Acts, namely IPC, Cr.P.C and India
The Evidence Act was introduced by the British for the second time
part of the 19th century. Of these, the only major rule is that
has been updated since Independence by Cr.P.C, it
was revised in 1973 with recommendations made by the media
Indian Legal Commission. Two more rules, besides
some minor amendments, have not changed.

The IPC defines different types of crimes and orders
appropriate punishment for offenses. Such cases
divided into different categories- cases against the state,
armed forces, civil peace, social justice, public health,
safety, morality, human body, property and related offenses
in elections, coins, government stamps, weights and
standards, religion, documents and symbols of property, marriage
and degrading treatment. The IPC has 511 divisions, 330 of which
it is about punishments.
Apart from IPC, local and special rules (SLL) 2 also contain
penalty provisions. These rules have been in place for some time
especially the time to deal with new forms of crime that are emerging
and to protect the interests of the vulnerable classes of
community. A large number of registered criminal cases
under these laws, some of which are related to property as well
manufacture of weapons, ammunition and explosives; drugs;
gambling; trafficking in women for immorality; cruelty against
organized structures and nations; taxes and prohibitions;
smuggling; accumulation and profitability are important
property food adultery; traffic cases etc.
Code of procedure outlines the procedure to be followed in a
criminal case from registration, investigation and final arrival
conviction after a proper trial by a court of law. The police
are not empowered to pay attention to all punitive charges.
Criminal law makes a difference between the two categories
charges- visible and invisible

There are seven Union territories (UTs) specified under Part II
Schedule of Constitution of India, viz. Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Lakshadweep,
National Capital Territory of Delhi and Puducherry. Outside of the National
Delhi Capital Territory and Puducherry, UTs do not have Legislatures. This
The report includes an audit review of five UTs audits
outside the Legislatures.
The report contains four chapters. Chapter I provides a brief outline of
administrative and financial systems in State Areas and
budget allocation and received costs and status
response to audit in terms of category response responses and action taken
Notes of previous years. Chapter II contains sections related to
the UT cost sector and Chapter III deals with the revenue sector.
Chapter-IV contains one section relating to Public Sector Activity
(PSU) under the UT Administration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Finance
the audit findings included in this report are `609.01 crore.
Some of the key findings included in this Report are summarized below:

It has been noted that sometimes there is a similar deficiency in the
clothes worn from time to time by Delhi Police. Ine
it was also observed that police officers on duty were wearing uniforms
dress inappropriately or wear a uniform that does not comply with the authority
muster pattern. Suspended efforts are required by all managers
to ensure that uniforms are worn by members of the organization legally
as well as organizational activities, security guards, parades and ceremonies and special events
times belong to an authorized pattern as set out under the Rules.
This Act is issued to remove any confusion
and ambiguity about wearing a uniform at different times.
Unless otherwise directed, these instructions should be strictly adhered to
by all members of Delhi Police.z
Officials of Indian Police Service and NCTof Delhi, Andaman &
Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar
The Habeli Police Service will wear the uniform as stated under
Indian Police Service Regulations, 1954. However, the latest uniform is the same
prepared in accordance with their letter of appointment issued by the Department of Home Affairs
news, Govt. of India, New Delhi Book No. 14016/15/2006-UTS-II
GOI, MHAdated 11.12.2006. The dress code will be as follows: –
Green beret / High Cap with brown belt and cap badge (male Sikh
Police will be wearing a khaki hat), Serge khaki trousers and Angola
khaki shirt (with or without jersey), shoulder badges according to
according to their positions, brown leather belt, khaki wool socks, brown
derby shoes (with toe cap), blue lanyard with brass accent and
ribbon medals. D.P. mark on left bicep, Plastic name plate (two languages - Hindi and English) with white letters on black background
(Selected DCP range and above decorated with Zari in black
background). While carrying weapons at work, the holster of the
The weapon should be made of brown leather with a suitable blue thread
be compulsory
High cap with brown belt and cap badge (Sikh police will do
wear khaki hat), Shirt-Angola-khaki (with or without jersey},
khaki piercing cotton pants, Sam Browne belt, khaki wool socks,
brown ankle boots to be worn by participants in the show,
all who will be attending the show will be wearing brown derby shoes
(with toe cap), medals and ornaments and blue lanyard with brass
whistle, D.P. mark on the left bicep, a white plastic name plate
characters in a dark background (DCP selection for choice grade and beyond
embroidered zari on black background) neckline
authorized pattern.
Once fitted, trousers (khaki strechlon) and wild boots will be made
worn instead of piercing khaki trousers and ankle boots.
Swords will be carried only during official times and ceremonies
parades. Specific instructions should be issued by senior officials
event, about wearing swords.
Wearing only authorized leather belt pattern is permitted
Parade, and Working Dress.
Carrying a stick when wearing a uniform is optional.
Wearing a Sam Browne belt is mandatory where the CP,
Delhi or other Flag Officer will visit the exhibition, in time
officials reporting work on the first job after graduation
training once while summoning senior officials on initial deployment once
and by reporting on transfers.
Only IPS officials are eligible for Grade and above
they are not authorized to wear an embroidered crest on their Peak / Beret cap.
The ceremonial attire will be worn at the times mentioned below,
or if ordered directly, only those who actually participated
at an investment event or to be presented or to be made
find a gentleman:

Khaki beret cap with red candy / high cap and DP Cap badge
(Sikh Male Officerswillwear khaki turban), Serge Khaki Trousers
& Shirt full sleeves (with or without jersey), four khaki necklace
brass whistle, DP title shoulder badge, Stars by rating
with shoulder gown (Red & Blue) ribbon, Plastic Name plate
(bilingual – Hindi, English) with black letters on white background
by Rank, DP mark on left bicep, ribbon ribbons, Sugarcane stick
(Optional), leather belt, Oxford Shoes (brown belt and shoes
of officers of the rank of inspectors and black in SIs & ASIs) and fur
khaki socks.
background) pet will be worn by all Head Constable, Plastic
Name plate (bilingual-Hindi, English) with black and white letters
back position, DP symbol on left bicep, medal ribbons,
Reed Stick (If you like), black leather belt, Black Oxford Shoes,
fur khaki socks and black leather hat with khaki safety
the rope will grow.zy
Safa Khaki with red border, red safaband, red fringes, Kullah Blue,
Turra RedzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA & Blue with khaki stripes (Sikh Jawans will not wear
kullah), DP crest (Silver Color) in Red Chinds, Scarf Red & Blue
with khaki stripes and decorated with DP monogram in gold
zari, Whistle- Brass khaki Lanyard, Zari Name Plate, four
inch wide kammar-band (Red & Green) with Khaki stripes, Trousers
Khaki Cotton drill, Angolan khaki shirt, khaki wool socks, Black
leather belt with white metal plate and D.P. crest, Red and blue
DP signature with gold zari on arm, patta of red guide with gold
lashes with a DP monogram will be worn by all markers. I
three stripes (Red & Blue) pet will be worn by all Heads
OConstable. The bayonet frog will be black with a bayonet clubbed
back and ornaments, if any, may be worn.
With work clothes, the Constable and the Constable will handle the cane
stick (optional).
Chevron with three lines (RedzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA & Blue) will be worn Head
ocherable on both arms in the middle between the elbow and the shoulder
with a ‘V’ towards the elbow.
Trainees will wear khaki piercing shorts in Parade instead of pants
and will wear a web belt at the show.
While carrying a handgun on the job, the safety cord of the khaki once
a black leather bag will be worn.
In very cold weather, winter pattern coat is approved
may be worn.
The leather belt on the testers’ top cap will be brown and black
SIs / ASls.
Examiners Willwear three stars (five points, dots and silver
color) with red and blue fabric ribbons while SI and ASls will do
wear two stars and one star in a row in red and blue fabric
For women, only shoes and socks the usual pattern will be worn
even salwar-kameej and under any circumstances sandals /
sleeping quarters will be worn with Uniform.

There is an option to wear khaki salwar kameez and Dupa tta as
a work garment after a specific written consent from the person concerned
Wearing the same belts is as compulsory as wearing a man
partners even salwar-kameej,
Wear headgear and caps is mandatory- even if a
salwar kameej. They should keep their hair neatly tied.
No makeup will be used except bindi and sindhur. No.
ornaments should be worn without mangal sutra, wedding rings
and ear tags.
For testers, it is the same as 2 A (i) above and blue
beret cap with Red juice and white belt. For SIs and ASIs also,
blue baret cap with red juices (Sikh jawans will wear blue
hat), Black Leather Belt, white wool shirt; Blue Serge
pants; Blue wool socks; Blue wool jersey; Green Jacket
of an authorized pattern with Blue TC Scarf, double braid
a reddish-purple cloth, black oxford shoes,
Plastic Name Plate in black letters
with a white white background, D.P. mark left bicep. White
gloves when in VIP work.