Indian Postal Service
Indian Postal Service
For more than 150 years, the Indian Postal Service has helped the country become involved in communications and socio-economic development. It has succeeded in affecting the lives of people across the country from sending emails to receiving deposits and providing marketing services such as debt collection, form sales, etc.
We’ve heard the news of 10 paisa postcards and yellow envelopes, about cash orders from working people, farmers and parents. And we certainly remember the value of the books in hand, the soldiers in the snow who received letters from their wives and children, reading words of love and waiting, daily events and stories, would bring a smile to their face and keep them strong. And lastly, telegraphs remember that?
The Indian Postal Service is the one we have decided to work to keep history and alignment in mind. Here is what we learned, decided and did.

When working on any project the first question we face is why do we do it?
India’s postal service has been an important part of our region since 1854, that is a long time ago. Historically, this has gone through some of the most difficult times in the region. Nothing has stopped it from helping in the coming years with new strategies emerging. Today the Indian Postal Service is one of the leading postal services in the public sector that is immovable among its competitors. We know how dedicated he was, but, how well he works and is now famous? As everything goes online and people make decisions based on internet availability and usage, the Indian Postal Service does not have a strong position in the market. There are a lot of people who still rely on it but what about others? Should they not choose the Indian postal service? As the leading countries in the world with unparalleled postal service, we can learn and apply the same. That being said, we as a team focused on the website and how we can improve it, and realized that it has a few potential developers. Weaknesses can be transformed into practical advantages.
This is a team project, my colleagues and I have done a lot of discussion, thinking a lot about all the important little things that can be profitable or that can help us turn it into a profit.
We did an online survey to get started, and wrote all the responses to find out if people knew this website, what was the best thing about it, what could be changed and what they preferred for delivery and posting?
Next, we did a competitive analysis, with companies like DHL, BluDart, Delhivery, FedEx competing with the Indian Postal Service. Not only do they have extensive access, but they also have a functional, useful, customer-friendly website. Websites all have a few things in common, lead people to their services faster, get to the point and help with packaging. As we will not be able to get into the details of the pack yet, we decided to try our hand at building a website and a new style guide.
This is the research we have done and the information we have collected, let us convey to you the whole idea, process, wireframing and prototyping.
Indian Postal Service

The client or client is the property of all organizations that must be carefully maintained.
Today’s marketing is customer-focused. The customer is therefore treated as a profit center for
organization. All employees, including managers, must play a role in providing quality
customer service. Providing quality services is key to satisfying and maintaining resources
customers. The concept of quality should be a precursor to customer satisfaction. Customer
Satisfaction is the most widely used tool to measure business performance. Customer
satisfaction is a decision made by the customer after receiving the services. Complexity of
the concept of customer satisfaction inspires researchers and professionals from many
years of developing new ideas to improve customer satisfaction. Private companies as
as well as government-owned organizations are committed to meeting the needs of their clients.
The Indian Post Office is one of the oldest and most famous government institutions with strong institutions
customer base. It is to have a brand image and trust in the minds of customers. Because of globalization
India Post is facing stiff competition from some of the strongest competitors. Reasonable effort is required
which will be done by the Indian post office to improve the overall quality of services. Post office
attempts to make the necessary improvements in the service delivery system.

Indian Postal Service
The Indian Department of Post is the oldest and most advanced government center in the Indian service sector. Icon
is considered the backbone in the field of communication. The history of posts in India is traced back
the English empire. India was a very important colony of British rule. It was once the East India Company
established its rule throughout the Indian subcontinent the need was felt by the English rulers to have
a government agency for delivering royal mails. In the 19th century Lord Dalhousie played the game
an important role in launching postal services in India. The Post Office Act was established in 1854 and for the first time
the post office was established in Mumbai. The law has been promulgated as stated by the Post Office
652 posters and four general post managers were placed under the central organization. It was managed
Director-General. Gradually the number of posts increased to 12970 by the end of 1900.
for freedom the total number of posts was 23,334. Today India is a country with a high population
number of post offices worldwide. There are 1,55,335 post offices today in India. Otherwise
1,35,00 posts are in rural areas
Post was accepted as a means of transmitting written communication between the public
cross country. The post office is an important part of every citizen’s life for the past 150 years.
The Department of Labor has made efforts to distribute these postal services to all parts of the country.
India Post offers a variety of services to its citizensPostal Services – The main function of post offices is to collect, receive, transfer and deliver
letters to the appropriate national address. There are different types
postal services provided by the Indian post office.
Speed Post- Speed Post was introduced in 1986 to provide postal services within
and in 97 other countries. Email is delivered in less time than usual

Indian Postal Service
Business Post- The center was launched in 1994 to meet the needs of many customers
with pre-shipping operations.
Express Parcel Post- It is the delivery of a door-to-door package with the Value Payable Post. Icon
preferences by companies that sell goods based on the amount at delivery. It is also reliable
time-bound parcel service.
Media Post- This center was established to help corporate and government organizations
proximity to their potential customers. Postal stationery is used for advertising
products.E-Post- This service was started on 30 Jan 2004. The purpose of launching this service was to
so that customers can send and receive messages or pictures via email across the country
wide post.Financial Services – It is one of the largest and most important services offered to clients as an agency
resources of the Ministry of Finance Government of India. A great source of departmental revenue
various postal banking systems. Customer service is public
Provident Fund, Post Bank Account Account, Monthly Income Program, Continuous Deposit
Account, National Savings Certificate, Post Time Deposit etc. These services are
it is necessary for many citizens of the country.Post Life Insurance – Post Life Insurance was introduced in 1884 to get postage benefits and
telegraph workers. The center was later extended to others by the state government
staff.Sales Services- These are important services provided by Indian post to customers. That’s right
services provided to ordinary people to bring relief and affordability to their department
services. A variety of services are provided under reatil mail such as payment of electricity bills, telephone
debts, e-ticketing tickets, gold coin sales, UPSC form sales, passport application forms etc.
India Post therefore offers a variety of services in key areas of the public sector. These services have four
it entered many people of the world and has become a part of their lives. I
The Department of Transport must manage these resources through its extensive infrastructure. The daily door of
posts must cater to a large number of customers. So a customer-focused business. Because of evolution
in the telecommunications business and in the trading business many new players entered

Indian Postal Service
Today the India Post is facing stiff competition from its technical competitors. Great
The challenge today at India Post is to survive in this market and keep existing customers by delivering
high level of satisfaction with its services. In this modern age the expectations of customers and their own
preferences have changed. Customers have many other options with the click of a mouse. So India
The post must accept the changes required to become a leader in the current market.CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
Marketing ideas have changed over time. Due to the emergence of information
technology, modernity and global business, marketing today has become more and more customers
centric. The customer is the master of the market which is why it is important for companies to do that
see the value of customers. Customer is considered the most valuable asset of
a company that needs proper care in order to increase market share. It is therefore important to meet
much-needed customer expectations and keep them happy. So customer satisfaction is a
an important factor in marketing philosophy. Customer satisfaction is a vague and uncommon phenomenon
the idea. It is psychological. It is an emotion or expression that a person acquires afterwards
using a product or service. Customer attitude that reflects what the customer is feeling
organization. If a product or service offered by an organization meets or exceeds expectations
for customers the customer is said to be satisfied.
Marketing Guru Philip Kotler (1999) defines customer satisfaction as, “When a product
to measure expectations, the customer is satisfied if he passes them the customer is very satisfied as well
if it fails, the customer is not satisfied. ”

Indian Postal Service
Oliver (1992) defines customer satisfaction as, “Satisfaction is the answer to customer satisfaction. It
to judge whether a product or service is a feature or a product or service itself that has provided a satisfactory standard
fulfillment-related fulfillment, including lower or higher fulfillment standards. ”
Satisfaction is the result of customer emotion or response to related experiences
a particular product or service. Customer satisfaction is the customer’s opinion about the product or
service. So it shifts from person to person. So customer satisfaction is a key indicator of the future
customer behavior. In a modern business it is very important to manage customers
to find success in this competitive business environment. Strong bonds of relationship with
customers can only be created by maintaining consistency in the provision of timely and quality services. Today i
Customer satisfaction is an area of potential for rapid growth. Companies are striving to raise this standard
customer satisfaction by capturing a large market share. Customer satisfaction rating
will help organizations evaluate the overall performance of a product or service. I
organizations must be successful in touching the pulse of the customer by learning their needs, expectations and
requirements. There are various factors that influence customer satisfaction such as price, service
quality, knowledge and attitudes of employees, grievance management, punctuality,
easy etc.
Customer satisfaction is a key indicator of customer re-purchase goals. Even on top
customer satisfaction offers financial benefits to a company that is financially viable
organizational statements. Cutsomer satisfaction is an ongoing process with certain stages1. Presales- To hold market share and gain customer trust and confidence
the organization must take certain steps before selling the product in the market. Through the
attractive ads for a product or service customers can have an idea about
product. Good word of mouth raises sales to go up.During the sale – Customers can get a chance to look at and test your product. They can
confirm claims made by the advertiser in the ad about product features.
Give customers the opportunity to clarify doubts. Skilled sales staff can manage customers
I’m fine.

Indian Postal Service
. After sale- After selling the product when the customer uses it, then he himself
you will compare your expectations with the actual performance of the product or service.
It is very important to regularly monitor the level of customer satisfaction. Customer
statisfaction is a feeling that can be improved by continuously meeting customer needs.
The actual operation of a product or service should provide a sense of satisfaction to the customer
compared to what is expected.
Customer satisfaction testing is naturally important so traders should make ongoing efforts
to bring good experiences to customers every time a product or service is used. He did it
not just to make customers happy but happy. Satisfied customers can be kept in business
which will help raise the pofit edges of the anxiety. Satisfied customers spread the good name of
a mouth that offers extra financial benefits with increased sales times compared to even scheduled
advertising campaign. Therefore, high customer satisfaction is important in attracting investors as
and various stakeholders.
3.1. Service Quality
Quality is one of the most important factors influencing customer satisfaction. Quality means the suitability of
use. Quality is a feature or charcteristic that is very difficult to measure. Service quality is one of
great strategic tools to measure the performance of a product or service. The whole business
organizations take efforts to manage and improve quality in order to survive in the market. So the level of service
it is an important business necessity in organizational growth. Consistency in providing good quality
the product or service results in additional profits each year. Good quality products or services help to grow
level of cutsomer satisfaction and cutsomers retention. Many industrialists, scholars as
and researchers have put forth effort to understand the concept of quality. There are many new strategies
in the field of quality improvement such as SERVQUAL, TQM, Six Sigma, Kaizen etc. In the view of
Parasuraman at al (1985) service quality has three intangible, distinct and non-functional features.
Services do not have a portable type. They are intact and are produced and eaten
at the same time. Organizations therefore recognize the importance of measuring the quality of services.
It is an important tool to reduce whether a product or service meets the expectations of

customers. Gronroos (1992) defines service quality as, “The difference between customer expectations
what they want and how they feel about what they get. ” Therefore a measure of service quality is required to
understand whether the actual performance of the product or service meets customer expectations.
If the actual performance of a product or service does not meet customer service expectations
a gap arises that leads to customer dissatisfaction. (Parasuraman el at, 1985)
Today the service sector is growing rapidly. The service sector has developed globally due to fluctuations
lifestyle, ever-changing need and customer habits. Globalization and freedom
Policies adopted by many countries around the world are contributing to the growing need for innovation
customer service. Organizations are therefore struggling to grow and stay competitive
to provide quality services. In terms of service quality it is very difficult to set accurately
quality level as intangible services. The level of service depends largely on the ideas of
customers and their expectations. If the services provided by the service provider meet expectations
for customers, the customer gets pleasure as the level of service is high. But it is very difficult
any service sector organization to maintain a level of staisfaction because the tailor may not feel it
the same level of happiness every time you receive a service. It is therefore important to keep track of the customer
vision after each service delivery. Customer perception often varies. So visually
quality is an important factor in measuring customer satisfaction. But further development in
the quality of services is important and important. As well as continuous improvement of service quality
some service features need to be upgraded simultaneously. The seller needs to find a location
a service gap between customer expectations and ideas. Necessary steps must be taken to meet
the gap of such service.

The Franking Machine must be acquired only by the licensee of the company
authorized by the Director-General of Operations and Telegraph and specified in the license,
and before they can be used they must be shown in the post.
The Director-General shall not accept any liability for damages caused
to go or adjust the required tracking machine. Any maintenance arrangements for
the machine must be made between the licensee and the machine supply company. Each machine will be shut down by suppliers before delivery, once
the post will attach a lead sign below. The seal should not be broken or treated
in any way by the licensee.
The licensee must at all times approve the authorized official
Department to inspect the machine without notice.
The licensee must take reasonable steps to monitor the fraudulent use of the license
the machine, in particular should have a removable meter, where provided, locked
on the body machine and the key kept by the responsible person.
The licensee will pay in advance the amount representing the postage
wish the machine to be set at the time of purchase. This amount is not valid
be less than Rs. 100 or more Rs. 50,000. @ 1 ½% discount will be allowed,
whenever a meter is reset, the number of ideas used. Wherever the licensee wishes to deposit any amount in order to continue to own it
meter of machine reset, you will produce franking machine by Franking
Book Recorder and Window Ticket in the post office specified in the license
and a similar tender application. The machine meter in all cases will rest

Indian Postal Service
For the purposes of the accounts, two registers shall be kept, one for
mail and more by the user where each reading will be re-recorded
payments for the accounts shown. All servicing and equipment repairs will be done
except by authorized suppliers on the premises outside the premises
there are various providers of service providers. In the latter case, the service once
an adjustment will be made to the postmaster assigned to do so. By
areas where service and equipment repairs cannot be done by
Authorized suppliers on the premises of the Post Office, the machine will be sent to suppliers
The Post Office, where the Daily Docket Register is kept, to issue a license letter
on the machine before it is sent for repair. Reset meter after adjustment
will be done at the post office. Any alterations to the machine’s location, except where it is repaired, will be the same
notified to the Head of the Unit and the post office
Everything that appears on the stamp for the purpose of prepayment must be
is done as far as possible in the upper right corner of the postal address
the article itself or the cover or label firmly attached to it. Cut labels with frank
appearances for pre-paid postage can be applied to all post titles
in the following terms: -No more than one cut-out label with a consistent or emerging point of view
full payment of postage and other fees will be allowed to attach to that post
If more than one direct appearance is found on the cut label or
wrap, emerging should not exceed or more than 1 cm. Outside. That’s right
charges, appearance of stamp with company name, license number, i
the date and any slogan used should appear only once and should not be overstated and blunt
The cut label should be securely attached to the post headings on the right
hand above the name and address of the sender. Cut labels may not be as regular
attached to the labels of the different addresses attached to those post articles; frank impressions on
such cases should be taken from such address labels themselves.

Cut labels must have the name and address of the sender printed
left hand.The amount of the level of the level or impression should be recorded on it
numbers in the red ink on the label cut below the printed name and sender address.
In cases where the sender’s name and address are printed elsewhere in
on the side of the postal address, you will not need to have his name and address
printed on cut labels.
Franking will be allowed up to any cost. Emergence should be a
bright red color should be clear and distinct, otherwise the article should be rejected
Frequently posted postal goods by Frank must be purchased
The office window / offices to be sent are displayed on the license on the same day
of frank carried by them. Those with recent or recent dates or posts in the book
the boxes will be considered unpaid while those that have been awarded tenders or other post office will not be paid
accepted. Articles with pre-date confirmation date
submissions will be accepted however, as long as there are four
the license idea expires on the date of launch. Each load will be
accompanied by a Window Ticket to identify a licensed employee or