Sr. Commandant RPSF
Sr. Commandant RPSF
it was considered a necessity
to maintain the Railways transport line of transport
of men and property before and liberate the Army. For this
purpose, it was decided to increase 04 Forces immediately issued
appropriate men and officers from the existing armed RPF unit
Rail. After that, another 04 Battalions were nominated. I
the deployment of the Society’s operations provides a clear picture of what is difficult
the kind of work added with all the discomfort and uncertainty.

The duties of members of the Special Emergency Force were numerous
harder than those in the Armed Wing of Uniform branch
They had to be well-trained and fit
ready to leave with a short notice.
Both the concentration camp and the field had to endure
a very difficult situation to live.
Their activities will not be on time shifts as per side
of the Armed Forces or Similar Branch of the Railway.
In the field they are exposed to a certain amount of risk.
Qualified officers and men volunteered themselves from
The RPF has recently joined the “Special Emergency Force”
named as the Railway Protection Special Force (RPSF) at least
consideration of the difficulties and disruptions caused by them and this
their families at home. After the Chinese War, a revolution is already in place
existing in the N.E.Region was also accelerated by hostile forces to
Nagaland, as a result, the RPSF was liberated from military operations
Activities were also resumed to protect Railway property on the N.F.Railway.
The revolt, which began in the N.E.Region, has spread
in different parts of the country due to different social conditions,
economic, regional and religious reasons. Regions like Assam,
Nagaland, Tripura, West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, UP, J & K, Punjab,
Haryana, Delhi, AP, Maharastra, karnataka etc. is deeply affected.
The railway line continues to be a soft target for all brutal sections
democratic or non-democratic society, peaceful / violent riots
and hostility of extremists, terrorists.
The RPSF is well-organized, fully trained, better equipped
and is easily accessible in the area designated by the Railways Department at a very
a brief notice, with details to assist Railway Managers as well
to manage the situation in a restricted manner with minimal use of
powers are permitted under the law. Even today, the RPSF still exists
used in the most sensitive / sensitive areas of terrorists
areas such as Kashmir and the Northeast region of the country and the RPSF
and the RPF, which also contains details of Parliament and the State
election meeting as needed and RPSF role
many times the relevant authorities were notified in time
such activities.
In 1999, two additional Battalions namely the 9th & 10th Battalion
was established in Jagahari and Dhanbad and in 2005, two more
Battalions namely No.11th & 12th Battalions of RPSF are authorized
for use in the Rail Link Project in Jammu and Kashmir.
Sr. Commandant RPSF

Sr. Commandant RPSF
The first payment of this member
A service that selects or is considered selective in accordance with these rules, to
is governed by a revised rate from the first day of January, 1996 or from later
date, which will be adjusted from that date separately in respect of his or her significant amount
pay in a permanent position where he is in debt or he would be in debt if it were not so
is suspended, and in respect of his remuneration in the administration of his office, e
in the following way, namely
If by increasing the payment as mentioned above, the payment of the Service Member
is staged on a scaled-up scale above the updated stage
the scale at which the remuneration of a member of the Service who was earning a salary is next
the upper stage or sections on the same existing scale is set, the salary of the latter is also
upgraded to the default of the first:
It also provides that while remunerating the salary it will be ensured that all members of
The service will receive at least one increase in the revised payout rate of three
increments (including increments), if any, on the existing salary scale.

Sr. Commandant RPSF
in the case of a Service member who receives a portion of the special salary
any other clause in addition to payment on the existing scale, which is similar to personal
to pay for the promotion of small family practices, Medium Grant (chief executive) Grant, etc.,
and when the same was changed on the revised scale it was inserted corresponding
grant or pay at the same rate or at different rates, payment on the revised scale
shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of subsection (A) and in such cases, i
the grant at the new rate as recommended, will be deducted in excess of the payment to
updated salary scale.

Sr. Commandant RPSF
When the rise of the Service Member enters on the lst of January,
1996, you will have the option to draw an increase in the existing or updated scale
When adjusting the payment under these rules, the payment of the Employee member
an existing scale artist who drew shortly before the first day of January, 1996,
a charge higher than another subordinate member of the same institution, is fixed
on the revised scale in the lower class, his salary will be increased
in the same category on the revised and junior scale.
-When a senior member of the Service is promoted to a higher position before
On the first day of January, 1996 she also earns less on the revised scale than her younger child
you are promoted to a higher position on or after the day of January 1, 1996, pay
A Senior Service Member will receive an increase in the amount of salary as suspended
for his youngest in that high position and an increase will be made from
the date of promotion of a minor member of the Service is subject to the fulfillment of this
the following conditions, namely
both the youngest and the senior member of the Service will be the same
The Card and the position they were promoted to will be the same
same Card
revised and revised rate for lower and higher salary positions there
they are entitled to the same payment
a senior member of the Service at the time of the promotion was pulling
a salary equal to or greater than the minimum
the confusion will be directly due to the use of the provisions of
this clause. If even in a lower position, the junior officer was drawing extra money
the previously updated scale is larger due to any improved upgrades
given to him, the provisions of this clause should not be used to extend this section
payment of Senior Service Member
An order relating to the adjustment of the payment of a senior member of the Service
in accordance with the above provisions shall be issued under the applicable laws as well
A senior member of the Service shall be entitled to the next addition upon completion
proper service required from the date of payment adjustment
In the case of a member of the Service who receives a personal payment
to pass Hindi Pragya and other such tests under the Hindi Teaching Scheme
before the first day of January, 1996, when personal payment will not be made
account for the purpose of adjusting the initial payment on the updated scale, you will continue to do so
receive personal payment after the suspension of his or her salary on the revised scale from the first day of 1st
In January, 1996 or later when he was going to paint it but because of
the suspension of his or her salary on the revised scale and the amount of that individual’s salary will be
paid at the appropriate rate of increase in the revised scale from the date of suspension of
paid for the time a Worker member would continue to draw.
Definition.- For the purposes of this law, “the appropriate rate of increase in that revised
scale “means the allowable price increase in the market and shortly thereafter
when a Service Member payment is determined on a revised scale.

at the time of the trial, you will receive payment for a permanent position, if any
in addition to the Minimum Scale and Assurance in the Service;
if he was in charge of the Class I post before being appointed to the Service, his payment would be
fixed on the same stage as the payment to the class I send if there is such a class
The Junior Scale is accepted by the Service member, or in the next lower category, if any
no such section on the Junior Scale is acceptable to a Service member even then
Fixed payment on the Service is less than his salary at the Class I post office, he will be allowed
difference as personal income to be included in future increases; and
if he held a position below the Class I post, his payment would be adjusted on stage
next above the salary he earns by raising his salary in relation to the lower position
with one increase in the rate at which that salary has grown;
you will stop gaining any promotion on the Small Scale, until, as far as you can
with regard to the length of his service, he is entitled to a higher salary:
Provided that you will issue an acceptable payment under rule 9 if that is more than that
the salary referred to in the preceding article.
Remuneration of a Service Member on the Small Scale, when appointed to a
posted on the High Time Scale, set to the next stage above the salary that came with the imagination
by increasing his minimum wage by one increase in that category
accumulated (or at a value equal to the last increase in the lower scale when drawing
pay at the highest rate (minimum rate) or minimum maximum rate, whichever