Under Secretary
Under Secretary
The effectiveness of an organization is largely dependent on sufficient flexibility
procedures and procedures and the ability of its employees to follow them.
Likewise, the efficiency of the people in charge of secretarial work in government
the organization can be judged on their ability to dispel issues – especially receipts,
charges etc. speed and quality, in accordance with prescribed procedures
purpose. The main purpose of all Government work is to meet the citizens
their needs and well-being forward. At the same time, they will be accountable to impartiality
business management must ensure that public finances are managed with the utmost care
and wisdom. Therefore, it is necessary, in each case, to keep a proper record
not only about what is being done but also why it is being done.

Procedures set out in the Central Secretariat Manual of Office
Process (CSMOP), attempts to quantify the conflicting assumptions of speed,
quality, transparency and merit. In the changing case, this balance cannot be
firmly or permanently repaired. Every law and procedure must apply a
direct purpose.
The First Edition of the CSMOP was published in March, 1955 and since then
it is updated periodically to take care of the changing situation. I
The 13th Edition of CSMOP arrived in September, 2010. This version of
CSMOP is very powerful and therefore does not receive the required attention
Of Public Servants to read it. Existing CSMOP system
submitted 14th in the series. Number of entries that existed before
CSMOPs are also available in a variety of documents and manuals directly related to
title deleted. The new CSMOP has been prepared for this purpose
remove inactivity, multiply and complete the required number
can be easily downloaded from various Government websites.

It is expected that the updated 14th Edition of CSMOP, with a few exceptions
the number of pages compared to previous CSMOPs will receive a lot of attention
are Government officials and the work will be done in an orderly manner as well
the fastest way
Indian Government (Business Allocation) Act, 1961 thereafter
The so-called AOB Rules (as amended from time to time) provide for this business
government between its various Departments / Departments. Government of India
(Transaction of Business) Regulations, 1961 and hereafter referred to in the TOB Rules (as
amended from time to time) seeks to define the authority, obligation and obligations of
each Minister / Department, Cabinet and its Committees and the Prime Minister of India
(Rule 12 of TOB). The AOB and TOB rules are available on the Cabinet website
The secretary

Department / Department has a responsibility to act
of government policies regarding topics assigned to it under AOB
laws and the implementation, monitoring and review of those policies.
provide detailed management guidelines required to
implementation of policies, as set out from time to time by
Service / Department affiliated with. They also serve as a last resort for
information and departmental advice on a variety of issues
about them (e.g. Central Department of Public Works, Central Water Commission, Central
Electricity Authority, Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Directorate General of
Factory Advice & Labor Centers etc.)

they usually act as camp centers or as
agencies are responsible for the detailed implementation of government policies.
They operate under the direction of the attached office, or where the capacity of
The direction of the officials involved is not great, under the direct department. Kwe
over time, they assist the Departments involved in executive & technical management
news in their professional fields (eg CPWD service center,
CGHS dispensary, Directorate General of Mines & Safety etc.)
those institutions established under the provisions
of the Constitution of India (e.g. Joint Public Service Commission, Elections
Commission, Director and Auditor-General of India, National Commission of
Woman etc.)
- those structures established by the Government to
to perform functions related to government functions. Such bodies
they are given independence to carry out their duties in accordance with the rules
Memorandum of Organizations (e.g. Indian Military Academy, National Institution of
Fashion Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Central Silk Board etc.)

Public Sector Agreements have been suspended
by the Government in the form of companies or organizations where the majority of them
shares held by the President of India or his nominees and held
Board of Directors, consisting of officers and non-officials (BHEL, NTPC, ONGC
etc.). Some of them may have been built as a result of the acquisition,
national inclusions etc. of private companies (Indo Burma Petroleum, Balmer
Lawrie & Company Limited, Burn Standards Company Limited, Braithwaite &
Company Limited etc.)
In that case, the officer is on leave or on training / visiting or retired or away
office after completing his term of office, incumbent or his staff
concerned or liaison officer or officer slightly below the official concerned,
The person working on the topic will get quick / important directions,
with the exception of confidential documents in which the link officer system will be used.
In the event that none of the above officers are in office, CR will do so
find such books.

Visible dak (including fax messages) will be available for a variety of purposes
staff (e.g. C.R. Unit or personal staff of the officer concerned). It will be so
the responsibility for the work that begins to get a visible dak, is a diary
(If the closed areas are not available, the official concerned will take action
by telephone or in writing or electronically to obtain locks from the sender,
best in electronic form). Where books, papers, etc. are sent as
In addition, the sender may be asked to send a soft copy.