15. ndian Trade Service, Group A (Grade 3)
The Indian Trade Service (ITS) was established in 1977 with direct employment through the UPSC
started in 1985. It is an ‘A’ Central Service. The first ITS collection has joined
- The Department of Trade is the Cadre Controlling Authority of Indian Trade
Service, and daily card handling have been transferred to DGFT.
The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) is the Attached Office under the Department of
Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
The authorized capacity of ITS, currently, is 191, covering 72 DGFT Assistant posts.
at JTS level, 44 Deputy DGFT posts at STS level (including NFSG), 48 Joint posts
DGFT at JAG level and 26 additional DGFT posts at SAG level and 1 post on HAG
level. Cadre update for ITS recently completed.
The ITS chief executive begins his work in Group A as Assistant Director-General of Foreign Trade.
Employment at this level is done by the Civil Services Examination conducted by the Union
Public Service Commission. Indian Trade Service Recruitment hiring rules govern
selection and job prospects of an ITS officer. Its officials play a key role in raising the bar
Indian foreign trade also thus helped to obtain the most valuable foreign exchange
economy. ITS officials serve as the protector of the interests of the trading community. ITS
officials at the same time play the role of guide and advisor to emerging traders as well
suspended traders.
The commercial dynamics of the past are reflected in a large way by the positions they occupy
Its officials in the Ministry of Commerce and other trade structures (WTO, UN ESCAP, Trade
Boards etc.). Individual officers are included in the DGFT; SEZs; DGAD; Commercial policy unit,
Resolve trade disputes, Transport Department and other Departments of Commerce
and various services

Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), formerly known as CCI & E, an organization formed
under the Foreign Trade (Development and Control) Act (FTDR Act), you are also a regulator
Assistant Foreign Trade in India. DGFT is entrusted with the task of doing it once
to implement India’s Foreign Trade Policy periodically to facilitate the growth of
India’s foreign trade in goods and services, while the important inputs required for growth
of the Indian manufacturing and service sectors.
In addition to the above advertising role as a commercial promoter, the DGFT organization also plays
an important role of FTDR Law regulator and manages enforcement once
judicial functions under Foreign Trade Regulations, which include investigations and
decisions of violation of FT (DR) Act and fraud related to foreign trade, violations of
export obligations under various export promotion programs. DGFT also handles trade
conflicts between Indians and foreign firms stemming from unethical trade practices.
The main role of the Indian Trade Service in this organization is to:
Develop export-import policies and implement them.
Managing various export promotion mechanisms and export promotion programs.
Monitor export obligations.
Quota Tariff Rate Allocation.
Export / Hand Entrepreneur / Counselor under Niryat Bandhu
Import license and its administration,
Export license and its administration,
Submit Quota Shares.
Management of the GSP and other matters related to the Origin Certificate.
Administration of the Trade and Foreign Development Act (FTDR Act).
Investigative, enforcement and judicial functions under Foreign Trade
Standard Resolution and other trade disputes.
Action against violations of export obligations under various export promotion
Action against violations of Export User Export and Import Conditions
Shares / Permits.
Trade Promotion.
Monitoring the importation of Sensitive Materials.

As a key Department in India’s foreign trade affairs, this authority
The Department of Commerce (DOC) integrates appropriate policies and practices
in order to develop, promote and regulate Indian international trade and
It plays a role in promoting the construction of an enabling environment and infrastructure to accelerate
the growth of Indian trade in goods and services. Trade and commerce negotiations
Agreements at various levels, regions and two countries are negotiating with the Department.
The Department also serves as a liaison with international agencies such as
World Trade Organization (WTO), National Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD), Asia-Pacific Economic and Social Commission (ESCAP), as
and individual or group of countries on a wide range of issues including pricing
and toll barriers, international property agreements, special / free trade
plans, and investment issues, etc.
Currently vacancies, up to the level of Director, are reserved for Indians in the DOC
Commercial Officers to perform certain essential functions; which includes making Indians
negotiating position in the WTO and in a few pre-regional / regional / bilateral trade areas
Agreements. Members of this service also manage other key areas of the Department
such as:
Indian Trade Service man officials are some of the key positions in the Trade Policy
Department of Trade Unions responsible for joint trade negotiations
to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Some of the areas within the WTO multilateral
the program that financial officials negotiate with is access to non-agricultural markets (NAMA);
Trade regulation measures include anti-doping, antitrust and defense; conflict
to solve; information technology agreement (ITA); rules of origin; Globalized System of
Trade Preferences (GSTP) and government procurement. Function involves composition or
completion of the Indian negotiating forum, conducting stakeholder consultation, eviction
of trade data, data analysis, Indian tax schedule adjustment, negotiations during meetings
in the WTO and the preparation of policy documents or Cabinet notes in negotiations.
Apart from this, TPD also receives many comments or requests from participants at once
needs to plan answers to Parliamentary questions related to WTO debates. The police have it
and handled the submission and analysis of discussion issues related to the Minor Minister
meetings and a meeting of WTO Ministers.
ITS officials were also sent to the Permanent Mission of India at the WTO in
Geneva. The mission of the Mission officials is related to agriculture, NAMA,
ITA, government procurement, GSTP, sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS), technical
barriers to trade (TBT), international licensing. Some of the other WTO themes are the police
Market Access Committee (CMA) and the Internal Trade Council
Goods (CTG).
The nature of the mission mission is related to the negotiation of international trade issues in
multi-dimensional, plurilateral / minor and bilingual formats; teamwork
especially in key sectors of agriculture and NAMA; building national positions as well
to discuss that basis at WTO meetings; preparing position papers; to do
both national and international submissions; to build an app
both pre- and post-meetings; data collection and analysis; India tariff schedule adjustment;
making presentations at seminars and workshops etc. ITS officials have also been
Chair of other WTO organizations such as the Market Access Committee (CMA).

Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in the country, introduced under the SEZ Act, 2005,
domains of foreign trade activities related to foreign trade, for manufacturing purposes
additional economic activities, promotion of exports of goods and services, promotion of
investment in internal and external resources, and job creation
and infrastructure development.
SEZs are regulated in terms of the SEZ Act, 2005 and the SEZ Rules, 2006 and per Location
led by the Commissioner for Development, appointed by the Department of Trade to
overseeing the operation of the Zone, which includes approving internal units,
liaising with the organs of state and central government for effective implementation
The Development Commissioner is backed by the various officials
departments, including Customs and Excise, in Zone management. Currently 11
The positions of Development Commission on SEZ for most products are available from Indian Traders
Service personnel.\

The Directorate General of Anti-Dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) was established in 1998.
to provide an organizational framework for the implementation of the WTO Non-Discrimination Agreement
(ADA) and the Grants and Action Plan (ASCM) and
related by-laws. Many ITS officials are referred to DGAD from time to time.
The Directorate is conducting an anti-deregistration and anti-sponsorship / opposition campaign as well
make recommendations to the Central Government on the imposition of rejection resistance or
contradictory measures, where appropriate, to protect the domestic industry from injustice
trading strategies for trading partners in the form of dumping and sponsorship. I
The findings / decisions of the Designated Officer / DGAD are relevant to Customs,
Excise & Service Tax Appellat Tribunal (CESTAT) and subsequently in the Supreme Court of
India according to the Tax Act. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Courts extends beyond that
actions. DGAD also provides technical assistance to the Department of Commerce in Media
of WTO Rules negotiations, bilateral trade negotiations and more and trade disputes
and other Member States.
The DGAD investigation unit is headed by Indian members only
Commercial service has reached the level of directors to prevent dumping and anti-sponsorship
investigation as investigating officers to investigate the nature and extent of the conviction and / or
support and recommendation of quality work to reduce the effect of dumping and / or
support. In addition to the investigation work the police also provide technical experts
Department of Trade support in trade negotiations, Legal Negotiations
In addition to working in the Department of Commerce, ITS officials work for a variety of others
services / departments / Organizations / local and regional from time to time. The police did it
has succeeded in services such as the Ministry of Coomunication and Information Technology, Ministry
Power, Department of Home Affairs etc. One position in the Minister of Foreign Affairs
(Position of Deputy Secretary), Department of Fabrics (Position of Assistant Secretary) and Department of Transport
Agriculture (Joint Secretary to Agriculture) has been appointed to the ITS official
ITS examiners are trained in the Foundation courses compulsory in various selected areas
institutions of higher learning in partnership with LBSNAA-Mussourie. Indian Trade Service inspectors are available
then trained at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. Training is
divided by classroom classroom teachings and practical training in the form of various attachments.
Classroom teaching focuses on areas such as India’s Foreign Trade Policy, World Trade
Organization Framework, International Business Marketing, Macro and Micro Economics,
Human Resource Management etc. Candidates also get the opportunity to learn a
previous language during training. Explorers are connected to various ports,
production units provide exposure to the industry. Their skills are also honed on time
liaising with other government departments and organizations such as NACEN, FIEO,
Customs and Excise, Foreign Service Institute (FSI, New Delhi) and other institutions
national value / PSU / private and international institutions /
Medium ITS officer training includes training in India and
a world-renowned university except in India. The training in India was done by
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad past collections. The police went
sent to USA, Switzerland etc. to complete the external part of the training. The police
they were sent for training in the interim WTO
As with the current Cadre structure an ITS officer can move up to the HAG Scale level
An additional Secretary to the Government of India rising from the rank of Sub-Secretary,
Deputy Secretary, and Associate Secretary.
Apart from serving in the world, there are opportunities to serve
Trade ambassadors to the Indian Overseas Mission, WTO, UN agencies such as UNCTAD etc.
There are other trade-related bodies such as Export Promotion Councils, Commodity Boards,
Trade Advisor / Provincial Commissioner, FICCI, CII etc., where ITS staff technology
new roles should also be created in these bodies expected in the future. The role of ITS
officials are also expected to step up their efforts to facilitate trade under Make In India
and holding hands with new generation entrepreneurs to start export businesses under Niryat
Bandhu and Start Up India step by step