Track Maintainer Of Railways
Track Maintainer Of Railways
The Indian Railways has entered a period of operation of heavy axle trains and already has
plans to build high-speed corridors. Rail track maintenance for safe train operation
I have always been to P.Way dedicated groups on the Indian Railways; but these
categories from Trackmen to SSE / P.Way, are not given the appropriate value
w.r.t. career advancement, grants and modernization in IR.
While Trackmen, now re-appointed as a Tracker, is performing important tasks
a track about safe train operation; but their income is still very low
The standard of Indian Railways, but the fact is that their colleagues like ESMs too
they work in a way, they are better organized into categories. With this paper, efforts have been made
is designed to inform you of the steps taken by the Department of Railways in relation to work
continuity, grants and planned resources for the Trackman categories. Moreover, ‘Standing
Instructions ’issued w.r.t. post construction and execution of track repair jobs
USSOR-related activities for P.Way objects may be useful tools for field organizations.
Second, field workers at the Supervisory level are also very full of w.r.t. their
assignments related to mandatory testing, planning, retention, compliance,
surveillance, emergency response, questioning and various similar matters
operations per unit SSE / P.Way. It’s a good time to think aside

and built a way to reorganize the work assignments of our P.Way team, so
that their inhumane workplace and their obligations to get a safe train
performance may be properly regulated.
The team structure is a complete team model, from Trackman to SSE / P.Way has
it has also been visualized, so that through intelligent thinking at all levels, the Indians
Railroads may come up with a better structure for teams, activities and various responsibilities
standards and thus, the organization benefits from better productivity and job satisfaction with
care and the main purpose of a safe train operation in the IR system.
The Indian Railways has entered a period of operation of heavy axle trains and already has
plans to build high-speed corridors. Rail track maintenance for safe train operation
I have always been to P.Way dedicated groups on the Indian Railways; but these
categories from Trackmen to SSE / P.Way, are not given the appropriate value
w.r.t. career advancement, grants and modernization in IR.
While Trackmen, now re-appointed as a Tracker, is performing important tasks
a track about safe train operation; but their income is still very low
The standard of Indian Railways, but the fact is that their colleagues like ESMs too
they work in a way, they are better organized into categories. With this paper, efforts have been made
is designed to inform you of the steps taken by the Department of Railways in relation to work
continuity, grants and planned resources for the Trackman categories. Moreover, ‘Standing
Instructions ’issued w.r.t. post construction and execution of track repair jobs
USSOR-related activities for P.Way objects may be useful tools for field organizations.
Second, field workers at the Supervisory level are also very full of w.r.t. their
assignments related to mandatory testing, planning, retention, compliance,
surveillance, emergency response, questioning and various similar matters
operations per unit SSE / P.Way. It’s a good time to think aside
and built a way to reorganize the work assignments of our P.Way team, so
that their inhumane workplace and their obligations to get a safe train
performance may be properly regulated.
The team structure is a complete team model, from Trackman to SSE / P.Way has
it has also been visualized, so that through intelligent thinking at all levels, the Indians
Railroads may come up with a better structure for teams, activities and various responsibilities
standards and thus, the organization benefits from better productivity and job satisfaction with
care and the main purpose of a safe train operation in the IR system
From time immemorial, Indian Railways has been following tracking systems
care by P.Way Gangs groups including Gangmen, Keyman &
Gangmate and guarded by P.Way Mistry, PWI (Permanent Way
Inspector) and AEN (Assistant Engineer). With the changing times as well
inclusion of different concepts in the preparation and redesign of
Various posts, categories known as Trackman, Keyman,
Gangmate, Sr.P.Way Supervisor, Jr. Engineer / P.Way and Sr. Section Engineer /
P.Way under the direction of the Key Divide Engineer (ADEN).
1.2 At the same time, the structure of the track also changed in the ocean from the beginning
wooden sleeping days / CST-9 / ST, fish-filled tracks, 90R rails, standard
the most advanced PSC sleep structure (even in votes) with
improved installation, 52kg / 60kg rails, continuous welded rails, improved
structure, ballast cushion 300mm etc. This is a mandatory upgrade
mechanical track adjustment and mechanical track update as well
to connect new tracks in modern ways too, more has been needed
responsibility at different levels with better qualifications as well
prospects for better jobs.
Various Remuneration Commissions over the past 30 years have also played their part
a combination of different categories / groups assisted by the other side
better appointments and job prospects; but on the other hand they have it
has created problems for different levels of surveillance and performance in areas
for track maintenance
Track Maintainer Of Railways
The card for the previous track and layout was as follows:
Supervised By: Chief-PWI, PWI-Gd.I, PWI-Gd.II,
PWI-Gd.III and P.Way Mistry
The Maintenance Group includes: Gangmate, Keyman, Head Gangman,
Sr.Gangman and Gangman
Next, Gangman’s appointment was changed to Trackman (Head
Trackman, Sr.Trackman & Trackman) and P.Way Mistry became Sr.P.Way
Manager. Similarly, PWI was re-appointed as Sr.Section Engineer / P.Way,
Category Engineer / P.Way, Junior Engineer-I / P.Way and Junior EngineerII / P.Way. Such a cadre structure showed the progress of the work once and for all
different responsibilities and different oversight at different levels.
Like the AVC for each of the Trackman classes in the pre-6th CPC phase, their pay
The scales were as follows:
(i) Trackman – Rs. 2610-3540 (18% of all Trackmen)
(ii) Sr. Trackman – Rs. 2650-4000 (40% of all Trackmen)
(iii) Head Trackman – Rs. 2750-4400 (42% of all Trackmen)
(iv) Keyman – Rs. 2750-4400
(v) Striker – Rs. 3050-4590
However, after CPC 6, Grade Pay of various categories in the Pay Scale of Rs.
9300 – 34800 was as follows:
Category SL G
According to the instructions of the Honorable Minister of Railways, the Joint Committee of Five
Top Directors {EDCE (G), EDE (N), EDF (E), EDPC-I & EDPC-II} on Railway
The Board and the Secretary-General of both Organizations (NFIR & AIRF) were
built. The Committee views the activities of Trackmen as
truly competent assignments and appropriately, are commended with one voice
the modified framework for the Trackmen category crew, i.e. for employees in the
Trackman, Gangmate and Keyman as track recorders in Grades IV, III, II &
Me with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800, 1900, 2400 & 2800 respectively.
The key elements of an accredited report are as follows:
(i) Work progression – In lieu of existing Grade Pay of Rs. 1800 & 1900, i
the revised building is made with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800, 1900, 2400 &
2800 renamed as Song Keeper Grades IV, III, II & I.
(ii) Resources etc. – The following recommendations have been accepted
grants and other related benefits in the Trackmen categories:
(a) Uniform washing facility
(b) Reimbursement of shoe costs in the amount of Rs. 900 a year
(c) Special grant of Rs. 375 per month for each Songwriter
invested in managing any cross-level engineering level
(d) CUG Phone for each Track Maintainer Gr.I and for each navigation
(e) Advanced, ergonomically designed and lightweight working tools
(f) Protective helmets with miner light, as T&P night watch
(g) Machine replacement and automatic operation in track operations
(h) The quality of the uniform to be guaranteed, and its timely delivery
(i) Route clearing in suburban areas for organized crime groups
(j) Development of an alert / alarm system to avoid it
new cases are on the way
(k) Night wanderings are a team of two people

In this way, the formation of a skilled workforce has been considered in Trackman
sections with a view to advancing better jobs. Such a situation can be
possibly due to the emphasis placed during the interview that Trackmen has to do
scientific work and high skill are required in track care
jobs. Likewise, Grade Pay was recommended by the Committee
and welcomed by the Hon. Therefore, that is very important
the activities of Track Maintainers Gd.IV to Gd.I are carefully rearranged,
determined and used in the field.
Although the current Trackman category (which includes four categories of
Trackman (Gateman, Trolleyman & P.Way Watchmen) are composed of
Follow Maintainer Gd.IV, Gr.III & Gr.II for continuous operation; existing
the Keyman and Gangmate categories (interacting once a week
and also Keyman directs the work of the Gang without Gangmate).
is classified as Track Maintainer Gd.I.
Currently, Keyman and Gangmate power is about 6.5% and 3.5%
of all powers authorized in the Trackman categories, therefore, to place
these two sections in the redesigned Track Maintainer Gr.I program are
requires a rate equal to 10% (6.5% + 3.5%) respectively
performance and performance in the area. Any other percentage, adhocly
proposed 6% or 3% will not achieve the basic goal and you will have more
annoyance at the efficiency of the train to fix the track in the area.
Therefore, the Track Maintainer Gd.I percentage needs only 10% authorization
and not another percentage, i.e. 3% or 6%.
From the details in Para 2.3 above, it is clear that the total strength of Trackman
previously distributed with three lead scales and distributed to the lowest
The range was only 18%, and in the next two grades the distribution was @ 40%
and 42% respectively. In this way, the Trackman categories made sense
career advancement with three pay scales and then, following promotions
such as Keyman, Gangmate, Sr.PWS etc. Therefore, any high recommendation
50% or more in the lower range of T.M. Gd.IV, will not be forgiven
and should be at a lower percentage even below the lowest range, i.e.
Track Maintainer Grade-IV.
Trackman deals with other categories –
As an illustration and a comparison, it may b

Keyman and Gangmate are about 6.5% and 3.5% of the total allowed
power in Trackman sections on Indian Railways. Therefore, the ratio to
a redesigned Track Maintainer Gd.I card will definitely be needed
10% for efficient use and performance in the sector. Any other percentage,
the proposed adhocly 6% or 3% will not achieve the basic goal and you will have
annoyance at the efficiency of the train to fix the track in the area.
In the Pre-6th CPC, Trackman’s total capacity is still distributed through three payment scales
and the minimum distribution was only 18%, and the next two
distribution distances were @ 40% and 42% respectively, thus giving them
meaningful work progression through three scales and then, promotion
such as Keyman, Gangmate, Sr.PWS etc.

Distribution of existing percentages in other similar categories, e.g. Such ESMs
20%, 30%, 30% & 20% respectively in Grade Pay of Rs. 1900, 2400, 2800 &
4200 as ESM – Grades III, II, I & MCM; i.e. only 20% at a very low level.
Therefore, any higher recommended component of 50% or more is very low
T.M distance. Gd.IV, cannot be excused and should be even lower
the lowest percentage range, i.e. in Track Maintainer Grade-IV.
Employee accreditation for track maintenance activities must be done on
in terms of the letter of Railway Board No. 95 / CE-I / GNS / 2 / Vol.II / Pt.II, dated
/ 06.03.2006 where approval of the Board (FC, MS & ME)
in the ‘MCNTM’ (Personnel and Tracking Expenses Procedures) Report.
All General Managers are advised in terms of Section 4 (2) of s
Railway Act 1989, “General Superintendence and Zonal regulation
The train will carry the General Manager ”. Therefore, the responsibility of
making it available to stadium units, all the necessary programs including
staff through departmental staff as well as outsourcing as stated
However, in the Track Maintainer section Gd.III, direct rental
will be 80% and the 20% balance of the post will be filled with Track
Maintenance Category.
(iii) Track Maintainer Gd.III will then be upgraded to Track Maintainer Gd.II at
GP for Rs. 2400 in senior positions and later, in Track Maintainer Gd.I
in Pay Pay of Rs. 2800 (to perform the functions of the current appointment of
Gangmate & Keyman). The next level of promotion in Junior Engineer / P.Way in
GP for Rs. 4200 will come out of Track Maintainer Gd.I and if enough is not enough. for
candidates are not available, and these can be taken to the next level,
i.e. from Track Maintainer Gd.II oneGP of Rs. 2400.
(iv) Percentage of Songwriters distribution may be “as per TMH
20% of TM Gd.III and TMs Gd. II, II & I to be 40%, 50% and 10%
in accordance with all the powers of the Track Keepers ”.

(v) Next, Track Maintainer Grade-I (acting as Gangmate &
Keyman) may be re-appointed as the ‘Song Keeper’.
(vi) Other entries and promotions in the JE / P.Way section, however, may be
Rate 60% (Direct Recruitment Quota), 20% (Promotional Quota from
Track Maintainer Gd.I & Gd.II) and 20% (LDCE Assignment from all
categories of employees working under all SSE / P.Way units)
System for citing certain Treasury circulars based on the 6th CPC by
interpretation in the 5th CPC, which leads to improper allocation of positions should
do not be forced. The financial impact must be realistic
on the basis of the current status of delegated power and development or
the result of promotions at various levels to bring about cost neutrality