India Railway
India Railway
The national carrier, Indian Railways, is the largest employer in the country. Every year Indian Railways announces a host of jobs for graduates, 10 + 2 and matric graduates. Contrary to the vacancies, Railways received a large number of application forms. Rail raids are managed by Railway Boards (RRBs) and Cell Recruitment Cells (RRCs). RRBs are authorized for recruitment work for all Group C (Technical and Non-Technical) posts. The RRCs are tasked with conducting Group D recruitment trials. There are 21 RRBs in total and 16 RRCs. Recruitment for Group A and B positions on Indian Railways is done throug the Civil Services and Engineering Services Exam (ESE).
Rail raids are for Popular Non-Technical Categories, Medical Categories, Ministerial and Divided Categories, Various Positions at Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Various Positions of Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent and CMA, ALP and Specialists, etc. Besides, different train stations also hire individuals to different positions according to their needs. In this article, we have discussed the various RRB tests.
Changes in Railway Rentals over the years
India Railway
RRB testing over the years has undergone various changes in the hiring process. Some of the major changes in train rental are given below:
Internet Application System:
To speed up the application process, the Railway Board has adopted an online application process. This allows candidates to complete and submit an online application form. Before, candidates had to get an application form from the relevant RRB either by post or Employment Issues or in the newspapers.
Computer-Based Testing: Railways has been moved to Computer-Based Testing mode from pen and paper mode. Admission cards for various RRB tests are issued online. Before, consent cards were sent by post.
Release of Response Keys: Rail Recruitment Boards release answer keys to their various tests. This step is taken to ensure that things are clear in the test. Candidates are also allowed to challenge the official response key by paying a certain amount of money.
Procedure for selecting RRB testingThe RRB selection process is different for different tests. Discussed below is the standard selection process for all tests.
Completing the RRB Application Form
The RRB application form should only be completed online. The application fee is Rs 500 (for all candidates except for the terms of the contract). Fee for PwBD / Female / Transgender / Ex-Servicemen Candidates and SC / ST / Minority Communities / Economic Background Participants is Rs 250. Application fee can be paid online and offline. The application fee is reimbursed after deducting bank charges from CBT exposure.
Issuance of Consent Card
The RRB Consent Card is issued four days before the scheduled test date. The consent card is issued online for different stages of testing. Candidates can download the consent card with the required information. The admission card contains test-related information as well as student personal information.
Railway Syllabus and Exam Pattern
RRB NTPC Syllabus 2020 For Stage 1
RRB NTPC Syllabus Subject wise: The Questions will be of objective type with multiple
choices and will include questions about the three topics namely General Awareness,
Mathematics and General Intelligence and Reasoning
Title of RRB NTPC EXAMcts (100 Marks) RRB Syllabus NTPC Topics
Number system
Ratio and Propartions
RRB NTPC statisticsSyllabus (30 Marks) Mensuration
time & work
time & distance
Simple intrent and compund intrest
Profit & loss
Element algebra
India Railway
RRB NTPC Payment, Promotion and Job Growth : –
Earnings, Benefits, Benefits, etc. with some of the few things that make the work attractive. After completing one of the most anticipated forms of the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) ‘s Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC). A total of 1,26,30,885 applicants completed the RRB NTPC 2020-21 form in 35, 208 positions. See the 7th Pay commission for all Under-graduate posts and degrees. The posted applications are as follows:
Little Cum Typist Clerk,
Cum Typist Account Secretary,
➤ Junior Time Keeper,
➤ Train Clerk,
➤ Commercial Ticket Clerk,
➤ Traffic Assistant,
➤ Property Officer,
➤ General Sales Ticket Secretary,
➤ Secretary General Cum Typist,
➤ Small Cum Typist Account Assistant,
➤ Great Timekeeper,
➤ Business Student
➤ Channel Manager
RRB NTPC Overview
The RRB has invited applications from qualified graduates and graduates under the NTPC, to the various Zonal Railways and Production Units at Indian Railways. Check out RRB NTPC Important Dates (Graduate & Undergraduate)
India Railway
RRB NTPC Payment: After the 7th Payment Commission
Here, we have provided Payment Rate, Initial Payment and Vacancies for all Under-graduate vacancies and qualifications under NTPC according to each 7th CPC Pay Matrix.
Name Level Spaces In 7th CPC Initial Pay (Rs.) Total Spacing Spaces (All RRBs) Clerk Small Cum Typist 2 19900 4300 Cum Typist Account Clerk 2 19900 760 Young Timekeeper 2 19900 11 Train Clerk 2 19900 592 Trade Ticket Clerk 3 21700 4940 Total Graduation of Undergraduate 10603
RRB NTPC Graduate Posts Pay Scale after 7th Payment Commission and vacancies
Name Level Spaces In 7th CPC Initial Pay (Rs.) Total SpacesTraffic Assistant 4 25500 88 Goods Guard 5 29200 5748 General Business Ticket Clerk 5 29200 5638 General Cum Typist 5 29200 2854 Teen Account Assistant cum Typist 5 29200 3147 Senior Timekeeper 5 29200 6 Commercial Apprentice 6 35400 259 Station Manager 6 35400 6865 Total Post Spaces 24605Grand Total (Graduates, Graduates and Impaired) 35208
Salary Benefits of RRB NTPCThe railway is known for providing excellent benefits and benefits to its employees. Also to Basic Pay, RRB offers a few other benefits and benefits. These benefits will depend on location and job position. Some of the benefits offered by Railways are listed below
Grant of Love
➤ House Rental Fee
➤ Transport Fee
➤ Pension plan
➤ Medical Benefits
➤ Another Special Provision
By the various laws enacted by the Indian government the House Rent Allowance (HRA) for the various cities is listed in the table below:
Grade B RBI Centers for Phase II testing
Name of Test Cities
New Delhi
To get the highest score on the RBI Grade B 2022 Exam, it is necessary for each candidate to look at the latest test pattern and changes in the syllabus so that the preparation is done . Candidates have the option of joining an Offline Training Program offered by Career Power to improve their skills. They can also solve Mock Test Papers to analyze themselves and prepare for this upcoming test
India Railway