National Defense Academy
National Defense Academy
CANDIDATES TO ENSURE THEIR ELIGIBILITY FOR THE EXAMINATION: National Defense Academy Applicants for the examination must ensure that they meet all requirements conditions of eligibility for admission to the examination. Their admission to all phases of testing will be temporary depending on satisfaction eligibility criteria set.
HOW TO APPLY : National Defense Academy Commission launches withdrawal plan Applying for baptismal candidates who do not want to appear for the test. In this regard, the Instructions are set out in Appendix II (B) of this Test Be careful. The candidate must have details of one ID viz photo. Aadhar /Voting Card / PAN Card / Passport / Driver’s License / School Photo ID / Anything else ID card issued by the State / Community Government. Details of this The photo ID will need to be provided by the person to be transcribed while completing the internet application form. National Defense Academy The same photo ID card will need to be loaded with Online Application Form. This photo ID will be used for all future reference and the recipient is advised to carry this ID at the time of appearance test / SSB.
MOBILE PHONES BANNED: National Defense Academy (a) Use of any mobile phone (or in locked mode), pager or other device electronic equipment or programmed device or storage media such as pen drive, smart watches etc. or camera or blue devices or any other object or accessories related to operating or turning off the usable mode as the communication tool during the test is restricted. Anyway Violation of these rules will include disciplinary action including a ban from future assessments.(b) Applicants are advised not to submit any restrictions including cell phones or expensive / expensive items in place of testing, as the safe storage setting cannot be guaranteed. National Defense Academy Commission there will be no liability for any loss in this regard.
CENTRES OF EXAMINATION National Defense Academy : Tests will be held at the following Institutions: Agartala, Ahmedabad, Aizawl, Prayag raj (Allahabad), Bengaluru,, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cuttack, Dehradun, Delhi, Dharwad, Dispur, Bangkok, Hyderabad, Impala, Tanager, Jaipur, Jammu, Jorhat, Kochi, Kohima, Kolkata, Lucknow, Madurai, Mumbai, Nagpur, Panaji (Goa), Patna, Port Blair, Raipur, Ranchi, Sambalpur, SHILLONG ,Shimla, Srinagar, Thiruvananthapuram, Tirupati, Udaipur and Vishakhapatnam. Applicants should be aware that there will be a roof over the number of nominees for each external institution Chennai, Dispur, Kolkata and Nagpur. Institutional allocation will be on the basis of first-use-first-class and the power of a certain center is reached, the same will freeze. Applicants, who cannot find the institution of their choice because of the roof, it will be so you need to select a center for the rest. Applicants, thus, they were advised to apply early to receive it The institution of their choice. Except as provided above, the Commissioned has the right to change the Institutions at his discretion if status required. National Defense Academy Those who are approved for the test will be notified table and time and place or locations of checkpoints. Applicants must Note that no request for a change of facility will be granted.

Nationality :National Defense Academy A candidate must be unmarried male and must
be : Indian citizen, or(ii) the title of Bhutan, or(iii) Nepal title, or(iv) a Tibetan refugee who arrived in India before the first date January, 1962 to permanent stability India, or(v) an Indian national who has immigrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or Vietnam for permanent house India. Provided by the candidate of the categories (ii), (iii), (iv)and (v) above will be the recipient of the certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India. National Defense Academy Eligibility certificate will not, but, be required to the case of the Gorkha students of Nepal of Nepal.
Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status :National Defense Academy Indian citizen, or(ii) the title of Bhutan, or(iii) Nepal title, or(iv) a Tibetan refugee who arrived in India before the first day January, 1962 to full recovery India, or(v) an Indian person from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or Vietnam for permanent house India. Given a nominee for the category of categories (ii), (iii), (iv)and (v) above will be the recipient of the certificate of the qualification issued by the Government of India. A certificate of eligibility will not, but, be required case of Gorkha students of Nepal of Nepal.
Educational Qualifications: For Army Wing of National Defense Academy : 2nd class passing a 10 + 2 School Education pattern or equal examinations by the State Education Board or a University.

Physical Standards: Applicants must be physically fit for admission to the National Defense Academy and Navy Academy Test (I), 2020 by the guidelines provided in Appendix-IV.(e) A candidate who has resigned or withdrawn from disciplinary action the reasons from any Military training institutions are Notti is worth applying.
. IMPORTANT : National Defense Academy All communications of the Commission must be always contains the following information.1. Name and year of examination.2. Registration ID (RID).3. Roll Number (if available).4. National Defense Academy Name of candidate (full and restricted letter).5. Postal address as provided in the application.
SYLLABUS OF THE EXAMINATION : ALGEBRA : National Defense Academy The concept of setting, working on sets, Venn diagrams. De Morgan’s laws, Cartesian product, relationships, equality relationships. Representation of real numbers in line. It is complicated basic-structural numbers, modulus, argument, cube roots for unity. Binary system of numbers. Number conversion on the decimal system in the binary system and vice versa. Continuity of Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic. Quadratic statistics withal coefficients. Solution for direct inequality of two variables with graphs. Permutation and Combination. Binomial theorem and applications. Logarithms and their applications.
TRIGONOMETRY : National Defense Academy Angles and their steps by degrees and radians. Trigonometrical measurements. Trigonometric Sum Identity and Differences formulas. Multi-angles and Sub-multiple. The opposite trigonometric jobs. Applications-Height and distance, buildings foretriangles.
ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS: Unhanded Cartesian Coordinate system. Range formula. Line number in different ways. The angle between the two lines. Point distance from line. The number of circles in general and in the normal way. Common types of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Independence and cone axis. Point to the third size space, distance between two points. Direction Cosines and management standards. Statistics two points. Direction Cosines too directional ratios. Number of planes and lines in different ways. National Defense Academy An angle between two lines and an angle between two planes. Number of a particular field.

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE : The questionnaire for General Knowledge will be comprehensive lose topics: Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Courses, Geography and Current Events.- The syllabus given below is designed to show the size of this lessons included in this paper. Specified topics should not be present it is considered complete with questions on the same topics not specified in the syllabus can also be asked. Student responses are expected to reflect their knowledge as well rational understanding of the subject.
ENGLISH : National Defense Academy An English question paper will be designed to test the the understanding of the candidate for baptism in English and the practical application of the words. The syllabus includes various aspects such as: Grammar noose, vocabulary, comprehension and integration of ideas in extended texts to test candidate skills in English.
Physics : Body Structures and Values, Mass, Weight, Volume, Quantity and Direct Gravity, Archimedes Goal, Pressure Barometer. Movement, Velocity and Acceleration, Newton’ slaws of motion, force and power, parallelogram of troops, Stability and balance of bodies, Gravity, basic ideas Work, Power and Power. Temperature Effects, Rating Temperature and Temperature, Empire Changes and Later Temperature, Methods Heat transfer. Sound waves and their locations, simple musical instruments. Re-distribution of Light, Reflection and re-release. National Defense Academy Round glasses and lenses, the human eye. Natural and Artificial Magnets, Magnetic Properties, Earth as Magnetism. Static and Current Electricity, Operators and Unemployed, Ohm Law, Simple Electrical Circuits, Heating ,Lighting and Magnetic Effects of Current, Measurement of Electric Power, Low and Second Cells, Use of X-Rays. Common principles in the operation of the following: Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s compass; Lightning Drivers, Safety.
Chemistry : National Defense Academy Physical and chemical changes. Materials, Mixtures With Chemicals, Symbols, Formulas and Simple Chemicals Mathematics, Chemical Integration Law (without problems).Air and Water Features. Preparation and Structures of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon dioxide, oxidation and reduction. Acids, foundations and salt. Carbon – various types. Fertilizer – Natural and Done. Materials used in the preparation of items such as Soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paint, Security Parallels and Gun Powder. Basic ideas about the Atom structure, Atomic Equal weight for molecules, Valency.

General Science : Differences between living and non-living. The Foundation of Life – Cells, Protoplasm’s and Tissue. Crop Growth and Production too Animals. Basic knowledge of the Human Body and its vital organs. Common Pandemic, Causes and Prevention Food-A Source of Energy for Man. Nutrients, balanced Food. Solar System-Meteorologists and Comets, Eclipses. Success of Leading Scientists.
Intelligence and Personality Test : National Defense Academy The SSB process consists of two process Selection process- phase I and phase II. Only those who get baptized will do so allowed to appear in phase II. The details are:(a) Stage I with the Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) exams are Picture Viewing * Definition Test (PP&DT). Candidates will be selected from the list depending on the performance of the OIR Testing and PP & DT.(b) Section II Contains Discussions, Tasks for the Assessment Team, Psychology and Conference Examination. These tests were performed more than 4 days. Details of these tests are provided on the
The identity of the candidate is tested three time various testers . Interviewing Officer (IO), Group Testing Officer (GTO) and Psychologist. National Defense Academy There is no difference weight for each test. MKs are only given to testers after considering the candidate’s performance for all tests. Besides, the conference marks are and provided based on the candidate’s initial performance inhere strategies and a decision of the Board. National Defense Academy All this has it equal weight. Various tests for IO, GTO and Psych are designed to perform exclude the presence / absence of Officer Like Qualities and training in choice. So the choice is there Recommended or Not Recommended on SSB.