Sr. Security Commissioner
Sr. Security Commissioner
The Mumbai Municipal Security Force was formed on March 1, 1966 after a single suspension
All clock and ward services operating in the various departments of the Society. Main
it is the duty of the military to detect any theft from municipal facilities and to protect and defend
of any property or land in Mumbai. The military armor plans for the day once
night patrols to protect water pipes from Tansa, Modak Sagar in Thane district
under the full guidance of the Assistant Security Officer (Weapons and ammunition Considered
the need to protect the municipality’s important and sensitive installation, water storage, dams, water purification
facilities and lines for open water pipelines from Vaitarana to the metropolitan area, the Municipal Commissioner
also approved a proposal to provide two out-of-town wireless vehicles
section; also, each one of the Western City and the cities of the East. Police and
security personnel do exemplary work, especially if they are assigned to assist the Assistant
Commissioner for work such as removal of criminals and unauthorized traffickers.

A well-equipped facility with all modern physical and household facilities
Army Training has been established at Bandup Complex. Six-month training is
issued to newly appointed Security Officers and Guards. One month renewal course
they are also kept for security personnel from time to time. In view of the breakdown of the law once and for all
to the situation, special efforts have been made to improve the physical and mental capacity of
security personnel.
For special assignments, security guards from the Defense Forces were also selected
has been given specialized training at a security training center. Some guards leaving work
power sent to Octroi Check Nakas and Ward Offices during removal
action, Morchas, strikes, bands, etc.

Sr. Security Commissioner
Arrange for the deployment of security guards to various ward installations and prepare theirs
Weekly Leave / Long Leave Program.
Take action whenever theft cases are found by any security guard at any time
Additional assets are trying to be deleted.
Arrange for bandobast work during the morchas and visit of the Municipal Commissioner /
Deputy Municipal Commissioner and other dignitaries in the Ward.
Take an amazing round of different installation to see if the guards on duty are there
they do their jobs.
Report any serious incident, theft of municipal property and fraud of senior management as well
and lodge complaints with senior management as directed.
Record a statement whenever such cases are reported and remain available for cash
boxes are opened at municipal dispensaries, maternity wards etc.

Configure Jamadar Security Posts, Chief Security Officers and Existing Security Guards
Points, if necessary in consultation with the head of the Department; find strategies once
risk points like key installations, pumps, shops, depots etc. in his place and see that they work
there is
well guarded; prepare a list of security guards and make sure day and night
jobs are properly allocated and given a general discount
Keep them fully informed of standing orders and circulars pertaining to working hours,
leave, leave rules and other matters relating to Labor Laws and Regulations, industrial
Diputes Act, Minimum Wages Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act etc.
Train staff and explain the search process whenever the same thing comes in handy
Check that the guards on duty are wearing office uniforms and that men and women are present
vigilant and vigilant; holding parades for security guards and the Head security Guard in his unit e
regular intervals; see complaints and complaints, if there are employees under him and see
that immediate action should be taken so that they can be corrected and see that uniforms and IDs are expedited
issued by the guards working under him.
Take at least one round daily to check and see the safety of Jamadar, Head
Guards and Guardians are also on duty in their assigned areas. It should
take at least two rounds of nights a week for this purpose. As far as possible, one round should be
be Before midnight and one after the other midnight. The names of the losers should be written down
to the Divisional Security Manager every Saturday for further action. In the event of a serious error, a
the initial investigation should be conducted by the Assistant Security Officer (ASO) and a report sent to
Divisional Security Officer

Sr. Security Commissioner
Be under the direct supervision and control of the Divisional Security Officer and take over
guidance from him and bring reports to him from time to time.
Ask common questions about theft, wrongdoing, coup
illegal acts etc. and immediately submit reports to higher authorities
Regular office work, letters and general questions from others
departments related to security services.
Beware of cooperating with institutional guardians in his area;

has a good knowledge of safety issues and takes immediate action if possible
Log in to any other activity such as bandobast and linked to security measures such as
at the order of his superiors.
Prevent normal leave of up to 3 days in Security Jamadar, Chief Security Guards and
The guards according to the authority given to them.
Keep a lot of security for Jamadar, Chief Guards and Guards. And
keep a record of breaks etc.
Send a working report of his subordinates to Dy’s office. CSO to
on which the payments to be made are calculated.
Make a Security Show at the Training Center and participate
parade activities whenever needed.
Set up a police bandobast over the safety bandobast in the event of such an incident
such as morchas, strikes and bandhs

Sr. Security Commissioner
Where the Central Public Information Officer or Public Information Government
The officer, as the case may be, intends to disclose any information or record, or part of it
on request made under this Act, relating to or provided by
third party and treated as confidential by that third party, the Central Community
The Information Officer or State Information Officer, as the case may be, should,
within five days of receipt of the application, give the third party written notice
part of the request and the fact that the Central Public Information Officer or State
The Public Information Officer, however, intends to disclose the information or
record, or part of you, and invite a third party to make a submission in writing or
orally, about whether the information should be disclosed, and that delivery
a third party will be considered when making a decision regarding disclosure
Provided that unless the trade or trade secrets are protected by law,
disclosure may be allowed if the public interest in disclosure exceeds value
any potential harm or damage to the benefits of that third party.

When the notice is served by the Central Information Officer or the State
The Public Information Officer, as the case may be, under subsection (1) to a third party
in respect of any information or record or part thereof, a third party must, within ten
days from the date of receipt of such notice, he is given an opportunity to act
representation against the proposed disclosure.
Except for anything contained in section 7, the Great Community
The Information Officer or State Information Officer, as the case may be, should,
within 40 days after receipt of the application under section 6, if a third party has done so
given the opportunity to make representations under subsection (2), make a decision as
whether or not he discloses information or record or part thereof and provides
The Central Government, by notice in the Official Gazette,
to form a body to be known as the Central Information Commission to use
the powers conferred on it, and the performance of its functions under this Act
Chief Information Officer; and
that number of High Information Commissioners, not more than ten,
as it may seem necessary.

Sr. Security Commissioner
The Chief Information Officer and the Information Commissioner should
appointed by the President on the recommendation of a committee formed
the Premier, who will be the Chairperson of the committee;
Leader of the opposition party in Lok Sabha; and
The Minister of the Union Cabinet to be appointed by the Prime Minister.
For the purpose of removing doubts, it is announced that there
the leader of the opposition party in the House of the People was not so honored,
Leader of the largest opposition party in the House of Commons
the people will be considered the Leader of the opposition party
General Superintendence, direction and administration of
The Chief Information Officer shall authorize the Chief Information Officer
they will be assisted by the Information Commissioners and can use all of that
empowers and performs all such acts and acts as may be performed or performed by the Head
Independent Information Commission without any guidance
other jurisdiction under this Act
The Chief Information Officer and the Information Commissioner should
be prominent in public life with extensive knowledge and legal knowledge,
science and technology, social service, management, journalism, media or
administration and governance.
The Chief Information Officer or the Information Commissioner should
not be a Member of Parliament or a Member of the Legislature of any State or Union
location, as it may be, or hold another benefit office or affiliated with any
Politi Central Information Commission Headquarters will be in Delhi
and the Central Information Commission, with prior authorization of
Central Government, establish offices elsewhere in India.
party or to do any business or pursue any activity.
The Chief Information Officer will hold office for a period of five years
from the day he takes his place and will not be eligible

Provided that no Chief Information Officer will be appointed thereafter
he has reached the age of sixty-five.
Every Information Commissioner will hold office for a period of five years from
the date of his replacement or until he is sixty-five years old,
whatever precedes it, and you will not be eligible for re-appointment as such
Subject to the appointment of the Information Commissioner as Head
Commissioner of Information, his term of office shall not exceed five years
to consolidate as the Information Commissioner and the Chief Information Officer.
The Chief Information Officer or the Information Commissioner should
before entering his office to make and register before the President or another
the person designated by him or her as a result, affidavit or affirmation in the prescribed form
purpose in the First Schedule
The Chief Information Officer or the Information Commissioner may, by
at any time, in writing under his hand directed to the President, resign from office